Is there any anime that actually made you cry?
Is there any anime that actually made you cry?
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No because I'm not a little bitch.
A man only cries when his mom dies, when his dog dies, and when his first child is born.
All of them.
Sup Forums spoiled me on the god damn plot twist in here and I lost interest and dropped
I feel you user
This movie made tear up pretty hard just yesterday
Now this sounds like a cry for help
Please don't commit suicide user
Made in Abyss' finale destroyed me, Girls last Tour did if the final chapters of the manga ever get adapted my heart probably won't be able to take it. VEG and SoraYori this season have both made me tear up a few times.
I like shows that make me get all emotional. There have been tons over the years.
Your pic has been the only one so far.
>listening to when society tells you it's ok to cry
Could you be more beta?
Is that from reddit?
And after he cums
Yes lots, it's one of the only times i can let my emotions go and my fucking god do i need it.
Sure, plenty of times. The one that comes to my mind first is the ending of Angel Beats, I get emotional just listening to the opening song.
when shizune talks about her dog dying
they definitely overused it but since then i have uncontrollable reflex, just by hearing first 8 seconds i start crying and cant stop listening to it till its over.
picrelated scene also was very nice.
from recent ones i think made in abyss, but i feel like its 50% just because of outstanding ost, without it, it wouldn't be just as effective.
Yes but not forced melodrama shit
The scene in Grave of the Fireflies with the "riceball" pierced my soul.
More times than I'd like. To characters dying, to characters having fun, and to the carefree times characters have after going through hard times. I thought I'd get desensitized from decades of watching, but even something like this scene from SAO broke me. It's melodramatic, it's something I've seen in variations before, but my throat got sore and I was crying out of both of my eyes.
The show about the centaur girl and wacky conspiracy shit made me cry like a bitch on the episode about the concentration camps.
Babysittets school made me cry when the guy was about to phone his parents to tell them kotaro was ill and then he remembers they're dead.
Fullmetal alchemist made me cry in two different versions.
2 years lurk newfriend
This shit got me good.
Just the firefly episode in the first season of Natsume, years and years ago. I've never watched that episode again since.
But I've already been here 2 years and a half
Parents losing their children is my emotional kryptonite.
That recent episode in Violet Evergarden got me pretty good among others.
Like full on cry? Nope. Tear up? Plenty.
you seem insecure.
this thread sucks
this fucking shit
this scene hit me like a truck
AzuDai ED after the last episode almost always gets me
>that key change near the end
Quite a few made me tear up but the only ones that i remember crying my eyes out were Steins;Gate, the end of the TTGL movie and Emiyas story in Fate/Zero
Mobile Suit Gundam
Zeta Gundam
ZZ Gundam
Char's Counterattack
A real man like wouldn't watch any anime in the first place
why S;G in particular?
I've teared up through almost all of Steins;Gate but what really got me to cry and also one of the most memorable moments of the anime for me was when Okabe got that letter from Suzuha. Its just so full of regret and sorrow.
It’s the music that did it. Secret Base is cheating.
>Secret Base is cheating.
It really trains you like an animal to get sad when you hear it
Manga rather than anime, but I cried at the ending of Wanko Number Wan like a bitch and I'm man enough to admit it.
It was okay, but dear god was it way too melodramatic.
With a more subtle ending it could have been great.
That song only gets you so far. The first two episodes got me choked up a bit, but then the retarded Mari Okada writing kicks in and my brain was too busy complaining about how stupid everything was to be sad. Now hearing that song just annoys me.
White album 2, somehow relatable
No, but the Magus Bride manga made me cry at one point.
Buddha is a dick.
Let's be real, manga is better at having an emotional impact.
Why can't anime let a tragic moment pass without having sad piano music drilling its way into your brain?
Koe no Katachi.
R2 Ending.
It's the opposite for me. Anime can fuck me up because of the OST while I don't think I've ever gotten emotional from manga.
With Dango Daikazoku as well.
OSTs can add to a good show, but when an anime relies on things like melodramatic music, characters crying, or children/animals dying to produce emotion in the audience, it's very cheap.
I didn't cry reading MiA manga but the anime destroyed me
Well, the MiA anime is actually well-executed.
The sound design adds to the experience beyond just "you're supposed to cry now" cues.
I'm referring to things like the OP, Clannad, Elfen Lied and all that shit.
Happiest-girl-in-the-whole-world shit kills me. I can barely even watch them.
Nothing else affects me in the slightest.
Just finding out how girl's last tour ended hurt me bad.
For me, it's more effective because you're reading at at your own pace.
None except AnoHana. I had two childhood friends die on me. One who I was in "love" with at the time just like in the anime. I never got to say goodbye to her even though i had a chance to. We were going to hang out the week before she died but I didn't go.
Inuyashiki's ending left me a sobbing mess. That and Made in Abyss are the only two I can remember from recent times.
Death Note's ending is an earlier one, more because of the music though. Fuck Light.
Misae Sagara Episode.
Tags:Time Skips, Time Dilation
You cried too, you little bitch.
tkimz's authors notes and afterwords always make me super depressed.
Rahxephon, the Asahina episode... i had a very ugly fight with my gf at the time right before watching it.
Sorry for your dog user. Lost mine over 6 months ago and I'm still not over it.
I didn't cry (it was close though) but the certain event in this seriously crushed me inside for couple days.
Call me what you will, but the One Piece backstories always get me. Especially Chopper and Brook's. One Piece has surprisingly made me weep a lot, then again I'm an emotional fuck that cries at a lot of things when I'm by myself.
I often listen to some form of music when I read manga to sort of enhance the emotions of whatever is going on. When there's a sad flashback I usually fall back on this. It really drives home the sadness for me personally.
I cried at Binks' Sake. Whenever that song plays, I cry like a bitch.
where did dad touch you
weird name
I've been moved to tears/ had teary eyes but I don't think I've ever cried from any form of media
Trio... duet... solo.
Well now the yugamineena scene from Shomin Sample gets me teary
>Didn't cry at the end of gunbuster
>Cried when nono died in diebuster
Is there something wrong with me
Made in abyss got me.
People make me feel like a robot.
I just finished that episode today and felt nothing.
I cried at the ending of Wandering Son. Anf I'm not even gay.
This got me twice
Made me tear up when I saw it in the anime
Anyone else hyper-fickle about crying in any media. The second my "fake crying" radar goes off I am immediately disgusted and lose all emotional investment I had in the sad scene.
I don't even know what exact frequency of crying rubs me the wrong way, if it passes my vague mental test then I'm fully emotionally invested and crying alongside it.
Anohana fucking broke me
Like a little girl. Multiple times. And on every rewatching.
Berserk manga got me. I think it was an extra chapter with a flower fairy and kid guts. Got me real good.
Mentioning Grave of the Fireflies is cheating. Just the name makes my eyes well up.
Welcome to the NHK made me cry twice, once at the end of the suicide-pact's finale and the last episode itself. What a fucking ride.
Same but only because of how beautiful it was.
The Eclipse traumatized me for days. But I truly cried when Mozgus died. He was a good lad.
I cried tears of blood