Shingeki no Kyojin

Two days to see him

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rest in peace best girl

*takes over your mind*
Nothin personnel, son.

>Release the Nukemin
with Annie tied up in the zeppelin

>tfw you're not going to the /ss/ club with the Asian milf

They still never explained his extraordinary loss of memory.


At the speed of sound.

Bert and Ymir mention not remembering either during the clash arc or Eren’s dream about it in the politics arc

Reiner can't remember either, Bert mentions that.

I am fucking excite

You know, Eren, with great power comes great responsibility. Eren Kruger called it “Eldian’s Burden”. Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant. The niggers, the Marleyans, the chinks…Its our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can’t? Then they shall dangle from the jaws of a titan. The Grim Reminder is near, Eren. We’ll have every Marleyan on the continent dead or in chains in 13 years, and may Ymir Fritz have me eaten by my own son in a forest this very night if I’m wrong. Ymir bless the Eldian Restorationist Movement.

>Ymir bless
She would have hated the shit out of it. Like Dumont and his planes being used for war.

ok here are my hairbrained ideas about that, I've shared them before but whatever:
when it comes to Bert and Reiner, I am of the belief that their memories were deliberately withheld from them via Titan Research Facility because, for one reason or another, Marley did not deem it beneficial for them to know their predecessors, or anything about them, at all. Why? It is possible that before BRAMPZ the "Warrior Unit" was either just a placeholder, or a "Unit 0 Prototype", both cases probably being what Marley didn't really want. If they were placeholders, then perhaps they were not willing subjects. If they were not willing subjects, their memories may be detrimental to what Marley is trying to do with the Warriors.

As for Ymir: Since she kind of unwittingly had all this happened to her, I think she never knew how (or tried) to really unlock Marcel's memories. Her and Marcel not being related probably made it difficult by default if she did try, maybe she just never succeeded.

Eren: This is my most insane theory, but it is what it is. Grisha, having just consumed the Coordinate, and at the same time thus touched a Royal Titan, briefly unlocked the Coordinate ability, and used it to deliberately alter Eren's memories before he would consume Grisha. Since it seems abundantly clear that you cannot alter the memories of a Shifter, it could possibly explain why Eren struggled to remember anything from that specific moment. See Ymir being able to remember the moment she was injected and she was falling off the sea wall, until she no longer had control. Eren theoretically should have vividly remembered being injected (more than just the fragments), until he eventually unlocked it all.

I really hope she dies

>It is possible that before BRAMPZ the "Warrior Unit" was either just a placeholder, or a "Unit 0 Prototype", both cases probably being what Marley didn't really want.
We know they were a proper unit that had been deployed before because Magath and the others remarked on how the titans looked the same as always and that other nations already feared the Marley Titans.

Die in a house fire. Gabi is for loving and raising.

What a nice pic.


kys you dumb nigger hope she gets crushed

Thankfully not. And die.

true, Magath did call them "Warriors."
However, because of what Bert said about their memories, it seems pretty clear that they never even personally met their predecessors. It's almost as if they went into the transfer ceremony blindfolded.
So even if they were the Unit 0 Prototype, and thus still "Warriors" in a sense, perhaps they were still not exactly what Marley was looking for. Clearly the first batch of kids is what they were wanting.
Things then could have obviously changed, as the current candidates clearly know/interact with the current warriors.

Gabi getting crushed slowly by eren yes



Post spoilers to instantely revive Erwin

Let him rest

More like gabi getting eaten by eren


Ogweno fat

You can't have sex with someone you loved and raised you know.

Yes you can. But it's wrong. And even if it's wrong, Gabi would make a wonderful Daughter Wife.

>Daughter Wife

Funny gif.

More like crushed to death


Fuck off and die.

>Zeke turns face and Pieck, Porkboi, and Reiner get BTFO
>Marley retreats form the internment zone
>Eren and Floche line up all the civilians
>Armin uses Bert’s memories to pick out Pieck and Porco’s loved ones
>Force the warriors to watch while they slaughter them

So are we getting spoilers today or tomorrow?

2/3 days, 5/6 days if you don't want fraudulent lebbit translations.

It's possible for what happened last month to become standard.


I respect you so much more

You're a brain dead idiot for paying attention to women like her. She's cancer made manifest.

but her 108 million subscribers will surely pay attention. The more normalfag infested any hobby gets the faster it degrades. it's an axiom

They are brain dead too, so who cares. They should all die.

Nice. Well it's no secret her husband watches animu too.

>Zerotwofags are normies
Man I'm not even surprised anymore

Here is Sasha's killer, say something nice to her

I think you're a lovely young woman with a lot of talent, you deserve to get the armour more than anyone else.

Spoilers in just over 24 hours. Get ready.

Nifa has thighs that are engineered to be bitten. Look at them.

Well he doesn't actually control eren, his experiences just influence eren every now and again.


You like to bite too?


It feels good.

When will we see Kruger again? I want to learn more about him. How did he manage to find out the history of the Attack Titan? Who did he get the AT from?

That's a cute picture of Armong, I'll admit it.

I love armin

You're crazy and have bad taste

He already told you, his part of the original eldian resistance who stayed behind when the king fled, they always had the attack titan.

I want to see Reiner, I hope he is ok

I think user means which person held it before him.

But weren't they pretty much all killed before he got the AT? He most likely got it from someone who saved him, yes. I just hope we get more Kruger and that he's not only in a couple of chapters. There's probably not much more to him, but he's interesting.

Yeah, this is more what I meant. Given that it's Isayama we may never actually find out, but the AT is the most important titan other than the Founding Titan in terms of the current story, so I think it's possible we'll learn more about its past hosts that aren't Grisha/Kruger. Maybe.

I think Armin will be the most different from the 3 I mean he is being groomed as the next Erwin right?

>Touching fingers
That's like having sex, and they did this in front of Falco


Why isn't there any pictures of Armin shifting now that he's a colossal boi? I've literally seen more pictures of shifter!Erwin than Armin. I would have thought grown up hunk Armin would be prime fujo artist bait but they keep drawing gay twink shit. I JUST WANT TO SEE A SPOOKY SKELLINGTON TITAN IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR

>Why isn't there any pictures of Armin shifting now that he's a colossal boi?
Because he's awful and nobody really likes him.

Because he stole Erwin's spot, there are not so many manlet vs Zeke neither because he killed the biggest fujopair. I hope Isayama makes the LZ alliance true and made them to touch their fingers just to see the salt.

He doesn't have a confirmed form. I hope he's at least a spooky skeletal version.

Jesus that image, these people are beyond redemption.

It's hilarious

I hope we have Yeagerbros touching in this chapter.

That's Mikasa and Levi on the roof in RTS tier shit right there

No one but fujos like Shartmong and you can't draw pretty pictures of a skeletal giant.

It's manletwhales in a nutshell.


>you can't draw pretty pictures of a skeletal giant.

Hello newfriend

>I called someone new, hopefully I will now be accepted.


You're right. He's never terrified, he never has that gimped pig nose, he is always drawn to look cute or more fair-featured than he actually is, there's always a ton of attention put into making his hair nice, he's always drawn to look brave, determined or full of strength.
But a big gangly zombie titan? Nope, not moe enough.


They'll touch, alright.

They'll touch butts.

I wish

I hope Siegshit gets gangbanged by shitty manlet and killed so mercilessly, then ugly manlet dies of aids

Some Eldian redshirt is gonna nut in that cunny as payback for Sasha

Spoilers when?

Woah this moneky is melting

23 hours

Zekefags are the type of people that put ketchup on steak.

>OC Shifter
What the fuck

Why do people think Annie is dead?

>manlet becomes lanklet

And with manlet's attention completly set on Eren and looking out for signs of his upset

Did the timeskip happen too soon or was there no story left to tell after taking back the island?

I think people are still confused about what his CT looks like, so they're probably waiting for a proper shot.

>you can't draw pretty pictures of a skeletal giant
Oh yes you can.