Any theories on what will happen next chapter?
Nanatsu no Taizai
The manga's super unpredictable. I can't tell who's on who's side, for what reason. Not sure if that's a good thing or not.
gray vs gray morality. Both angels and demons are dicks. Final villians are Supreme Diety and Demon King, who will both be defeated by the protags
The raws are already out.
>Arthur goes to sleep with the sword still stuck in him
>Merlin's worried and talks to Elizabeth, then she starts crying
>Sins meet with the angels to plan an attack on the demons
>Chandler and Cusack call all the minor demons back to Camelot and then transform into their real (NOT Indura) forms
If only Chandler and Cusack got any build up, they really came outta nowhere for how important they are.
Does the anime get better? I watched all of season 1, and I felt like it was generic as fuck and only the last few episodes were any interesting. I watched like 3 episodes of season 2 and decided to give up.
So the demon king will be set free at Camelot when the strike force gets there right? It's all there in king Barla's prophesy of holy war.
>Merlin's worried and talks to Elizabeth, then she starts crying
What about Escanor?
The things we saw or still humanoid?
Still humanoid
Not indura
i guess chandler's muscle demon form
i wanna see a shirtless cusack already!
100% over 100%
It should've been Monspiet and Derrierie in their places. It would've made the recent few chapters GOAT. whatever the fuck happened to the OG commandments. They were pretty good before their designs got changed.
They are now fodder, that’s what
Estarossa is going to kill them
What episode is he likely to appear in?
Manga is far better. Start of season 2 in the anime is pretty bad as they're trying to sort out the stuff they screwed up from the first season.
I'd say its pretty good but if you didn't like the first season maybe its just not for you. It does get better later on but I already consider the first part as pretty good. If you want give the manga a shot.
Episode 11/10
who the fuck is that? Gawain?
Is Escanor going to be cucked?
>elaine isn'teven pregnant yet
or is she?
are we going to get an 18 year time skip soon too then?
yes round table fuckry soon.
I've been thinking about picking this up after watching season 1, but I'm wondering if the Sins stay as allies
imagine Ban still jobbing after his offscreen adventures
Nah, hyperbolic time chamber training prevents that from happening
Demons have real forms?
You don't remember Mera-chan's real form?
She was a snake to begin with.
Can someone knowledgeable about the Arthur legends elaborate who the fuck Cath is? It's pretty confusing as it is.
Cath Pulag is a cat
Anyone here hoping Nakaba sticks with the original lore and doesn't add in Lancelot? He's by far the worst written character in the story. Not to mention he's insufferable. He's basically the writers self insert. I'd rather have the original story where he doesn't appear.
I have a feeling Gawain will be Escanor and Merlin's son.
I feel like Escanor will use Arthur's sword to kill off either Chandler and Cusack
Dude, Escanor wouldn't dare to smack a high-ranking demon with his waifu's hope. Merlin would extinguish his sun if he broke Arthur on Cusack or Chandler.