Idles are pretty in general.
Aikatsu! & Pripara
Netorilu is getting subs again?
>That being said, this doesn’t mean I’m on a regular schedule (nothing is translated for 41 onwards).
I want to die
>those sounds
Muh dick.
I wanna fuck cunny.
Ran is way too sexy.
I don't think they have released enough information for Friends. I'm sure at this point before Stars I was more excited for it.
What the fuck happened to her arm?
Dislocated due to excessive cuteness.
Red on March 4, 2018 at 12:33 am said:
Where you say you have a lot you can express in words, I’m at a total loss. I never would have imagined the possibility, but Stars might have surpassed the original Aikatsu. Fantastic.
are there really, seriously people like this? I know I'm probably watching stars incorrectly but still, no stretch of the imagination allows me to come to that conclusion, people on there are all happy that the finale was good, I'm just sitting here thinking, "why the fuck did Elza get to just say sorry and be completely forgiven?" That bitch should have been given a public lashing for all the suffering she put those poor idles she duped through.
Maybe some people like Stars more than the original. Maybe it all comes down to preference, no point in making a big deal about it.
Time for ice skating idles!
>Maybe it all comes down to preference
No way. Even though Stars does do some things better than the original, as a package it is inferior and this is not disputable.
time for PAKUPAKU
You're yelling at me~
>camwhoring the episode
Where are your insults
The problem is that this thread is full of autists who can't let go of OGkatsu. It's over. It's done. Get over it and move on with your life. If you're not going to discuss the current series, then you don't belong in /ai/.
It was a good finale, and people enjoyed it, is that so hard to believe?
Dammit Aira you dirty cheating whore. I really want to stuff your mouth with man meat while you try to sing.
I want to fuck Lala's mom.
I want to wear Rola's panties.
People keep saying this, but that's not really what's going on here. People are upset because Stars is so much worse than OGkatsu. There was nothing wrong with ending OGkatsu to start something new, but the writing and directing for Stars is so, so much worse. Hardly anyone would be upset if Stars had managed to be even half as good.
It's pasta, I'm drunk. Sorry.
This will get expanded upon later, but Sho is the one mostly at fault here. He forced Aira to stop their relationship at the platonic stage.
Good choice.
Hearing Kanae Ito yell out SEXY~ does things to me.
You are right. He shot himself in the foot and Aira is playing it up.
Reminder that she did this with Elza, Elza's Mom, Rei, Aria and Alice too.
Do they think in Korean?
Good taste.
What did he mean by this?
Breaking out the big guns
Run and don't look back
>get in the boat, I'll make pafekto
>they all were trained to become the best they could be
>Elza: i'm going to use all this bitches to get the sun dress
>Rei: ah Elza, I stll masturbate to the memory when you told me I suck ass at modeling
>Elza: got my sun dress, everyone fuck off the boat, you are already good enough anyway
>Rei: Elza what the fuck
Elza did nothing wrong. everyone who got into V-Ark was to git gud, no to be friends with Elza.
Hug Mirei
tags: NTR, futanarilu on male, mind break, rape, anal, bestiality, virginity, drugs
Stars managed to make me care about the entire cast, even perpetual losers like Rola and Ako and those had barely any screentime like Tsubasa and Rei.
Can't say the same for OGkatsu where half the regulars were walking memes.
Well that was an interesting finale.
I do agree that Stars handles that better but the way everything is structured still leaves room for improvement. Ako hasn't had that much development, for example.
Neither really compare to PriPara though because that manages to make use of a large cast extremely well. Possibly just by having most of them appear or be involved in each episode, whilst Aikatsu has a much narrower focus.
All those songs in one episode.
Hibiki is such a sore loser.
I would get a boner.
Well she did lose to little girls.
Koharu is truly Stars top predator.
This is canon.
She learned from the best.
It wasn't confirmed already?
And she sexy
What the fuck is this account even. It has over 30k tweets (most of them total nonsense) and only 38 followers.
Seems to be a bot account that pulls random text from the Aikatsu wikia.
Random Aikatsu Wiki quotes, I believe.
It seems like a goldmine.
What the fuck am i witnessing?
Fure fure!
I feel that Stars was bad but you faggots made it extremely fun to follow as you always do.
At the same time I feel much more attachment to its characters than I ever did with OG, and I liked its more serious approach to plot even if it ultimately failed, because at least it tried. Another thing I liked that was purely aesthetic and that we might not ever see again, was that they never formed the obligatory units! Everyone was on their own, like a true rider war.
>even if it ultimately failed, because at least it tried.
That was the worst part though, the staff wanted to have their cake and eat it, if I wanted to watch a more serious show with some comedy moments here and there and a ton of girls that I wanna fuck I would watch Pretty Rhythm instead, Aikatsu writers clearly can't handle a show like Stars properly, they should stick to what made Aikatsu fun.
I'm ill. I wish I had a cute idle to look after me.
What is happening here?
>they should stick to what made Aikatsu fun.
What made Aikatsu fun was the actual idle activities but OG also forgot about that after S1 and then it was all tourneys and competitions.
>they made a new wiki for friends
Why can't they put all the shit together.
They were better than akarigen at least.
Really activates the almonds.
I also just noticed that the account is the same couple dozen tweets repeated over and over.
Exactly, that's why S1 is considered the best, it had some big competitions but it was more about normal idol jobs.
Akarigen was a mistake anyway, or at least make the main trio so safe and boring.
Yeah, it's a bot, and apparently not the best programmed one.
>No bitch, a sheep is fine but dick is stll the best.
But what if Kirara grew a dick?
How would Ako react if Subaru, Kanata, and Kirara whipped their dicks out at the same time and shoved them in her face?
He's been playing New Zealander Simulator 2017 a bit too much.
She would gladly take them all.
Ako is a very skilled seductress to have so many suitors.
She's good but not that good, Subaru barely knows she exists.
Ako can take dozens of dicks at once.
Now I remember >mia gets canned.webm
Because Subaru has bad taste.
Your jump is bad and you should feel bad.
Prism shows suck, the industry is more corrupted than your average third-world government. Fuck off.
FINALLY! Done with season 2, man it took a while and so much stuff happened. So many characters came into the picture. The songs were good, the fact that we went from idols to saving the day multiple times was interesting. Pripara season 2 felt more like an action genre more than anything else. So many keikakus everywhere. I am taking a break from this for a while. DMF is calling to me. I think I am also going to start the movies next.
As for season 3...
God no, please no. You know what happens to characters when you give them babies.
I love Nico so much.