How would you explain Shinka to those who have never seen her show?

How would you explain Shinka to those who have never seen her show?

fucks dogs

thicc lesbian 15 yr old that starts out as best girl, yet by episode 3 or 4 somehow becomes even better

should have been the main love interest

I want rape Shinka with dog dick

Best girl with a personality that keeps you guessing.

straight answer: popular cheerleader / class rep with a hidden dork side
Sup Forums answer: meaty muscular cocksleeve with a sexy violent streak

something something

The after school dicking.

My bodyguard



It's impossible to explain Shinka even if you've seen her show.

awww user's first waifu!
maybe you'll find an actual tolerable character next time around!


What is this feeling?

During this scene you can just see the moment she starts peeing her panties.

Absolutely shouldn't have been the main love interest.

She should be the main character instead.

should be me instead

>you will NEVER be Shinka

I want to fuck Dekomori's brains out

secondary character in one of KyoAni's lesser anime series

Relapsing chuunibyou.