Is he jewish?

Is he jewish?

Nah mate, chinese.

Jew here, he isn't Jewish, doesn't have enough lust for money.

Spike's hair isn't curly, it's just voluminous. I hesitate to say it was stylish at the time, but you used to see it much more often in older shows than you do now.

He doesn't complain enough.

Spiegel is a German surname, so he could be. I think if he is Jewish it's meant to be ambiguous.

Spike was always Mexican to me, for whatever reason.

That would be his mother's job.

I don't think Watanabe intended for his surname and his gun to match or he'd have confirmed it instead of going "yeah sure whatever"

Technically speaking, he's a Martian. Born on Mars.

Being Jewish is a culture, religion, and ancestry. He could be born anywhere and still be Jewish.

I thought that Jet was supposed to be the jew with Black not being his real last name.

What are you gonna do when the space jews come for you?

So, by that merit any post, current or future, could be true. Since he could have been born to any race or nationality that practiced the faith.
Going off of the same wikepida article this guy probably read, he could be Jewish or Christian since the name can be found in both.
I choose to think he's Jewish.

Funnily enough Steve Blum is.

There is no indication he practices Judaism, religiously or culturally.

He's a bounty hunter.

I always assumed so

What's his mother's first and/or last name?

Everyone in a future setting is a mutt.

Don't act like you even have an idea of what it is to be Jewish culturally.
Jews are everywhere and you don't even know it.

If you really want to split hairs, you could argue that his religious beliefs are somewhere in Jeet Kun Do.

Is Spike mixed Chinese or at least part Asian? Why else would he be in the Red Dragon crime gang, also he has his bruce lee fighting style.

That's not a jew fro.