Is Mitsuboshi Colors the pinnacle of comedy cdgct?

Is Mitsuboshi Colors the pinnacle of comedy cdgct?

Too low budget.

Your constant shilling is not going to give you your second season, user.

not with foreheads that big

It gives it charm.

It is just more impressive that they managed to make a great show with a small budget.

Unironically yes.

It's funny, cute and charming. But I wouldn't call it the pinnacle.

Mitsuboshi Colors Does have perfect comedic timing. I'm not sure I'd call it the pinnacle but it's pretty great.

This but ironically.


You will forget about this IP 2 weeks into Spring.

the very peak of comedy is Aho Girl, and I don't think it'll be passed any time soon

I still remember Anne Happy.

I don't like the poop jokes all that much and having children be VA'd by adults is also kind of lame but other than that it's pretty solid so far OP.

Speak for yourself, buddy.

It gives the episode 10minutes of content and 10 mins of panning filler.

I think it's the metajoke about how the other girls have to deal with their retarded friend talking about poop all the time that makes it funny for me.


I want blue to step on me

No way. It's my favorite show of the season. I will watch it many times in the coming years, I'm sure.

picrel is.


"High budget" is not a necessary condition for being good art, for being good entertainment, or for having well-written story/comedy.

There was a time when shadow puppets were peak entertainment and that shit was free.

I'd pin that pinnacle.

Blatant ripoff of konosuba

It's just good source material, just wait for Bocchi anime.


Considering it's really just a poor man's Ichigo Mashimaro, I have to say no.

>Wanting the loser to be adapted to anime
It's almost like you want her to hang herself.