ITT: Things about anime that make you dead inside
ITT: Things about anime that make you dead inside
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Cute girls getting killed. Even a nameless background female character being killed ruins my day, which is why I dropped Overlord.
You sound like you could use a hug
>Being this much of a faggot
2.5D CGI animation in general.
>someones about to advance the plot
>gets interrupted
I hate anime and I hate myself
Rape in non-hentai anime/manga. I just don't like it. It doesn't make me feel dead inside but it does nothing for me. Just puts me in a bad mood.
When I enjoyed the show but it only gets one season.
bittersweet endings like white album 2
>made by Toei Animation
when my mom calls me for dinner while i am watching anime
that just takes me out of the experience completely
The style of anime like Jin Roh were we have realistic looking characters isn't as common as it should be.
I find it hard to watch happy, uplifting anime because it reminds me how unhappy I am. I don't watch much drama because it reminds me of the lack of complexity and events in my own life. I find it hard to watch depressing anime because it puts me in a foul mood.
I think I've just reached the point where I'm too emotionally unstable to enjoy any sort of storytelling
The overwhelming assumption that only teenagers have interesting emotional lives, novel experiences, and the potential for change.
Mostly because it's true and it reminds me that my life ended when I turned 22.
There are more shows about mecha that transform into fighter-jets then shows about fighter-jets
>made by Queen Bee
Still haven't watched Seikatsu Shidou despite having downloaded it unknowingly.
not enough people can draw like that anymore.
>Mostly because it's true and it reminds me that my life ended when I turned 22.
Shouldn't it be the opposite? 22 is when you, in theory, gain financial independence and just generally start living life for yourself.
Teen protagonists doing all the shit i wish i could have done as a teenager.
depends if you fall into a dead-end job or not.
>Eizen being sad
No no no this won't do. Berseria party must remain smug at all times. It's too depressing when they're sad.
True love.
I lost my faith in irl romance when most married couple in my family ended up divorced(my parents included) and one of my best friend got dumped on his birthday.
I'm afraid 22 is when the bill collectors come calling, you stop being able to afford time off for vacations, you start having to work at least six days a week, and you become so busy that you spend the next decade gradually losing contact with all your friends, without actually having any savings to show for it—that is, the point when life ceases to be about striving for any sort of meaningful future and becomes pure awful survival.
At least in my experience.
I'm happy to report that my two best friends (and hell, my parents) can testify that true love exists and relationships can last if you're careful about them.
It's just fairly rare, which is why it's a good subject for interesting stories.
This, rape is almost never used for actual plot progression, it's usually just retarded edge.
>When a new season doesn't pick up from where the previous one ended.
I don't like shows that have weird loli scenes like Railgun for instance. I'm not sure if that's considered mild or whatever but listening to pre-pubescent girls talking about their panties and being naked in the shower makes me uncomfortable.
i hate stuff like that because i know exactly what audience it's for. i get what you mean. personally i dislike ecchi stuff in non-ecchi shows.
Guys getting slapped around as comedy.
>they're finally going to kiss
>jk lol
>season finale
stop doing this
>Tips fedora
What, I thought fedoras hate wymyn.
I know that happy couples and stable relationships exist. My grandparents on both sides are two of the best I have known of. Still, watching my parents splitted up when I was a child sort of make me scared of that in general.
>MC does something extremely cringey even though he was in the right
>MC getting his shit pushed in by everyone, even his allies. Never catches a break even by the end of the series. Only one that actually loves him for who he is. is the villain herself.
>Wake up, get on Sup Forums for some wholesome anime discussion
>Instead am immediately reminded of my catastrophic failure of a life
Back to bed I go.
Have a song in the same vein
Got an example for the 2nd one?
People being in the middle of the fight start talking for no other reason than explaining what they are going to do.
I fucking hate every shonen basically
this. Queen bee's works feels like slideshow, which sucks because every source material they are making has godlike art design
oh god not like this
Nichibros really fucked me up with this.
Akagame Kill?
Drama because I'm sensitive as fuck
Happy Romance because jealous as shit.
Developing Friendships that could have been but ceased to be due to circumstance
*Tips fedora*
I must save all le women
Thanks for restoring my hope that Sup Forums is not entirely lost
In the darkest of times, there is hope for those who seek it.
This and also powerful, powerful friendship. Maybe it's because I have very few friends, but I don't think I've ever had a friendship close enough to where both of us would have prominent concern and sacrifice for each other. Brotherhood must be dead in real life.
good post
>missing best boy
I wouldn't call it dead but usually those kind of relationships you only get with people you met in your childhood.
So it's too late?
Depends, i found some great friends at university.
Probably. People are less willing to open up the older you get, and people also tend to abandon their friendships for their families as they age as well. Not to blog but I have someone like that but I couldn't imagine it working out as well if we had met later as adults.
The fact that no matter how much time passes, no show will ever hold a candle to the borderline perfection that is Evangelion.
I also feel bad for women. In anime there are often really close "sisterhood" relationships that /u/ obsesses over as Yuri (even though 90% of the time it's not sexual). I don't believe those happen in real life beyond actual sisters. Women are pretty cruel to each other.
He deserves to be sad for being a shitty brother who stole from her little sister.
>Women are pretty cruel to each other
You've been spending too much time on /r9k/. Women are just as cruel to each other as men are to other men. Close relationships do exist between women but they function differently than men. You don't see it often because most people in general don't have such a close relationship with another person outside of family.
Laphicet is never smug. He always exists in one of two states. Shy and Nervous, and Total Badass.
If you value your life,don't fuck with his Velvet.
Laphicet was honestly the best written character in the game. No idea why he is pretty unpopular.
Seeing all these start-ups in manga that have been working hard for a decade finally get acknowledged or getting adaptions of their works. That in itself is fantastic; but it reminds me that I should have never given up on drawing when I was younger. Also, I think it's funny that I'm twice the age of many anime characters. On the flip-side, I enjoy gag manga and anime even more than before.
I'm in the middle of this. Don't give up user, work hard, and do what's best for yourself. Don't take out loans that you don't need, and avoid cash advances like cancer. Learn to balance a budget in a notebook so at least the thought of money is contained in a book instead of lingering in your mind all the time. There's nothing wrong with putting your self ahead.
>true love
This too
>the fact that sci fi and fantasy are practically dead aside from trash like Beatless and Franxx and isekai about vidya-like worlds
>no more male MCs who aren't total beta bitchboys
>guy accidentally sees girl naked, girl physically assaults him
>on a related note, shitty unfunny "humor" in general especially when it's forced into an otherwise serious show
>feeling like pretty much all modern anime is just fapbait for otaku and doesn't care to really be anything more
In the USA, /u/ sisterhood is predominant in teenage girls and early 20's girls as far as I've seen.
Unnecessary drama/misunderstandings that could be easily solved if the characters just talked a bit to each other.
It will never be real.
This. I understand that at the end of Serial Experiment Lain that the reset was a necessary element to fit the theme of the show, but it really wasn't worth erasing Arisu's memory. Waiting for her to calm down and then explaining what just happened would have resolved things. Yes she visits her again at the end but what's the point if she only has a slight premonition of familiarity?
I thought that too but by the time I hit my mid-20s all of the girls I knew had fucked each other over.
Lesbian who like to grope boobs and fall for harem anime MC.
Anything by Queen Bee is a joke
When are we going to get a anime where the token lesbian likes to lick armpits and smell feminine farts
Harem, ntr, kid protagonist
What's wrong with that?
Finding out how old the characters are.
oh god user don't remind me
NTR, sluts
It feels like there's no passion in anime anymore, instead of the wonderful creativity you'd get in previous decades everything now is carefully calculated to bring in otakubux and no one takes any risks.
Fellow men of culture I see
>Art is great
>Story is ass
>Nearly out of Anime in my backlog
>Decide to check Sup Forums, see what garbage everyone is talking about these days, check some out
>Click on thread, read it
>Crying some of the least manly tears I've cried
I'm so sorry all of you are alone. I feel so bad, because I'm an Otaku myself, but I was popular (yet standoffish) in High School, have plenty of friends, a good job, and am happily single (I have two women I sleep with that live with me... It's complicated). I even have a son, and he likes Anime, too. Hell, his favorite movie is Tonari no Totoro.
I know that it hurts to be reminded of all the things you missed out on, and what you don't have, but while it's too late to change the past, you can always change your present. Your future isn't written, and what path you choose to follow is entirely up to you.
I know you're hurt, and lonely, and I know it's depressing. Sometimes you don't even want to get out of bed in the morning, you feel like noone cares, but I want you to know that's not true. My heart goes out to all of you, even if that means nothing to you.
I don't think there's anything wrong with being a NEET, or an Otaku. If you enjoy it, do it. Do what makes you happy. If there's more that would make you happy than what you do already, then do that, too.
If there's someone you think is cute, talk to her. If there's a job you want, apply for it. Don't worry about people thinking you're strange, or creepy, it doesn't matter. If you be your true self, and are rejected, then those people aren't important. They're side characters in your story. If you just be yourself, then you'll find people who accept you as you are. That's the secret, both behind finding true companions, and true love.
Don't be shy, Sup Forums. As humans, we're naturally social creatures. You can do it if you just put yourself out there. You may not believe in yourself, but I believe in you. Just speak naturally, and be the best you that you can be. I wish you luck in your search for happiness, bro
This. Also tsunderes and parrot syndrome.
I know I'm probably going to get a lot of shit for that wall of text, but I don't give a damn. If I can help just one of you with these words, then to me it's all worth it. I love you guys, I don't want you to be sad.
True love is so rare now it might as well be a fucking fetish.
>guy sees girl naked
>pay me with your life
What the fuck you think you are, the maddona?
>threatens to castrate
I will put you in the fucking ground.
That anime about the girls in a school forcing the guys to be girls or else they will attack them with swords was retarded.
Honestly, user, I don't believe in it myself. Romantic Love is naught more than Platonic Love tied with Lust. Relationships often fail because Lovers are selfish. Success comes from friendship being the core, allowing freedom, rather than control... Trust me, if what she wants is you to completely dominate her and make all her decisions she'll make it clear. If that isn't the case, then they're not property. They're a human being.
The community sucks donkey dick. Anything with more than 1k concurrent viewers is either normie garbage or shitposted into oblivion.
Nip nong machiavelism, right?
>forcing them to be girls
Could you explain?
Answering your question, though, OP, the thing that makes me dead inside about Anime is the whole Brocon/Siscon, as those Anime have caused me to question the conduct of my youngest sister when she's around me, and I'm nearly positive that she's a Brocon.
She doesn't act around my brother like she does around me, and she also acts differently around me when I'm with my friends than when I'm with Family.
I honestly don't know how to deal with this. If my suspicions are correct I need to come up with a way to shut her down without making her hate me, or find her a boyfriend. Currently my only recourse is in that I am living on the opposite side of the state.
Not asking for advice, I know what Sup Forums recommends in these situations, and while she is a beautiful young woman, I just don't see her that way. She's my baby sister, you know?
>She doesn't act around my brother like she does around me, and she also acts differently around me when I'm with my friends than when I'm with Family.
user, maybe she just likes you, anime inn't real life you fucking faggot.
Sakuga because it reminds me that I’ll never be able to make anything cool like that.
characters that spend years together going through hardships together but their relationships are no different from the first episode
no one likes shota designs
Everybody in my immediate family likes me, but there's no reason my sister should hug me so often, or sit in my lap, or play with my hair, or ask me for massages.
Neither of my other sisters do stuff like that, so this can't be normal sibling behavior. I know that Anime isn't real life, but I'm certain that some kind of line is being crossed here.
he should have been like 4 years older and not wearing a slave collar
>serious, emotional moment happening
>start having feelings
>show upstages itself with some retarded comedy ruining the whole scene
>you become so busy that you spend the next decade gradually losing contact with all your friends
>that is, the point when life ceases to be about striving for any sort of meaningful future and becomes pure awful survival.
An hero can't come closer...
>Recommend show
>They watch it dubbed
>person 1 is Rank A badass, lifetime of practice
>person 2 is Rank F shitter, has one dumb technique
>person 2 wins the fight
>person 2 is not elevated to Rank A/B for proving to be a badass