There is no good reason to hate Rider's character besides being a contrarian who hates popular things for being popular.
There is no good reason to hate Rider's character besides being a contrarian who hates popular things for being popular
Urobuchi's mouthpiece he used to vent his hate of Seibah
Justified hate
you fags would shit on Kamina if GL came out today, this board has gone to the dogs
The dub didn't have "Dude". So if "dude" bothered you watch it instead.
I didn't like his character, but I find him extremely sexy.
I truly hated Saber. Saber was so bland and flat. Literally and Personally flat. She was the worst.
Is there a weaker servant in the two Grail Wars?
He had no realistic plans and were just blindly seeking conquest, not caring about what to do with what he conquers. The millisecond he runs out of steam, he’s done.
Still a more successful rule than Camelot
Pick a Hassan
The single Hassan from the 5th would kick Rider's ass. He has no detection methods or counters to Zabaniya.
Surprisingly, it wasn’t. Camelot was prosperous enough that it took numerous internal, and not external, conflicts from people planning its fall from the start including magical prophecies about its inevitable fall to bring it down. He however had an empire that collapsed and split once he died. His empire had nowhere close to the amount of planning and flat out magic used to engineer its fall.
Too bad that's primarily because Urobuchi went out of his way to write her differently so that dressing her down would be justified.
Magic and planning didn't make Camelot fall, Arturia doing her best robot impression for her whole rule did.
>shallow, 2d superficial cut-off
encapsulates fate perfectly
t. secondary
It did. Morgan was planning against her from the beginning. Arturia at least had the decency to appoint a heir, Gawain, and have some system of governance.
People hate his obnoxious fanbase but Iskander was a cool Guy and arguably the best servant Waver could've summoned for his personal growth
Gawain would be the worst king ever
That would be pre-character development Gilgamesh.
I don't really follow the new content like GO, but IIRC wasn't that a literal just as planned?
I seem to remember that Camelot falling was a Quantum Timelock or some shit like that, meaning not so much as it's destined to fall, but rather every timeline where it doesn't fall gets purged. With the CockWizard being clairvoyant, and being responsible for Seibah's training - it's not unfeasible to think that he literally set her up to fall at a proper moment, so the world doesn't get deleted.
He is a shitty jobber and failed comedy relief with Waver.
I liked his character but he isn't a cute girl
Who else is saving for him in Go?
>rather every timeline where it doesn't fall gets purged.
But why.
I would pull his gacha for EMIYA, but I blew everything on Dantes.
I'm a DUMASfag but not even I blew anything on worst Avenger who looks like Komaeda anyway.
Because alternate histories are hard
No, saving for Hokusai
>worst Avenger
But Fate is full of alternate histories.
The universe can't support an unlimited amount of timelines, so every thousand years it picks the timeline that's going to continue on for the longest and merges all others into it, essentially ending with 1 timeline again which then over the course of the next 1000 years spreads out again. This is called a Quantum Lock in Fate Extella
Gameplay wise, he is.
A+ luck stat though. Still a chance it might fail.
>Urobuchi's mouthpiece he used to vent his hate of Seibah
Wtf I love rider now?
>who is Manjew
Lobo exists, Angry Manjew exists.
But Tsukihime, Ex, KnK and Fate all exist at the same time.
>who is Angry Manjew
I just want to know why they made Attila a rainbow sword wielding woman.
Someone you get with FP, so basically free.
Luck doesn't counter Zabaniya, magic does.
Adding to this, they still have to formally introduce Morgan in FGO. One of the Lost Belts is once again supposed to focus on the Round Table in 500ad. Watch that fat fuck Nasu spin it that Morgan never actually hated Cucktoria, and was just conspiring together with her lover in "nothing personal" fashion. Bonus points if they align Fate Canon with Le Morte d' Arthur, where it was actually Morgan who took Arthur to Avalon.
Literally: "I'm an intellectual and these characters and their motivations are inferior, nyaaaah!"
And yet offers no defense of Fate/UBW
Empire lasts his entire lifetime, splits apart as his generals fight over it as he wanted on his deathbed.
What's the problem here user?
>Japanese Moses
why is Nasu allowed to keep getting away with it?
>But Tsukihime, Ex, KnK and Fate all exist at the same time.
The next Quantum Lock happens around 2030 in Extella, so you can say goodbye to those and see it all rolled into one.
Shota version is perfect
Fate/Zero is not, as you so crudely put it, "shit". Fate/Zero is the absolute antithesis of "shit". It's generally bad for your reputation to denounce it so openly in a forum of serious film aficionados.
Please read through the thread. There are a number of intelligent responses that completely cripple your amateur analysis of Nasu's body of work.
You are like a chimp wildly throwing his feces. Leave the advanced discussion of subtext and symbolism to those of us who have done the requisite study to understand Fate.
But Fuyuki is a Quantum Time Lock and and Tsukihime, etc weren't merged into one.
To be fair, you need to have an IQ of at least 3000 to understand FZ.
Complain to Archimedes in Extella, not me
I guess some art dilettantes get their kicks critiquing the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, so why not attack Fate/Stay Night too?
Your naïveté is almost charming. The game has none of the "answers" to these questions you ask. It only asks new, more complicated questions. That's what real art, real revelatory art, does. Nasu, like Dante or Homer before him, stirs us toward a new perception of our own humanity.
I have read 30,000-word essays from learned men simply unpacking the true end of Shirou waking up as a reborn creature. They haven't even scratched the surface of mastering the material.
What I'm saying is, you are so far above your pay grade here that it's embarrassing. Nasu belongs to the ages, and the ones that come after is will better understand what he's merely hinting at with Fate/Stay Night.
tf. leddit
Some of the less prestigious film theorists (you) will publish some pablum about subjects that appeal to the typical Reddit neckbeard. They do this for obvious financial reasons.
But even citing the best sources who swear by Nasu's work amounts to a mere appeal to authority.
The proof, the overwhelming and emphatic proof of Fate's place in the culture, lay in the experience of watching it multiple times with a keen eye... Then dwelling on its themes in quiet solitude. If you'd done this, you'd know what we're talking about.
I sometimes wonder why I even deign to discuss high art on a forum like this. It can be vulgar and crude, and you are living proof of that. But in the midst of the bilge, there are a few patricians whose light shines through. Those are the ones who know what I mean when I say, I see you.
I see you.
Is Fuyuki a time lock? I don't remember that being stated
Who the fuck are you talking to, nigger? I defended Fate/Zero in my post. Learn to read you dumb faggot.
Was it actually trying to defend Fate/UBW? Seems to me they were just pointing out that Zero isn't the mature, thought-provoking masterpiece some fans say it is.
Riders tend to be the most based characters in each HGW so it's no surprise really.
People who say that works can't be deep or thought provoking because the characters within aren't perfectly rational 1000000 IQ philosophy majors like themselves are the biggest brainlets of all. I can just picture these faux-intellectuals writing a 10,000 word essay on why Hamlet is pleb trash because the titular character is a manchild.
The only bigger brainlets are ones who think FZ is deep.
I don't think so. In EXTRA timeline all mana dried up in 1970's, that makes a conventional Grail War in Fuyuki impossible. So, we have a fork with two timeline existing simultaneously, meaning the purging of incompatible timeliness didn't take place yet.
>Shitty pirate that gets one-shoted by Nero
>not based
What are you on about?
>huh look at this faggot anime for faggots, with characters acting like flawed humans
>true works of art have everyone acting like truly enlightened MENSA members like me
>*tips fedora*
Who are you quoting, friend?
>Type Moon Waifu Bait
Choose one
I like Iskandar in the context of his relationship with Waver, but the guy's a son of a bitch. His philosophy that a king serves his people by inspiring them is a load of shit cooked up to justify his conquest boner.
Him shitting on Artoria's philosophy was frustrating. Even disregarding all the destiny stuff saying Camelot had to fall, just because she wasn't a good king doesn't mean a king shouldn't try to serve the people. Likewise, just because your soldiers like you doesn't mean you should go around conquering places and ignore the kingdom you already have. He's like a less self-aware version of Strange Fake's saber. At least Richard admits he was not a good ruler.
His faggot master should've been slaughtered by Gill but nooooooo he is the writer's favorite.
Drake was absolutely based
Your tired criticisms were already ably dispatched earlier in this thread.
It's good practice in the future to read through these threads before making an off-hand comment like you did. You're entering a serious discussion about Nasu and Urobuchi, and you don't enter a meeting of the minds without first preparing.
I was new here once as well, so I'm not condemning you. I'm merely saying that you won't marshal much respect when you thoughtlessly disrespect a story that's an established classic
angry manjew at least has some interesting boss nuking memes you can do with his np
What memes? As far as I know his NP returns recieved damage, and no boss does anything near the amount needed to nuke itself.
There are ppl that hate this chat?
His lifetime was pretty short. Might as well have said it lasted less than half a century.
I haven’t had Italian in over a week. Is it pasta time?
Only ones I can think of are the challenge quests with the huge defense buffs like the summer crabs or Nerofest Siegfried
Angra's NP just bypasses that
There are no good reasons to like him.
Tonight is THE pasta time.
Who was the best king. Archer, Rider, or Saber?
Post better written characters than Iskandar.
I like Zero, but it isn't any more thought-provoking than UBW (which I also liked). I'm fine with that, but a lot of fans try to put Zero above other fate works as if it's the only one with depth.
So fans of 2 very similar installments of the same franchise are just flinging shit at one another, and it's hard to tell real criticisms from the shitposts.
Gil after his character development
>referring to Gil and Iskandar as Archer and Rider
Portraying him completely differently in different entries is not character development.
If we're taking Archer Gil, then Seiba.
If we're taking wisened-up Caster Gil, then him.
Wasn't Zero supposed to expand on what you already knew from FSN?
it actually does double the damage received turn that turn to all enemies. it's not going to one shot anyone, but it'll do some pretty heavy damage and you can potentially get it off multiple times in a fight by using ravious revive skills, nps, and code casts. not S+++ tier on the meme list or anything but you can at least have fun with his mechanics, unlike hope man who is pretty run of the mill ability wise and is garbage stat wise.
Saber failed because she tried to serve the people. Which is fine enough, but Saber took it to the extreme, where she thought of herself as the people's servant. This is an untenable position for a king to put themselves, in since it runs counter to the definition of what a king is: someone above the people. It's all well and good to act in the people's interest, but the whole social contract that allows for a king to exist depends on the king never forgetting this most basic fact.
Rider failed because he didn't like to govern. He had probably the best basic attitude out of all the 3 kings: inspire and lead the people, while keeping the divisions in social hierarchy in firm enough place to keep one's kingship intact. However, a king actually has to rule. Rider didn't like ruling, he was always on the military campaign to get away from the responsibility of managing the kingdom. Which, unfortunately, is a non-negotiable part of being king.
Archer had the clearest idea of what a king's actual responsibilities are: a judge and guide of the people. However, Archer's attitude fucking sucked balls so nobody wanted to be led by him. His Caster incarnation, which fixes the attitude problem, is probably the best king in the franchise.
So in short, F/Z Archer, Rider, and Saber were all shit kings, but for different reasons.