Dragon ball super

the wish to bring back the universes is bringing best boy's back

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Future Trunks coming back to defeat Jiren when?

Is he done warming up? Will this be the real deal?

I too miss him but lets be honest he's not coming back.

A while ago, an user joked Resurrection of Z will be a thing that'll come with a new song called "Z"

What's he thinking right now?


>why am i still holding back

>there are people who unironically like the spirit sword of friendship
The STATE of this franchise.

The real deal is Super Saiyan Mint.

>implying the spirit bomb sword isn't the GOAT weapon

"That Zamasu guy was right"

I didn't even defeat zamasu.

That last opening... Truly was something made by Toei. It is the shittiest one yet.

And what's up with the multiple Trunks in this franchise??

That one in the picture if obvious Super Future Trunks, the other in prison is the Time Patrol Trunks (but he cut his hair and... also turned it blue??

No both are the same, tp trunks has purple hair.

time patrol trunks isnt canon, he's from heros and xenoverse

he's as canon as ss3 bardock or lss4 masked broly

How did Zamasu kill Jiren?

He... didn't?

He literally done nothing wrong. Zero mortal plan never happened but I wish it did.

Broly dark arc when?

>muh only strength matters
then why has Jiren been holding back from minute one? Why hasn't he ringed out Goku 3249749 times since he has had the chance? If you only care about strength and how it rules over everyone you shouldn't give a fuck about "testing your opponent"

Fucking holding back

>multiple Trunks

>no killing
>hur lets go full power and risk murdering someone
kiero user

Jiren is the biggest retard in the series.

Next series needs to be a future Trunks Spinoff.

Zamasu was immortal,he could have just worn Jiren down. It doesn't matter how strong you are, you'll eventually get tired fighting someone that literally can't be killed unless they fuse with their mortal counterpart and get cut in half with a spirit bomb sword

Did super ruin dragon Ball for you?


Fuck that's actually a good question.

So he can job

>Zamasu was immortal,he could have just worn Jiren down. It doesn't matter how strong you are, you'll eventually get tired fighting someone that literally can't be killed unless they fuse with their mortal counterpart and get cut in half with a spirit bomb sword

but that only killed the body and blacks soul
zamasu was still very much alive

Jiren is so much more powerful than Zamasu he wouldn't even notice he was attacking him. He really has no way to even hurt Jiren, whereas Jiren could just trap him using that thing he used to trap that crab monster in the manga.


Unironically the best written character in the series

>Whatever the fuck that mask is
>Dark star dragonball
Dayum that's a lot of devianart powerups thrown into a single character

zamasu could interupt him everytime he tries to eat and jiren starves to death

>only good episodes in the series were 17 episodes
Can we talk about best android? Why were 17 eps so much better than Goku eps?

He had to if his Zero Mortal plan could happen

Yes, please

You haven't seen shit.

Weird hearing James Marsters voicing Zamasu in the dub. I like it.

Nah Vegeta was chad in this arc. he shut that fucking clown up

How does he get past Jiren's CHAD field? Also he could just get Jobppo or Jobpo to distract him while he eats if anything.

Lets see what Sup Forums thinks about him.

Should’ve had a v8

well he might not have gotten to killing all of universe 11 yet
he obviously wasnt finished.
but since jiren didnt kill astral zamasu after he turned into the multiverse (yes he turned into the multiverse because zeno delted the whole timeline not just universe 7) that means jiren doesnt have the power to stop zamasu

zamasu shouldnt be able to kill jiren either though, unless he pulls some trickery like wishing him dead or destroying all the food in universe 11 to starve him

Didn't that happen at the end of Black's Arc? He eradicated all ningens in that future.

Let's be real here, we can all agree that Super peaked and died with Zamasu and SUBARASHII right?

Could Hakai kill immortal zamasu?


yeah zeno erased the muliverse including jiren

Leave Jiren to me.

Everyone says it's the best arc.

It died when Vegeta didnt beat black

Didn't Zamasu say he killed all other mortals and left the Earth for last?

Power scalers, what do you think? youtube.com/watch?v=Pf0DcTf2skI

It never peaked at all and was solid shit for the whole entirety of it.

>Xenoverse : time patrol
no thanks

Sextuple the power

i dont think so
he did say he killed all the gods tho, by killing all the kais and GoD's are linked so they auto die afterwards

>Man I wish Ribrianne was here.

No he didn't have to. His plan wasn't even complete yet.

>Implying multiplers were ever valid


Just the gods of the other universes.

>having to give his last power to Kakarrot AGAIN
>trying to talk shit from bleachers


Thicc Sayian girl ass!!!
My snack is here.

But it was the most entertaining shitshow.

>Can I go back to fighting Vegeta and the android?

Please, all you'll do is incite the faggba poster.

>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>Yeah, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation

Fuck off, reddit.

holy shit this edit

the GOAT

if Jiren puts up even a little bit of a fight in the next episode it'd be bullshit. The implication would be that he has been holding back ungodly energy that could've eliminated literally everyone instantly but he held back for no reason.

SS1 - 3 have official multipliers.

Black has saiyan power boost and immediately heals from anything. Jiren would have to instantly vaporize him and that’s not even considering the aftermath where he’s a universe spanning cloud.

goku fags still think they are going to win

of course he is holding back, literally everyone in the ToP is holding back, theres a no kill rule so people cant go full power unless they know their opponent can handle it

It appears that Goku will incite more power out of Jiren that would have never been shown otherwise.

>DBA is pretty much on hiatus forever because the voice actor of Cell fucked Kaizer's gf

Fucking hell I hate drama

>wants to kill all mortals
>fucks around on Earth chilling with himself

When was he going to get around to doing it?

Reminder, Broly had every hair color before it was popular.

Rare Exclusive Limited Edition Glowing Goku>Omen and Mastered Gokus

He is the reason why Goku went blanco

Black is a jobber that struggled with SSB Jobgeta. Goku in KKx20 would oblitirate him, and he's fodder compared to Jiren. Manga Jiren might struggle a bit because of his no killing rule, but anime Jiren would just punch his head off.

>not a single episode of outstanding battle animation
>not a single great new character
>finale shaping up to be below weakest PreCure seasons

I'm glad this disaster is finally over.

What do you think they've been up to while all the men are away at the ToP?

Series based on Dragon Ball online WHEN?!?! I don't give a shit how many retards complain, Goku can't be the protagonist forever and Nozawa ain't gonna live forever, may as well rip that fucking ban aid off now with a new series far removed from any of the current DB main characters. Shit can go back to being mixture of Z and OG Dragon Ball. A grand Adventure around the world or some shit that focuses more on action than just comedy. Keep Toriyama and Super's writers far away from the story too, get someone competent and not senile.

not what you're expecting nor trying to instigate.

Have you seen the hentai art with them and goten/trunks? That's the canon answer.

Jiren's a big guy

>that webm
anime was a mistake

>because the voice actor of Cell fucked Kaizer's gf

why dont you try your hand at it bigguy, since you know da wae and all.

>not a single great new character
but there was 2 of them
well technically 3 if you count present zamasu

Super completely destroyed the setting. We saw all top fighters from all universes. What new can happen? What new threat could appear?

Huh I thought this was anime for little girls.
>tfw Toei can't even let Super to have blood





>the show didn't last long enough for Beerus and Champa to fuse