ITT Characters who had a hard life

ITT Characters who had a hard life






Remember me?



>molested by hot sister
>everyone wants your dick
>badass motherfucker
He's got it easy

Only is you watched the anime.

In the visual novel it explained that he suffered a lot. In Grisaia no Rakuen (I don't remember if it was animated) there are a scene where the girls discovered that are a lot of shits text in the wall of his closet about "How save the girls", and Amane found in one night that he was crying like a baby in a fetal position in that room/closet.

He was really obsessed to save the 5 girls to commit suicide. If I remember correct, he promised if he save 5 life, he can died.


you know who!






Yomi ;_;



Female can't have a hard life



Although, 90% of characters from this series apply.



>not as much as the girl who's created as a cry for help to her creator's only friend, only for him to ignore it out of envious spite.

ITT:retards who deserved to have shitty lifes.

She let her hardship get the better of her and used it as an excuse to be a cunt.
Alice used her hardship as motivation and tried making a difference for the good.
