ITT: The biggest question science is yet to answer. Are traps gay?

ITT: The biggest question science is yet to answer. Are traps gay?

Science has already answered, they aint gay. In fact its gayer if you dont like traps


>Are traps gay?

only if it has/had a penis

They're cocksucking donglovers, the lot of them.

Fuck off already.

A trap without a penis is a tomboy

God has confirmed it.

But that's wrong, tomboys are not inclined towards feminine things, while traps are.

It's only ever gay if you take it. Traps are gay, but nailing them isn't.


Is this gay:
I take Astolfo on a date, holding hands in public no fuck given at the lewdness, we have a nice lunch at a restaurant and ask for a beverage with a shared straw in the shape of a heart, we continue sighting around town after our tour, we hit the shower together, after that I fuck him bareback while giving him a handjob, I cum inside his ass and I eat his cum.

undeniable fact

>and I eat his cum.
This is where it gets gay.

Traps are bi.

>Traps = male
>Male liking male = gay
>Male liking traps = gay

You don't even need to use science to prove that, only basic logic.

I know someone from /sci matched it out does anyone have a pic of the answer they gave

Mathed not matched my bad

Is it gay to love pretty girl even if she have penis?

Yes, they are. You underage retard.

To further add to this
>But I like traps because they are feminine and girly. I am attracted to the female aspects of them, isn't that normal
Then just like feminine girls, no need for the addition of a penis.

Stop contradicting Aniki you heathens