Starting to feel too old for anime

I turned 25 last week and i think it really hit me bad. Its not that I don't enjoy it, mentally I don't feel any different to 18. But it feels like I shouldn't really be into this anymore. Not all stuff obviously, just most shows.

I've spent over a decade on this site and I haven't grown out of most things. If anything I hope there is some solidarity with other Sup Forumsnons who have just kept on going. Maybe its fine and I can keep being a degen forever, really when I think about it there wouldn't be anything better than shitposting here when I'm 40 all I'd hope is that most of the cunts here today grow old doing so also.

pic related i don't know if its a curse or a blessing that i keep growing older while they stay the same

This is how mentally deficient people think.

This is more of a blogthread than anime related discussion, user. What kind of response do you want?

I've been here for a decade and no longer watch anime as I used to, too. I have way less patience to try the flavor-of-the-month generic shit, and this is probably the reason I barely pick up any new shows anymore. Most of the shows I pick up end up getting dropped. But there are a few gems here and there that remind me why I started watching chinese cartoons. It'll happen to all of us at some point, we get bored from seeing the same shit over and over, this doesn't necessarily mean you're getting too old for it, you just need a break.

You seem really stressed out about this. Anime is just a hobby. I'm sure plenty of us will still be around in another 15 years.
And I'm pretty glad that anime girls don't age. Imagine an old baba Lum chan. That's some real sinister deviantart shit.

nothing really just had a bad morning, probably just confirmation that i'm not going into the abyss of old age alone

I feel that, a few of my friends watch it really so i find that reassuring

i'm not usually insecure about this stuff honestly though i don't wear it on my sleeve. I am French so people are usually weird here anyway.

I'm a decade older than you and I watch more anime than I used to, aimed at younger demographics.
Watch what you like, not what other people think you ought to like.

watching anime is fine at 25+, if you're not enjoying it it's probably the genre/style/shows?

well you're bound to feel that way if you're watching shows about teenagers, made for teenagers.

I'm 25 too and I HATE ANIME.

its not about enjoying it, its about thinking if i still should

If you still enjoy watching anime then just keep watching it, don't worry about your age. In fact, the K-On manga was published in a seinen magazine, which means its target demographic is people in their 20s and up. You don't have to feel bad at all.

Stop letting anime be a part of your identity, whether it be internal or external, and then you can enjoy it without feeling that way. I'm almost 30 and don't feel ashamed about watching anime because its just one of my many hobbies. Something I do occasionally when I'm bored, its not a big deal. As long as you're not known as the 'anime guy' at 25 years old I think you can just keep doing what you do.

>its about thinking if i still should
That's a sad, silly thought.

You shouldnt connect your tastes to your growth as a person. If you're stagnating blaming the anime is the fastest way to keep stagnating.

Just do more with your life.

>I turned 25
That's cute. Yesterday I saw a 46 years old dude in the colors thread.


Thats right, do something with you life, change you life!

This is bullshit total bullshit. You can never be too old for anime.
But I do have a problem with Sup Forums - I feel too old about it. I feel out of place despite being here for well over a decade.
I'm 34 if you're interested.


I feel like I'm too old to enjoy it*.
In recent times I've begun feeling out of place*

Im 32 and i watch anime, its normal!

Heh im Russian guy, im 32 and i watching anime!Pffff

Go watch Sup Forums shit then and socialize.

I turned 25 this year too. I'm in a similar boat, although I don't enjoy Sup Forums as much as I used to since meeting actually intelligent and non-socially retarded people has made me realize how many posters on Sup Forums are autistic, egotistical and immature.

Aside from that, I think valid arguments can be made for valuing media and hobbies over "real life" - but I just want to say that we are still young, and if you have any deepseated regrets or desire to change your life then now is the time to act. It's not too late but it will be, soon.

I didn't even get into anime until I was around 23

I'm almost 30 and I'm still here, watching chinese porno cartoons, because I like them. Stop whining like a little bitch.

I turn 29 next month, what you're going through is perfectly normal.

It's not that you're "too old" for anything, its that as you get older you have more responsibilities and shit to worry about - and more opportunities to do other things - that take up the time you used to just want to watch anime. That's totally fine! I used to follow lots of shows every season; now I only occasionally watch currently-airing stuff and usually watch stuff that's already finished, and overall probably watch only half as many shows total.

As you get older, you have less time. That's just how it is. If you feel like you shouldn't "be into" certain shows, it's probably because you've realized that you only have so much time available, and you'd rather do something else than watch that particular show. There's no reason to attach any weird guilt to that - it's just using your time wisely. There's no reason to ever stop watching anime, but you're never going to have the time or energy to keep up with the number of shows you did when you were 18 pretty much ever again, so concentrate on the shows that actually hold your attention without feeling like they're a waste of time. It's the same as any other hobby.

Maybe watch what you want to watch and don't worry what anyone thinks about it? Just throwing out ideas.

Come on, that's some Oprah tier advice. You're assuming that everyone treats anime like a hobby outside of their successful real life enterprises, when for some people it's an aid for enabling people to escape from or abandon real life, which they find tedious or meaningless.

For a lot of people it's easy to just say "man life is shit" and resort to playing games, watching anime and posting on Sup Forums all day. The real question is if that's an okay way to live.

thanks this is probably it.

If anything its good, when i was a student i was watching shit tonnes even garbage.

Now I just say fuck it i cba with lots of stuff. But then I still love to sit down with actual quality.

>For a lot of people it's easy to just say "man life is shit" and resort to playing games, watching anime and posting on Sup Forums all day. The real question is if that's an okay way to live.

I mean, judging from what OP said, he already knows the answer to that question for himself. I'm just trying to give him advice as a result. I'm no normie, I just have a job and other hobbies/interests besides anime that take up more of my time now.

Check 'em

I'm 29 and just getting into it as a hobby. I don't see what the big deal is about liking it past a certain age. It's not like I would ever consider my age when watching live action TV or film, so why would anime be different?

Fair enough, looks like your advice hit the mark. Sorry if I seemed demeaning.

This is a blog thread anyway so I want to ask what other hobbies? It'd be nice to discover something new.

Are you me?

A lot of losers like anime but liking anime does not make you a loser.

Turning 30 in 3 days, I'll take my Wizard powers and watch anime.

I don't even know where to start. You're assuming your motivation for watcing anime is the same as that of other people. You're also basing your advice on the idea that everyone goes through the same experiences and life events as you, or that they're currently in a position similair to yours, on an anonymous imageboard that people from all over the world use. You're say you're turning 29 but are so close-minded you might as well be a teenager

im 26 and restarted watching anime 2 years ago

>I've spent over a decade on this site
>but it's the anime I need to give up
Fucking retard. You've wasted the best years of your life. Either accept that and embrace your fate, or kill yourself. It's too late to be a normalfag now.

I started watching chinese cartoons frequently at 24, shit decision?

Fucking this. If it was anime he was just watching, he might've turned out better, but Sup Forums has more of an effect on his psyche than anime will ever have.

25 isn't that old at all. But based on his posts he's kind of retarded and a loser so yeah it was probably too late since day 1

Underrated dubs.

The older I get the more I watch. Sentimental and lighthearted shit really gets me. No patience for plot driven stuff anymore.

Remember you're here forever etc.


Wasting your life on something you enjoy is not wasting your life. If you have to pick between something people expect of you or something that makes you happy you should always pick what makes you happy.

You are at an age now that you should start giving less shits about what others think or do. Source me I'm 24. Go get a job or something.
The more money I make the less fucks I give about other people, now that I'm past the high school forced interaction bullshit