Leone or Mine?
Leone or Mine?
Name one (1) negative quality that Leone has.
>tfw nobody mentions Najenda
Why is that?
Being in this shit show.
>Would give you piggyback or princess carry you home after drinking together
>Breasts are a huge plus
What else? I mean she did steal Tatsumi's money I guess.
Stealing from mc, maybe she stole from mc's friends as well accidentally leading them to their deaths
Im not into bestiality so Mine
No contest
How did Leone die?
By being written into the script in the first place.
>Tfw you'll never be Najenda's househusband
It hurts. I also think because of how she reacted to Lubbock's death she lost a load of fans. Hence why.
She was killed like 5 times. Every single time she died however the enemy was too lazy to go check and make sure she was dead, so she regenerated and killed them. That's how every single fight she was in went. I like Leone but fuck that was shitty writing, even considering how shit the entire series was.
Who was Leone paired with in the end before she died?
Why this show was such a shitshow? Why this show was called Akame if even Akame wasn't main character. Still, made me feel bad inside, whole ending.
Because she survives. I can't remember the details but if you mess about with the kanji in some way it very nearly spells "Akame Lives".
>Leone or shit
Wew lad.
Both shit.
Actually stealing from him helped her recognize him and stopped night raid from killing him.
That technically isn't her fault that the show around her is complete horse shit.
I choose Justice
She is also a horse shit.
maybe less people will die id night raid get wiped out and then budo killed honest
What would you do to make the story less horse shit?
Leone > Esdeath > large gap > rest
Best megane in the series
I won't say you have colossal shit taste, because you probably hear it every day.
we all know who won (in the manga at least)
your post is kind of ironic considering that Tatsumi got turned into a dragon and Mine doesn't seem to care.
The catgirl always win.