Do you miss the original pokemon anime?

Do you miss the original pokemon anime?

Considering we can watch it anytime, no

Well, I do miss the artstyle.

Yes, especially comparing it to the shit art of its current season

I concur

I miss when the dub wasn't so flaccid

The only thing I actually miss is being able to watch it with the same joy I had when I was a child. Unfortunately, I think the anime doesn't hold up and it's still garbage. The only thing I got from rewatching it is that you should fuck off back to hispachan you dirty spic. No one likes pokemon.


Not really. I miss Dawn more desu.

Tried watching again and it was shit.

I used to get nostalgic for it but I never went to rewatch it ever. I think the final nail in the coffin though is that Netflix recently added season 1 dubbed in my language and by god it's just as terrifying as I remember it. I think I only watched two of those dubbed episodes on TV as a kid before discovering downloading.

That's Hoenn you shithead

>tripfag is an idiot
Who would've guessed?

I miss when they were trying to emulate fun 90s anime like Slayers and not making shitty toy commercials.

There's literally a Manaphy/Phione/whatever the fuck in that picture you moron

Pokémon s1 had my favorite episode in the series, largely due to the dubbing done. Turns out it was some tranny. That's some shocking shit. Was a good episode though.

>tripfag is an idiot
Who would've guessed?

We are talking about artstyle, silly. which is still the same.

A bit different though, less pointy noses etc

No. The current one is better

In what way?

On top of that he's a Dragon Ball fag. You can't get any more retarded than that.


I miss some of the CotDs from the filler episodes. Yes, they were just disposable ideas by the team that weren't ever going to be relevant (even though pic related returned for a pretty big arc during the same season), but some of those ideas genuinely sound good enough to have their own side stories, maybe even be a small part of the games or whatnot.

remember this?

SM looks great.

If by 'great' you mean 'absolute shit', then yeah sure.

Actually, by great I mean great. Both art and animation wise, SM excels.

No. The original series was absolute garbage. It was 80-90% filler that didn't amount to anything important. Gary, Ritchie, and Harrison were the worst rivals ever. Most of Ash's, Misty's, and Brock's Pokemon got little to no development or screentime. The filler episodes generally followed the same story structure most of the time. I'll go out on a limb and say that Best Wishes, with all of its flaws, was still better then the original series.

But I do miss AG and DP. I won't lie. Those series actually went out of their way to tell a compelling story and develop their characters.

Hey look it my waif, but she look WAY better with the mango, game and new design

This reminds me of those Sakugabooru posters that post Toei webms. Hilarious how out-of-touch they are with what qualifies as good animation.

>haha you're dumb
Show me a sequence from Kanto that looks half as good as Bloom Shine Extra.

That's entirely your argument. Not mine. You're strawmanning.

If only they'd done this a couple of generations earlier. I don't give a shit about gen7 pokes and gen5 is still an abomination.

All the good animation in the world can't save shitty writing and terrible art direction.

You really are an idiot.

>getting home after school just in time to flick on our toaster sized tv and catch pokemon
I'd always miss the first few minutes but it was still awesome

Lillie can though

What episode?

The show stopped by good after Sinnoh.
The best region was Hoenn.
Fucking Serena is cringy as shit.

No, but I do miss being a kid like some anons said.

>Fucking Serena is cringy as shit.