The Promised Neverland 77

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Bokuben is better


So the duo will pretty much die next chapter right? I don't see them taking out demon this early.


Luce is finished, if he doesn't pull some stupid transformation out of his ass










Why you want the kids to die?

Esto es el fin, Luce

Will we see this faggot's face, or is gore and brain matter all we're getting it? Also, excellent Lewis rape face.

So is Lewis going to take out most of the kids or will he go straight for Emma? He'll probably try to find Emma, but I want him to kill some kids at least. Make him seem more dangerous.


I expect that at least 4 or 5 of the new kids will die. Also Theo hopefully, to release him from his suffering.

>in the town you are the law, out here it's me

>all these Anons wishing kids to die just because
Edgyfags, all you.

>Huge demon tits

I hope this release date isn't common but I guess they get to use digital raws this way.

Wasn't he in the same corridor as Emma in one of the pages?

Nah at least some of the demons are dead and it'll seem like they have a chance then Lewis will appear and nothin' personnel half the kids.

>Im able to resurrect my servants too

Demons have magic confirmed?

Fuck mangastream with a spiky cactus dildo, can't some other group like jaimini pick Neverland up or can the small groups who occassionally scanlate a chapter be consistent and not get scared off by mangastream?

Luce's knife carrying servant wasn't shown this chapter and he usually accompanies Luce, he's gonna sneak up and stab Gillian.

Emma is premium meat compared to everyone else who's second-rate, he'll take out a couple of the kids to enrage her so as to "season the meat" before going after her.

He can resurrect and his servants can too. All demons can regenerate we have seen it before.

I thought he meant he could revive them from getting their cores destroyed.

>that literal titty monster

Lewis terrifies me

Literal semen demon

I knew someone was gonna post it

took long enough those lazy faggots

>this chapter

Better get used to monday releases until some small scan team uploads the chapter within an hour of raws and niggastream pumps out shit quality scans on time for the next 3 weeks until the small team gives up and returns to late and lazy releases.

>back to monday releases
Christ, again? At least they have the decency to use the digital raws.

They're both in the town where a lot of the children seem to be hiding.

I'm pretty sure all the kids who aren't part of the plan are hidden in the secret passage with Lucas

We saw some kids hiding in a closet last chapter.

That was just midsdirection by Shirai like he did with making us believe Don was the one who left the note for mama when really it was Ray. Those same kids were actually hiding in the secret passage with Lucas as shown here

No one said they wanted the kids to die. I don't eant them to but this chapter makes me think this chick isn't gonna make it all the way. Too much focus on a character we hardly know feels that way.

Uh, didn't notice that. Nice catch. So I guess we wait for someone to fuck up and reveal their spot.

Some kids dying would be more realistic.

They just have high regeneration as along as they don't get shot in their weak eye

>Huge demon QUAD tits


Smug Lewis.

So bets on who Lewis is gonna kill to make Emma even more butthurt?


Violet is the only one I think is safe. I unfortunately expect Gillian to bite it after this which is a shame, she's cute as fuck.

He'll find the kids in hiding.

Reminder that ray x Emma is endgame with Norman becoming the antagonist

What if the demons are actually just the next evolution of humanity

Reminder that you're a faggot.

Emma achieving her demon form when?

great pages tbqh


This is going to be Plan Z in case the ratings plummet to Bleach levels.

I like this.

I don't.

Too bad.


Norman and Ray are getting the short end of the stick lately, aren't they?

Gillian is best girl

This did absolutely nothing for me, I don't give a shit about these literal who characters and they succeed without a hint of tension or drama. Just boring.

Gillian is a who

Norman has an entire portion of the story under his wing, I'd say he's okay in that department even if it hasn't been explored quite yet. Poor Ray though.

I'm gonna be honest, I would've found this chapter cooler if we actually knew a little more about Gillian. As it is she's just a somewhat random girl being cool and it strikes me as the story setting her up to die. But even that would also be more impactful if she actually talked, have a conversation with Emma or something.
I love her design and I think she has potential, please do something with her.

I feel like Ray really needs moments that stand out. Whenever he does something, like figure out the demon's weakness or fix the bomb, Emma just cucks him out of the glory by getting a big panel where she says or does something cool that makes people forget he even did anything.

Compared to Oliver, who might as well already be dead, I think Gillian has a chance at surviving. Although Luce is by far the most fodderish demons. Technosuits and Bayon will be more dangerous, so maybe Gillian is safe simply from not facing them.

I honestly hope she lives, I just can't shake away the feeling that Lewis may backtrack and fuck her and some of the other kids up. She's really good with firearms so it would honestly just benefit Emma in the long run to have her around. And we could actually get to know her, she seems like she could be really fun to have in the cast.
Oliver was dead meat the moment he was introduced as the leader.

Not to mention that technosuits seem to be sealed onto them tightly not sure how Sonia and Sandy are going to fare if their strategy will be the same as Gillian and Nigel's, I can imagine they might use the grenades that were lying about in the weapon crates.

The girl with the scarf is an even bigger who than Gillian. Will she live or nah?

He'd probably target Violet since he saw her working together with Emma.

Gillian is a sexy best who

I doubt Violet's actually gonna die though.

Take a seat.

We edgefest shonen now?

Not until the main three start killing.

What killed the hype?

>Wife left him after she finds out he was having an affair with a barely legal college intern. A MALE college intern.

You shitposting this everywhere.

God I wish that were me.


Emma is my wife


This needs an update.

Replace the picture of the GF house outside of the window with that spread of the mutant hulk retards

delet this

Izabella's a shit who went through everything Emma did and just became a total bitch about it, she should enjoy her demotion to head janitor of the demon faculty toilets

>manages to escape
>doesn't become a demon's bitch
>will get her superior version of Leslie back
Based Emma, makes Isabella look like a bitch.

To be fair, while Emma is just generally a much better person than Isabella, Emma had support while she did not.