Do you enjoy harem anime?

Do you enjoy harem anime?

I'm not a fag, so I enjoy all anime with cute girls.

It's the cancer of animation.

Those are some low standards

I do if I know the name


I'm not poly-amorous and I don't dig on slutty women so these shows generally don't interest me.

No, but I keep watching them.

Only if there's at least one cute token loli in it.

Just watch hentai
It's the same shit but with an actual pay off

Nope. I can tolerate girls lusting after the MC for flimsy reasons provided other aspects of the series are good, but what repels me is when the MC is a spineless faggot who freaks out at the sight of women and/or is a doormat for them.

No, there's no reason to. If I wanna fap, I just look at webms or stills. Harems are shit, and if you watch them you have shit taste.

I mean i still got to fuck ( or get fuck cuz i'm passive).
Gl with your draws.

Monster Musume is probably the only one I can get behind. At least in MM, the protagonist isn't a brainless fuckwit who acts like he's never even heard of women before.

I would enjoy them if there were not standard produced with pussy-ass-mc who can't even look grills in the goddamn eyes.

You rather make a manly MC or you make it the most ghostly possible to not even care about its presence.

Yes. So much so I've run out of ones to watch.

Even watched Isuca and Mahou Sensen.

Not really. They usually boil down to bland MC, terrible female characters that exist as fetish fuel, and go on far too long with nobody being able to progress in their development or relationship because the author isn't trying to Alienate the people who have latched onto their waifu. Only to end with the MC getting together with the obvious (and usually first) girl and ending in an unsatisfying manner.

I don't go out of my way to find them, but I'll watch one every now and then. I can only tolerate harems that keep the girl count at a reasonable number (3-5). When they start adding a different girl to the harem every fucking arc until it has 12+ members, that's where I lose interest.

Yes. Especially if there are nee-chans, imoutos, brown girls, elve, demons , lolis , cakes etc

Yes, but what I like most about them is that normalfags dislike them.

It's complete trash for trash people without romantic/sexual life and hormonal teenagers.

Only if it's funny. Otherwise why do I want to watch some forced drama and same plot I've seen already.


>mc feels nicest tits ever
>runs away scared


>only one Celes doujin

Saving grace it's a good one at least.

Is Netoge a harem anime?
We already knew who won by the first episode.

Yes, I most certainly do

I can enjoy a harem anime but I very seldom enjoy it because it's a harem

Only if the MC isn't a clueless retard (Ichika) and actually picks a girl by the end. Or if he goes actual harem route like Shinmai and fucks them all.

Are you me?

Why is Accelerator raping that poor girl?

What about a brown elven imouto demon loli cake?

Most harems have an obvious winner, or if not that then a pair that are the only ones with a chance of winning. All the other girls are just to add filler, fluff and pandering.

Yeah it's my favorite genre

I'm not terribly picky so if it seems interesting I'll watch it. I tend to avoid a lot of the battle school harems though.