So I just watched Genshiken for the first time and I quite enjoyed it and am a little sad it's over...

So I just watched Genshiken for the first time and I quite enjoyed it and am a little sad it's over, even if it was going downhill in the 3rd season in my opinion







Sup Forums

Saki best girl


She has good reaction faces though

Oono was good in the first series, then she got too hot and slutty

The last season where they replaced all the characters with fujofucks never should have happened.

I liked when she was Jam


>tfw madarame didn't get no big american titties in the end

It's been a long time since I watched Genshiken but 3DPD ends up winning, right? That's why the show always seemed sad to me.

this is one of my favorite anime


I read the two first volumes of the manga, how does the anime compares? Or should I just continue the manga?

what the FUCK was her problem?

Nidiaime didn't happen, manga ended on volume 9.

I would've liked it if it was actually about otaku activities,instead of muh girls.


This show makes me feel so fucking old

Yoshitake cutest girl





Mangaka's shemale fetish ruined everything

Does this guy exist to troll his own readerbase?

Remember to read volume 8 or 9. It's a really cute story about Sasahara and Ogiue that never made it to the anime.

Pic related.

Madarame crushing on Saki side plot was a waste of a side plot

nice post



Putting the fujoshit aside, the third season was fine. Madarame development and Ogiue just existing saved it.

Who did Madarame end up with? The Slutty Sister?

How did the sequel manga end?

Susanna. I thought they were a good pair. Better than the trap.

I would not-Hato.
Non-Hato is fucking hot.

I honestly don't get why he had to do this with Spotted Flowers.