I wasn’t emotionally ready for this

I wasn’t emotionally ready for this.

I'm still waiting for a S2 after all these years.
I know its never happening

That's an entry-level babby drama, come on.

Isn't that Kanon or Air?
Clannad/Toradora is also pretty accessible


It makes you tear up when you watch it but if you think about it, it's full of plot holes.
It really is, but it's still pretty good.

Clannad is far superior.

This anime really needs a remake with about double the episode count

Didn't he stop making the VN because he was having a heart problem or something?

this was better

He's recovered last year.

Oh, hell no. It's as if they amplified everything that was wrong with Angel Beats and made it a separate show.

The pacing is even worse in Charlotte and that says a lot. Angel Beats is objectively speaking a far superior show, though both very much had potentional.

Clannad is better than both either way.

The biggest problem that elevates Charlotte above Angel Beats is the fact that the main romance doesn't feel nearly as forced. There's actual romantic tension built up over the course of the show, as opposed to Angel Beats, where the whole thing at the end felt completely forced and ruined the ending. I unironically had more feels when Yui disappeared than when Kanade did. And I don't get what problems you're referring to in terms of pacing. Charlotte was paced fine considering the story they wanted to tell in 13 episodes, at least as well as Angel Beats.

I agree.

Me neither. I wasn't expecting it to be this rushed.

What was the underground section about? It was a totally wasted concept. It was used for a bunch of cheap deaths but I don't really understand it at all.

>it's full of plotholes
This is a rookie mistake. Watch it again once you're a bit older.



I'm unfortunately for me older than you. Yeah, you could explain the whole heart thing with "IT'S NOT CONNECTED TO REAL WORLD TIME" but it's clear as day that it wasn't really thought out. So I'd define that as a plot hole.

It's not just because it wasn't connected to real world time, it's because it would be impossible for Kanade's wish to be fulfilled if Otonashi didn't end up in the purgatory. He literally says that he doesn't know why he ends up there, since he did die with no regrets, it was when Kanade revealed what she wanted that it all made sense.

This was one of the first shows I watched. Fuck it got me good back then. I need to watch it again.

Do so. you're in for comfy key shenanigance.

Angel Beats is kind of odd. I just rewatched it and everything about it was telling me it should be a bad show, but it never went too far and crossed that line and then when it's over you look back and think "hmm, that wasn't too bad". It was the same way I felt the first time I watched it.

>jumping on a Maeda show unprepared

If it had more episodes it could've been good.