Why do people criticize SAO part 2 for incest when pic related wasn't even a blood relative?
Why do people criticize SAO part 2 for incest when pic related wasn't even a blood relative?
>wasn't even a blood relative?
But that was the problem
They criticize it because she wasn't a blood relative. It's having your fetish cake and eating it too.
>Why do people criticize SAO
That's the problem.
weren't they cousins?
They were cousins, but we're raised as siblings together. You telling me you would fuck your adoptive/step sibling after being raised in the same house since you were 4? But it's ok because you ain't blood???
Doesn't seem wrong to me.
Post the animated version
People criticize SAO for a lot more than that
I mostly criticize SAO for being boring and Kirito being a bland self insert character
If she's hot
I don't know what kind of answer you are expecting from Sup Forums other than yes.
I criticize SAO for being derivative garbage and utterly uninteresting.
God I want to do lewd things to her butt
They're cousins.
But people dislike SAO because literally none of the side characters hold any importance and every conflict is resolved by the boring main character either "being gud at vidyagames" or some asspull.
with tits like hers?
I'm not letting those tits go to waste.
> wasn't even a blood relative
He was adopted by his aunt.... pretty sure that means they're blood relatives
What butt?
...is that wrong?
Moral question, which one is MORE incest?
1.meeting someone you never grew up with but then find out you are blood related
2.growing up with someone and going through the sibling motions but not blood related
I liked this arc than the Aincrad.
Did people dislike this because of tentacles? incest? damsel in distress? triggering feminist? Totally fine for me.
>when pic related wasn't even a blood relative?
I read that was
>when pic related wasn't even boob related
>watching 720p in current year
what are you doing nigger
These two aren't remotely alike.
>downloading upscales in the current year
The first one.
She's a growing girl.
Because she should have been blood related.
I fucked my cousin because she asked me to so, yeah.
>cousins arent blood
Being related is what makes it incest, so 1. I'm not sure which one would feel more wrong though.
I can forgive 1 more than 2 morally
you're baiting faggot
There's no point in downloading any resolution higher than the one the anime was mastered at as long as the encode is good.
Weren't they cousins? I don't think you know how blood relatives work.
>my dl speed is less than 8 mega bits and my dl bandwidth is only 2 gigs
maybe they criticize it because its a shameless attempt to pander to the anime-fags that are into incest to distract them from how much of a mediocre show SAO actually is?
>wasting space for a worse upscale than your computer could easily do
What's wrong, faggot? No more space left on your poverty 5400 rpm hdd?
Story time user
>Fake cest
So that's the reason I don't watch SAO
I thought she was his cousin but that's still super weak sauce. She should've been fully blood related sibling instead of them wimping out.
Not every place in the world is Alabama, user. We don't tolerate cousin fucking in the first world. Europe not included.
this, go all in or go home
Is this a trick question?
America is a first world country and always will be just because you don't know the definition does not mean that will change
You know its legal to fuck your cousin so long as they aren't first cousins, right?
They don't even fuck or anything, so even if they were siblings there wouldn't be any incest.
The whole thing about her actually being his cousin was to add drama between their relationship. It was a stupid subplot, but at least the conclusion with her outburst and shit was pretty well done, even if it was pretty silly.
Get out of Sup Forums if you don't like incest even to a small degree.
Marrying your first cousin is legal in japan.
Suguha's design was too good for this show
>Marrying your first cousin is legal in japan.
Also legal in some US states. Doesn't make it socially acceptable.
Suguha was absolutely ashamed of herself for wanting Onii-chan's dick.
SAO Progressive anime when?
Seriously the manga is legitimately really good. Kirito and Asuna have actual personalities and everything.
All I'm going to say is that she saw porn for the first time and she came to me because she was curious, and we did it a few times.
Honestly her getting fucking DESTROYED by giving up on him irl and falling for him in-game was the only good thing about sao at all.
Roll Tide
Yeah, I would smash like the fucking hulk.
Because it was pointless. Kirito and Asuna are already in a committed relationship by the time Sugu is introduced, so her whole plot about being interested in her brother serves no purpose.
NBR pull is often done to make it ok to fuck your adoptive sibling. I would totally smash my step-sibling.
I wonder how the Abridged will deal with it, or if they'll even do anything with it or not. I'm not sure what would be funnier, playing it straight or subverting it.
I made this graph to demonstrate the incest hotness ratio on sibling relationship status and when it is and isnt ok, it should help you
This is the main issue with most of the other girls in the series that are after Kirito's dick.
Asuna already won, her and Kirito are together. This not only makes the other girls utterly pointless but it also makes them seem deluded or completely retarded.
The series as a whole would have functioned better if the harem elements weren't in it, if the other girls either didn't exist or weren't interested in Kirito (or at least gave up and pursued other love interests after it was clear that Asuna and Kirito were together).
This whole problem is why most harem series have their protagonist be an indecisive beta piece of shit about which girl he's going to go with (or have some definitive barrier making him getting the main girl he's interested in significantly harder to give the illusion that the other girls actually have a chance). Not that harem series have good writing, I'm simply pointing out why SAO's attempt at harem elements is particularly weak.
To their credit, most of those girls haven't heard of or met Asuna when they fell for Kirito. The rest simply don't care. And by the way, don't tell me that's not realistic. It's actually pretty standard.
I am confused, I dont watch SAO but doesnt the protagonist has a gf which he dumped 5 years worth of semen in her womb?
None of the other girls showed up much in the first LN volume, some didn't even show up at all. It definitely feels forced.
Yes, but that arc was written ages before the rest and, once the author realized he could turn it into a long running series, he retroactively gave the protagonist a harem and kept adding girls to it going forward. Even though the protagonist is effectively married past the first arc.
See, the thing is SAO was never written with the intent of it being a harem series. It ended up with a cast resembling one due to other problems with the author's writing, and by the point he was starting to grow past those problems, he'd already reached the point where it made sense to keep going and have some fun with the issue of so many girls being attracted to Kirito.
"Hey Kii-boy, wanna /ss/"?
Is it just me or have these past few threads been less comfy than usual?
Do you know where you are?
that was a weakness. she should have embraced her love for her oniichan
what is Progressive, and who is responsible for making it better?
>it's actually pretty standard
well shit. got him there
people are terrible
but it's not fun. i don't enjoy it. I don't even think about it normally.
In a mediocre bland, spread thin series, it's the least important thing.
It's the least important thing, because it's the least important thing. The series is far too busy doing other things to spend time on the sort of harem drama you'll see in a series intended to be a harem. The anime also has yet to reach the point where the author improved, but also decided to have some fun with the harem aspect; and I'm guessing you've not gone beyond watching the anime.
Progressive is a reboot written by the Author of original SAO, think of it as him making an attempt to fully realize SAO's potential by rewriting the Aincrad arc floor-by-floor
>getting professional porn actress to play your cousin/imouto
For what reason?
>close relationship
>sweet and caring
>strong irl and diligent
>family minded
>huge rack for breastfeeding and taking care of her husband
>great ass and thighs
>stick thin
>literally raised to be a gold digger by her mom
>won't have a kid with you for fear of ruining what little figure she has, calls a hologram her daughter
>no tits
>no ass
>no style
>gets captured fucking thrice, the fuck is that shit?
Kirito is gay.
>only anime
That is correct, sir. What point do i need to get to plotwise where the author makes the harem funny or fun?
The Kureha thread is pretty comfy right now.
Theres three threads right now, my self having been waiting for everyone in near-200 post one. And here i find everyone scattered about.
At least give us some...physical info
Was she hot? Big tits? Ass? Nice face?
Also did you enjoy it?
I want to breed Suguha.
It's cherry picking on an already bad plot.
Alfheim was wasted on Asuna just like Ordinal Scale.
I wish they would have got together. She's truly best girl.
Wait he actually fucks his sister? I thought that was just a hentai thing