
How do you think it will end, user?

I think Ainz will dominate most of the land, and will be betrayed by one or more of his NPCs.


It'll end with the kid on the right defeating the MC with one punch.

She'll be back, just you wait!

...said an increasingly nervous man for the 5th time this year.

Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown will be broken. Ainz will have the symbol of failure hovering over his head and sudoku.

This is a good theory.

I wonder if the NPCs will no longer feel loyal to Momon if the staff is broken? It *does* signify the end of Ainz Ooal Gown as a guild.

Or they will disappear together with Nazarick and he will be truly alone again.

In the new world?

Since when did Ainz have a Geass?

I've come to terms with Neia dying but I hope she doesn't suffer. She's a good girl and doesn't deserve it.

Can someone recommend me a hood series where they take the plot away from the MC to focus on some reptilian people instead?

>Can someone recommend me a hood series
Cory in the house

How will they do justice to the Evileye scenes when they don't do internal monologues (other than for Ainz)?

I mean the lizardmen can be written off as casualties of war and we all know about that OTHER controversial event, and most other kills are just arrogant fucks getting put in their place...Will this be the first time Ainz kills someone for a petty reason and thus remove all doubt how evil Nazarick is?

She already has been. She was the fifth from the right, second from the front first time cocytus troops approached the village.


Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown is broken. Ainz is dead. Nazarick is ruined. Albedo is raped.
Slane Theocracy won. Democracy everywhere. Happy End

She'd be just a casualty of war the same way her parents and thousands of other Holy Kingdom citizens were.

It's not like Ainz wants her killed in particular, he just sees no particular reason to spare her.

>Slane Theocracy won. Democracy everywhere.
You contradict yourself.

What sort of boys would Neia like?

You mean here?

huh, I thought he'd kill her because she stared at him funny or some other dumb excuse. That'd be just petty and a bit more horrible than tactical attacks on civilians.

Since when were you under the impression that he didn't?

I think there will be another player introduced eventually, but that player is a newbie, non-capped player that was in the process of grinding as the servers shut down. Because of this, it maybe difficult to distinguish this player from a New Worlder at first.

Ainz will naturally want to befriend this noob, but Albedo and her crew will attempt to kill him/her. Final arc will be Ainz, newb, a dragon lord or two vs Albedo and her hit squad. It's stated that Albedo's squad has an NPC that was so strong that even Touch Me couldn't beat it.

Ainz might actually die to that NPC.

>According to Demiurge, if they formed a defensive line at this city, they would attack until there were eighty five percent casualties. Ainz had no idea what he was talking about. Since Demiurge felt it ought to be this way, then it should be a better answer than anything Ainz came up with. If all those deaths brought benefits to Nazarick, then let them die. Rather, Ainz would think about whether killing more would bring even more benefits to Nazarick and such things.

If she dies it's because Demiurge's plan involves killing 85% of the humies and Ainz saw no particular reason to ensure she's included in the 15%.

Slane Democracy!

She suffers from daddy issues and low self esteem. Even you could seduce her.

Season 2 so far has been pretty mediocre, i dont think there will be a season 3 unless they compensate for an amazing entoma/jaldabaoth fight

>How do you think it will end, user?
I'll neck myself, unable to bear the suffering of deteriorating body.

>daddy issues
>low self esteem

She'll marry whoever His Majesty points out as a good candidate.


like I needed more reasons to stay on Ainz's good side

When does the new volume come out?

April 27

i remember this art

alright i need some shut eye

sasuga ainz-sama

One of the enemies (Slane theocracy, Elf King, Dragon Lords, Rogue player) gains knowledge and control of Rubedo via the World Item, kills a shitton of Nazarick's NPC,
while nicking every precious item on-sight. Ainz had to literally to use every world item at his disposal and with the sacrifice of all his NPCs (All up to Pleiades) to repel them.

After Nazarick is ruined, Ainz sealed off his heart, secure the sorcerer Kingdom with an iron fist then start massacring the fuck of the Humies
>Rule the World babyyyyyyyyyyyyy

So when will the 'unstoppable evil' Nazarick get its comeuppance for its crimes?

>Rogue player (girl)

Once Ainz managed to conquer all of the existing land, he gets a congratulatory notice and an end screen.
>Congratulations! You have beaten the game. Thanks for playing.
During the whole dream sequence, it is heavily implied that Ainz is just a copy, an echo (Think: SOMA) of real-world Satoru sent to the new World for beta-testing.

After which, the data transfer sequence starts and everything turns to light.
Meanwhile, RL Satoru finds out that a new game by the same game company as YGGDRASIL.
The beginning sequence have a bunch of veteran players raiding the Ancient Dungeon known as Nazarick.
After beating the last floor, they are greeted by NPC Ainz (Heavily implied to have his sentience wiped) and his NPC guild (Touchme etc.)

51 days left.

Ainz finished conquering the world, then suddenly players from other guilds entered NW, ended with Ainz making cheesy one liner before the end/credits

>Sorcerous kingdom decided to fuck with pretenses and is expanding at will
>surrounding nations cowering in fear
>Nazarick seems unstoppable and on the verge of conquering the known world and going to the unmapped parts
>Demiurge finds out there's been an uprising in his happy farm and all the humans have been rescued
>a young unknown hero who wanted to rescue his sister from the farm was responsible
>through pluck, courage and a bit of luck, miraculously manages to acquire WC items
>fights through Nazarick, even manages to kill a few guardians
>faces Ainz and gets beat down
>Ainz, surveying the damage and death to his beloved minions, spergs out at him and insults him promising the worst tortures Nazarick has to offer
>young hero, bloodied and injured, stands up with great difficulty, glares at ainz in courageous defiance
>he has a couple of unknown WC items in his sleeve
>uses it on Ainz
>Ainz dies like a typical evil Overlord

Remember anons, we are for the ride, not destination.

I'd say that volume 11 is a typical D&D adventure except the characters are epic level 40+ on a campaign recommended for level 12 characters. Makes me wonder if Maruyama pull his ideas out of his sessions, if there's any.

What a terrible theory. Apply yourselves.

Are you retarded? Brain damaged? 12 years old? That is a laughable scenario and you should neck yourself for even thinking about it.

> Ainz about to get real
> He asks Lupu to hold his staff
> She gets too excited and drops it
> AOG dissolves, everything goes to hell
> dissapointment.gif.dll.nw.aog

stop bullying doggo

> She gets too excited and rubs her cunt on it

So, was Jircniv invited to the real Nazarick, or the fake one?

What are these new feelings I am experiencing when I think about Neia? I want to protect her and make sure she is safe and happy even though I feel no sexual attraction to her.

>Implying Ainz will entrust Staff of AOG to anyone other than bestest girl Omega chan

Real, Ainz mentions that Jircniv knows where Nazarick is later on.

> She aheagos, loses muscle control, drops the staff and breaks it

That's lame. Still, I guess it is an unconquerable tomb.

>triggered Overlord fag

It's a typical hero scenario against a seemingly invincible evil force. Maybe you should read some actual books you illiterate.

>Slane Theocracy won. Democracy everywhere

t. speedreader

It's blatantly obvious that the NPCs will betray him in the end. Albedo out of love/jealousy/obsession/whatever, demiurge because he realizes ainz is a total idiot

So in SKAOG everyone gets to vote, right? Even the skeletons?

Evileye is ____

boring and badly written

Damn thats an awesome coaplay outfit, props to whoever put that together.

>Albedo out of love/jealousy/obsession/whatever,
Betrayal for that reason doesn't make sense

>demiurge because he realizes ainz is a total idiot
This I've been thinking for a while, too.


she already secretly formed a death squad for any potential momonga's guildmates that may happen to appear. i can imagine her going mental if a female one happened to appear and momonga showed her a level of affection he doesn't display for the npcs


i dont fap to cartoons user. the females in OL are simply badly written

Ainz will conquer the world and after 300 years or so (a player appears every 100-200 years) Touch Me is sent by the GM's to get Ainz out of there, however Ainz is having none of it, but as Touch me sees how much Ainz fucked up the world he decides to try forcing him out of there. The Npcs get confused and cant really pick a side.
Touch me and Ainz fight, and as Touch me is about to use a spell the GM's gave to bring him back, Ainz kills himself, saying he doesnt want to come back because there is nothing for him in the real world. Touch me gets sad and leaves the NW. Later on the npcs revive Ainz using guild gold, Demiurge praises Ainz for his ''masterful plan''. As always Ainz did not plan this at all, but got extremely lucky the guild had enough gold to resurrect him.
They are now left alone in the NW, since everyone thinks Momonga is dead, no one will ever come back trying to get him out again.
Also when Ainz is resurrected he comes back as an immortal human instead of an overlord, he can now have big sex with albedo and shalltear, and also get PTSD from all the shit he did and saw as an overlord, end?

>NPC stronger than Touch Me
Fucking where does it say that

Nabe, you fucking idiot.

Would Shalltear be better at gathering info if instead of contempt she was a slut who felt attracted to and could sleep with any man?

Rubedo is stronger.

I want Shaltear to sit on my face. How does her butt smell?

Anatomy somehow makes my eyes bleed.

Mole fag noted that she doesn't smell at all.

I just looked her up. How can an NPC be stronger than someone who has "world champion" class that's meant to be broken and op as fuck

By being made out of literal WCI ore?

she's literally a raid boss

>i dont fap to cartoons
You wish that was true don't you?

>NPC be stronger than someone who has "world champion" class that's meant to be broken and op as fuck

because it's a raid boss designed to take on 100 people at once?

i'd tell you about my girlfriend too but last time i did it autismo mods banned me

well, better than smelling like a corpse

>autismo mods banned me
>blogposting on Sup Forums
They were in their right.

Author said it will end with the fall of a kingdom and the only kingdom still around is SKOAG.
Ainz will lose his kingdom and then rule with extreme force under the nazarick flag since being nice didn't work out.

>literally mention it in a similar tone like this right now

>get banned on the spot because the thought that some people touch female flesh angers autistic wizards

this isn't /soc/, but let's not pretend that ignoring all the blatant spam and shitpost while banning people out of autism is good moderating

where did he say that?

Ainz takes over NW and becomes the supreme Overlord, uniting the nations and ending animosity between humans and non-humans, but then finds out about the reason he got into NW in the first place, and how thanks to him exploring and taking over the entire NW the Government can now fulfill their true plan: take the NW from Ainz and make it the New Earth, populated by the elite from Old Earth which is now a hellhole, exterminating and enslaving the natives of NW in the process. They promise Ainz that they'll let him live a normal life as Momon, and will even allow his guildmates to be transported into NW too so they could finally be reunited. Howewer, Ainz now has deep connections with not only the NPCs, but all kinds of people from NW too, and he knows that the Government will just end up turning NW into the same kind of shithole Old Earth is, eventually, so he makes a hard decision to refuse the offer, thus losing his last chance to meet his guildmates, and the Army of Nazarick, consisting of both NPCs and NW natives, now has to face the army of the Government-recruited Ygg players with top skills and strongest equipment. Among those players are Touch Me, who genuinely believes that the Government is doing this all to save the people of Old Earth and that Ainz has turned into a power-hungry tyrant who doesn't want to lose his trone, and Ulbert, who has a hidden agenda and is willing to secretly team up with Ainz just so they could rule NW together, or overthrow Ainz entirely and become a sole ruler. The ending will involve a huge battle, Ainz finally boning Albedo, and will be bittersweet but not entirely dark. Also, Demiurge and Sebas will at some point have to decide whether they want to stick with Ainz or join their creators, and this will be a major source of drama.

>the government is the bad guy

wanna know how i know ur a burger?

>It's stated that Albedo's squad has an NPC that was so strong that even Touch Me couldn't beat it.
In theory only. In reality, Rubedo is just a mindless drone without an own will, controlled by a dumb NPC with maximized defend and zero battle experience. Let alone Touch Me, any capable player with enough tactical sense could beat them, the way Ainz defeated Shalltear.

Actually, he has a point. Most of other fantasies ended like that.

Realistically speaking wouldnt the female NPCs be better opperatives if they were sluts who prefered to bed men than kill them?

>He thinks only Americans think like that
Nigga, even in this novel, Maruyama portrays the government as an authoritarian police state controlled by mega corporations with permanent mass surveillance on all citizens.

You spacing like a faggot doesn't help.

>Who is Solution?

hahaha retard

I'm slav, our government is literally mafia.

he simply states that the present is a dystopian late-capitalist society. the specific focus of the "guvrment" is a telltale sign that you're an american. i'm not even commenting on what you wrote as an idea, if fact it sounds rather good. but the fact that you've think it would be the Government (with a capital G) and not simply a corporation shows you're an american. that's all I said.

How do we survive for 2 more months?

>Then one of Ainz's resurrection ring activates
>He tells the now dead hero's corpse
>"Having reviving mechanism is common sense"
>Proceed to rob the world's gold to revive his NPSc
>Sasuga Ainz sama
>He also revives the hero and uses him as an undead slave to kill his former companions

I do hope she will be alive by the end and we get more parts from her point of view, hers are infinitely more enjoyable than Climb's or Enri's chapters.

Solution barely deigns herself to entertain guests in her coach, imagine the amount of info Albedo or Shalltear could gather if they were sleeping around with nobles, govt officials and powerful people.