Why didn't it win an Oscar?

Best of the animes I've seen the past year. Not a masterpiece but well made.

Other urls found in this thread:


>this anime
This show is a meme. Literally SAO tier.

>anime secondaries
Literally kys

Because it wasn't distributed by GKIDS or any of the major Hollywood studios.


that's just how Oscar works,every anime got snubbed

>Oscar winning

choose one

Boss Baby was better.

Because they didn't have the scene where Kawai and Ueno end up in a nuclear test town and the catfight they have over who gets to go in the fridge.

This is why.

I'm glad it didn't get nominated it's a terrible film and an even worse adaptation.
I'm just glad it released next to literally the largest japanese animated film to ever be created, so it got overshadowed by something truly great.

Overrated piece of crap.

Kimi no Nawa was better and it doesn't won an Oscar so what did you expected? And no shitposters I'm not saying that KnK was bad.

I wonder if these will get nominated next year.

>implying they aren't clueless about everything else too
Gotta love all those Oscar voters answering "I have no idea what editing or production design is, but I'm voting for X because I just liked the movie so much".

Just popping in this thread to say that this was an objectively better piece of art than Kimi no Na wa.

The first half was. Then the second half happens and it becomes too heavy-handed to the point where there's barely a scene without at least one character in tears and you start to wonder, "why did I watch this again?".

I'd understand it not winning, but the fact that it wasn't even nominated while Boss Baby and John Cena the bull were is pretty insulting

>Not a masterpiece but
that's precisely the reason, the only way they would ever accept anything not from classic american cinema is if it is a masterpiece. Just a great movie, even if it is the best of the year, is not enough then.

At least they watch movies, maybe. Unlike animation.

Why would they go into the fridge.

It's lead-lined

I get Academy favoring Hollywood-made animation, but I don't understand why euroshit has no problems getting nominations when their animation industry is pebbles compared to anime. This year we had Loving Vincent (Polish) and The Breadwinner (Canadian/Irish/Belgian) but no Koe no Katachi, last year there was My Life as a Zuchini (Swiss/French) and Red Turtle (French) but no Your Name. Why is there this bias?

this movie was fucking normalfag feelies bait junk

Was it even submitted for consideration? Kimi no na wa only got in the running because Funimation launched a half-ass campaign at the last hour. Miyazaki only got his statues because Disney runs huge campaigns on his behalf.

Because it wasn't made by Disney.
Who do you think had the American distribution rights to Spirited away?

a movie about sex with fishmen won best film, the oscars are a joke

Because euroshit animation has dialogue and character behavior that actually makes sense to non-autistic people and normalfags. Show Red Turtle or Loving Vincent to an average person over 50 and they may or may not like it, but they will get it. Meanwhile, the melodrama and over the top autism of most non-Ghibli anime movies looks like utter nonsense to people who aren't used to anime.



>an Irish film and a Japanese film are "fuckin' Chinese things"

The Annecy prizes are way more prestigious in animation than the Oscars, and they have much better taste than to just nominate the most popular anime movies of the year.

Lu Over the Wall was mediocre as fuck though, story-wise.

I still think we should have our own awards. I'd say let's include Sup Forums, but 90% of both boards crossboard as it is.

>My kids liked this movie so I'm voting for it!

>well made
It was a glorified TV movie.

Your post is a meme

Because it tries to guilt trip you to feel bad for the villain since she's retarded.

>t. Ueno

Animated movies suffer from not being considered movies at all.
An animated movie will never be nominated for anything other than best animated movie, and because of that it's hard to decide a criterium to vote: is it more important the actual animation? The plot? Directing? Voice-acting? Soundtrack? Etc. So depending on what the voters think is more important for an "animated movie", one or the other will have preference when analyzing the movie.

You shouldn't care about Oscar at all user. You should trust public review more than this shit

Best animation is called "The Disney Award" by everyone in the industry for a reason.

Either in Japan

>skip half of character development
>skip half of characterisation in the first place so characters just act for no established reason
>already melodramatic plotline exaggerated by kyoani's autistic directing
>literally trying to justify the actions of a sociopathic, self-pitying piece of shit
>only redeeming feature is shoya and the BGM
i can't stand you people

Japan will win another Oscar when they finally release this movie

Coco is better than any movie released in the last few years.

>People actually care or not if anime wins an Oscar.

Also it's a 10/10, One of the best things Kyoani has put out.

>reading the manga when the movie presents the story, characters, and themes better, has better art, and adds another dimension to the story with the OST
Literally zero reason to read the manga now.

>better than Moana
It's great, but Moana was a masterpiece.
But for real, Coco looks better than any anime released in the past 20 years. When will Japan catch up?

It wasn't child friendly enough.

Kill yoursel.f

Just wait for this year's answers:
>this picture doesn't deserve Best Director or Best Actor awards because I found the characters unlikeable
>I didn't pay attention, so the movie is bad
>a Neflix documentary doesn't deserve an Oscar because it didn't play in theaters
>Logan doesn't deserve Best Adapted Screenplay because I like fun comic book movies and this one was dark
>I was going to vote for Coco in the Best Animated Feature category but then I saw kids crying because it's too scary, so I'm not voting for it
Random nobodies on the internet put more thought in their reviews than the esteemed Oscar voters.

>the characters
>cut most of the focus on the side cast
>but keep them around anyway
>for no reason

Because This is just Average Shit when compared to COCO

>>but keep them around anyway
>>for no reason
Because they were vital to Shouya's story you nimwit. Some even more so for Shouko.

I'm pretty sure most people are upset that boss baby and ferdinand got nominated.


They did NOTHING with them. You can justify them to some extent in the manga, but they were background characters in the movie.

I know it's a little too much to ask Sup Forums for basic film analysis but do you think Shouya magically got better after the suicide attempt? He applies lessons he learned from listening to other people, which is one of the base messages and themes of the movie.
He learns that friendship isn't a "give and take" relationship from Afro, he learns courage from Sahara, and Kowai and Mashiba force him to actually face his issues instead of running away from them.
Not to mention Shouko learns to be more assertive from Ueno.

That's not even getting into the moms or Yuzu. They were all important to the story in the movie.

The judges just thought Boss Baby was better. And it wasn't bad compared to most current Western animation.