How did Rin become the most intimidating character of the decade?

How did Rin become the most intimidating character of the decade?

Her cold dead stare strikes fear at the hearts of her enemies.

to attract beta types by the score to the point of making her bored of the whole deal, thus fuelling a never ending cycle of attract rejects, reject rejects coolly, attract even more and so on.

Rin became the most intimidating character of the last 25 years because you can't stop her.
She is going to rob you of your vital essence and strip you of your wizard powers and there is nothing you can do to stop her.

*blocks your path*

Really love how many of the Shiny Colors have that casual look.

Why are there so many new Rin wannabes?

Rin is a cultural icon.

By giving no fucks.

joke aside, i think i would be scared if i meet rin irl


I want Rin to step on my face so that I can catch that brief glimpse of her panties.

Beautiful people are intimidating.

I literally cant walk the more fashionable places in Tokyo because all the Rin lookalikes around there intimidating the fuck out of me.






Is there more of this? Or atleast a translation?

I've already posted the translations.

She Broke the Bat.

How mad would she get if I kicked her in the puss? I bet she'd kill me *squeee*

She would trap your foot with her thighs and break it.