Wouldn't it be great if everyone would love each other?

Wouldn't it be great if everyone would love each other?


like in Brave New Worlds ^ . ^

but what if i only love you?

Tomboy Miki > original Miki

It hurt so much you guys. ;_; Why, why did such a pure life need to be snuffed out from this cold wretched world


yeah, but humans doesn't work that way

He did nothing to protect Miki during the witch hunt though, he may be kind of an asshole

>tfw you'll never have a tomboy track and field gf

How do you end a show with the entire world population being completely annihilated, and still manage to make the whole thing feel completely anti-climactic?

Don't forget she has the body of a 12 year old boy.

>Not an asshole

Didn't he get stabbed then?

My guess is that episode 9 is just too good. I mean humanity going extinct somehow makes the death of everyone seem so meaningless.

>Using "would" twice in the same sentence
Love is significant because we give it to those significant to us. Loving everyone -> no personal significance, no individuality, no dislike or hatred. A robot-like dysfunctional existence.

What 12 year old boy looks like this?

>Wouldn't it be great if everyone would love each other?
No. Humans are evil anyways

After not running when a mob stomped up and started breaking windows. Probably a demon was attracted by the carnage of the lynching and was defeated by this will to protect.


That's kind of the idea. The whole point is not to glorify or make the violence exciting.

>only can love everyone
>there has to be hate
did you tip your fedora after typing that one?

>just said he’s a 12 year old boy
you like b&s?

And yet that's what they did for 9 episodes prior.

demons don't deserve love, they need to be eradicated along with satan.

He said he has the body of one.

Can we have a moment to talk about best girl Satan?

>what 12 year okd boy looks like this


>she has the body of a 12 year old boy.

Yes. To make you look back and become self aware of how you took joy in it. This isn't complicated.

Mine did.

But she has a penis.



Me too so what? I'm still a girl.

Sorry my friend, you just have a mental disorder.

It probably has a vagina too.

Nah, thats called being retarded


I miss the old captcha. I can't dump like this.

Never understood why this was a meme when there are so many more silly and exploitable moments in the series.

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Except I didn't become self-aware, I just felt like the ending lacked oomph. This user pretty much nailed it Once you kill off all the characters you could possibly gives to shits about, it's hard to care that everyone else is dead.

Devilman is a comedy manga.

Well, Mr or should I said miss Satan, I don't think you got the right to said anything, consider your just as fuck up as evil human

I can love (You)


Well Satan isn't a man either.
So it's free to call him/her whatever they want.

I can't stand violence against cats. Yuasa, Okouchi, how could you.

I agree, but devilmen are human.

Has anyone even cared to ask Satan how to properly address (them)?
That would be true love. What if "Satan" is the actual proper pronoun?


Because you’re an autist

God is an asshole

Why didn't god stop satan from exterminating all the humans? Why did satan try to pick a fight with god even though he knew he'd lose in the end?

God's god. Hubris.

Probably it's just fucking around with infinite power over infinite time. Maybe it's an example to other angels.

Do people still care about Crybaby? I'm off Devilman ever since it got took over by normies.

Cutie Honey on the other hand is looking to be that obscure Nagai adaptation that no one watches outside of Nagai fags, so that's perfect for me.

If I remember right, in the original they have his angel form a female voice

God didn't give a shit about humanity. He only cares for Satan.
He created the loop to teach Satan love and compassion which Satan failed to do everytime.

Apparently the chick next to Honey is actually Sister Jill. Why she did turn on her fellow men?

Only if Psycho Jenny works for God, because Satan wouldn't retain a thing without her intervention.

It's all according to His plan. Read the whole of Revelation.

Why don't you make your own thread instead of derailing this one?

Is cutie honey universe a remake? or i have to start somewhere else?

Wouldn't it he great to fuck Miki doggy style, turn her over and cum all over her abs?

I'm god in a novel I'm writing user

remake as always

I wonder why they didn't rape her before cutting open her back. I mean it must be harder to do her from behind if there's constantly stuff falling out.

>Why didn't god stop satan from exterminating all the humans?
it frankly doesn't matter in the slightest what happens to humans on Earth, since a lifetime of suffering is borderline 0% of the sum of what you'll experience as an immortal soul in heaven.

Because Cutie Honey is Nagai, and as a Nagai work, it's okay for it to piggyback other Nagai threads. That's how it's always been.

If you don't like it, fuck off Devilman. You newshits don't get to dictate what goes on in Devilfag threads

she's kinda lacking in the abs department these days.

Hot ones.

And that's how you know they've given up on arguments.

Oh hi god.

i don't have to waste my arguments on pablo

Space Runaway Ideon
Rose of Versailles

Because seeing few main characters die all of sudden, you don't need to be genius to figure out that rest of them will probably die soon too, therefore you stop caring about all of them. This kind of "body count" trope sucks ass and which made shows like Shiki and AgK even worse than they were in the first place.

except this bodycount trope isn't there to make you care about them.

Why do faggots like yourselves are still unable to view media beyond what do I care and what I do not care about? You have the reasoning of a child.

Just read the manga and watch Re:.

That surprise was in the 1970s. A lot of Devilman since is predicated on knowing how doomed everybody is, and even if you didn't know Devilman you're bound to have contact with somebody who does and can't wait to tell you its reputation. Like this chick. This wasn't a story made for an audience that expected anything good to happen to her.









In a platonic sense or in a sexual one?


Best honey.

If a lot of people love each other, the world would be a better place to live

That's interesting. I think it has never done before.

>doggy style
She was a human dog on Violence Jack and once she was raped by a dog

>tfw next no miki porn

Why didn't he fuck them both, especially Miko?

Dynamic Productions IPs only get BL fanworks

what i dont get is why god stop the nukes from wipeing everthing out but cuck us in the end

what did he mean by this?