
Who is your favorite BroJo, and why?

Other urls found in this thread:

Polnareff > Ermes > Gyro > Mista > Yasuho > Okuyasu > Will > Caesar

i like kakyoin. i kinda relate to him in a way

Polnareff. His life was suffering, but that's his charm point.

ZEPPELI you get to choose wich one


are there any writefags or drawfags around

Kakyoin, of course. I also find him highly relatable, and though he's underutilized he is still a genuinely good character (and person).

I'm here, why? I can't really take requests right now until I can clear up around 3 or 4 in my queue, though.

Before there are or there aren't: I want to upvote Araki/user tenderly love fic.

just asking, threads seem to be sort of positive whenever you guys are around/lurking


We're glad that threads have been comfier as of late as well.


based hairposter

Why does Avdol get shafted by fujos so much?

They’re mostly Japanese so they dislike browns and blacks.

All of the JoJos make me horny.

He's like the most wasted character in the series


Is Joseph implying that he's about to get gangbanged?

Considering Gyro is my favourite character in the entire series, him.


He is a whore, so yes

He gets more attention than Iggy, at least. No one gives a fuck about Iggy.

I'm still eternally, eternally assblasted about the camel guy in SBR. Millions of years from now, when the hyper intelligent race of otters rediscover human civilization's remains, they'll find my corpse, still preserved in its sheathe of salt.

t.Johnny Joe-Kid "JoJo" Joestar

But I'm in a drawfag and all I get is pickaxes thrown at me.
Really? I always thought he was pretty thrown about in terms of ships. However the issue more that he is buried next Jotakak and such. Avdol remains one of the most popular characters in part 3 and I believe that's why the stupid "fans wanted him back" thing has been so persuasive.
>Still has more doujins than Trish

>Still has more doujins than Trish
That's just because only vanilla fujos like Vento Aureo, though. The more kinky fuckers like the other ones.

Too brown. Too masculine. Died way too suddenly.

And on to that, no memes.

Someone out there has masturbated to GioGio before. Laugh at them. Laugh at their silly ways.

I'll need to check doujin again but I'm 90% sure he has more than Yukako (Although she recently did get a couple with Rohan) and Hermes. I'll look wider but Trish was the one that came to mind.
You're allowed to masturbate to who you want.

Which Jojo character have you fapped to the most?


>Yukako with Rohan

>not Koichi

They're both pegging too.
That fic where Polnareff gets his legs cut off and eye ripped out gets me every time.

>tfw no doujins of Yukako tentacle raping both Rohan and Koichi with her hair

You calling me a cripple? I'll fucking kill you.

Doing the Urban fanfic now. Pinch me if I don't finish it by tonight.

Don't push yourself, love. I'm banned on the home network anyway because if a muppet on /vg/. So ill give you a thanks and such on ao3

my dick can only get so erect IT's not even her hair which is a wasted chance.
There's also apprently a Reimi/Roha futa one about.(ID65466714). Rohan sure keeps getting fucked.

I thought we fucking killed jojo generals

>finally a pegging doujin
>it looks like shit

>Hermes that high
FF died so early and she was still a better brojo than her.

I can recommend you a tumblr artist who does a lot of Jojo pegging and takes requests but western art ect.

Here you go, the Urban handholding fanfic.
I'm just glad to have written after those ridiculous episodes I had. I really hope you like it.

Writeanon saves the day again

Araki couldn't handle a strong woman like Ermes. There was no good for reason to shelf her while Annusai got screen time.

Is there a reason why you deleted PlatinumB and use platb now?

I prefer platb cause it's shorter.

gyro without a Doubt is One of my favorite brojos. Pleasant, as well as Playful In the way he interacts with johnny. but Once he Gets down to it, he’ll fight to the death with Ease, because he has True character development and Sometimes some other brojos simply are planar. Mikitaka is an Easy example who came out of nowhere, and could have been Useful but because of Poor writing he was never touched on again. Perhaps If he had more character development he could have been a ver Interesting character that could have done some cool things in the final fight like Okuyasu.

Great to see you writing again writeanon, but don't push yourself too hard

Araki didn't know what to do with her after she got her revenge.

Thank you, so so so much X
It's so nice to have more wholesome content that I can't do but crave.

Glad you liked it. I found it hard to write since I haven't really written in so long, but this is helping me polish myself up again. And yes, more wholesome content should be made.

Does Buccellati count? He didn't stop fighting. Really heroic for a mobster.

based uppio poster

nice fic though

And it's a shame. He convincingly wrote Polnereff after J. Guile, but couldn't manage it with Hermes.

what's the next fic you'll make?

Why was Hermes so underdeveloped?

According to my queue, it's "That scene where Dio gets wasted in Phantom Blood and pisses off those thugs, except instead of ending with vampires it's gang rape".

Which jojo character do you wish you looked like?


Based based poster

FF was more underdeveloped but basically anyone who wasn't Jolyne or Pucci was underdeveloped in part 6.

In high school I developed this disorder that makes you rip out your hair at the roots and my scalp has been fucked up ever since

At least she got her arc. There have been plenty of others who got nothing.

You okay, girl?

based based based poster

Are you the author of "My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness"?

Speedwagon. Younger, of course.

i doodled a quick kakyonk

It's your stand developing user, don't worry

Whoa, that's so cute. Have any more?

nice noodle nice doodle

i drew this for an user from a thread before

you can request something if you want woot

Oh, requesting a smug Kakyoin, then.

Hierophant Greenu hugging Kak from behind and I'll suck your noodle.

Cute as always!

Could you maybe draw a cute Polnareff? I don't think I've seen you draw him before.

Did you used to draw Jotaro getting his ass wrecked? Because your art style seems really familiar.

I'm on chapter 24 of JJL and i gotta say i really like the Jo2uke/ Yasuho dynamic, I love how the more they spend time apart the more they visibly long for each other. this is probably the first time i liked any form of romance written by Araki.


Reminder that as a straight man you can only be physically attracted to Jolyne and Giorno. Every other jojo makes you gay

How would being attracted to that shemale not make you gay

Joshuu and Yasuho

See the cuddling of the woman,
I think she's angry at her man.

He finds it hard to see the lion,
Overshadowed by the sailor's shadow.

Who is that drooling near the petal?
I think he'd like to drink her nectar.

She is but an excellent girl,
Admired as she stands like a flower.

Her dreamy stand is just a map,
It needs no gas, it runs on love.

She's not alone she brings a friend,
a pet lion, with twice the fur.

The lion chases men like a fly,
Especially those who do not die.

The woman shudders at the strange king
She want to leave but he wants the milkie

no sorry i wish i did though

Fuck, forget to sign my name. Don't text and drive in your Lamborghini.

Nothing's stopping you from drawing it now

it's never too late to start user:') i'll be looking forward to it

Why is Jolyne such a shameless whore?

Gets it from her father.

Daddy issues

Joestar blood

Why does Jolyne do such a shameless vore


ok user give me the suck
