Oh no no no no NO NO NO

Oh no no no no NO NO NO

Other urls found in this thread:


sys.Sup Forums.org/a/imgboard.php?mode=report&no=169372049



I hope mods start banning you idiots

This is why I stopped watching anime a year ago. I knew this shit was going to become mainstream normalfags tier of cancer.

''IM SUCH A WEEB BRO XD'' literally the new gamer.

>it's real

who cares though, if you think anime isn't quasi-mainstream already and populated with kids + average joes then you're nuts




korean and chinese cartoons are better

>Oh no no no no NO NO NO

Oh yes yes yes yes YES YES YES


>abandoning a medium because you don't like how its fans are becoming
you're a retard

did you get into anime just to talk to anime fans? you should only stop watching anime if you don't like it anymore

>darlingtards are literal crossboarder children
Everyone knew already but thanks for the confirmation

Tell me its fake.


It's fake

I got into anime because I fell in love with the culture around it. Now that this culture is quite literally getting destroyed by normalfags much like what happened to video games and comic I don't feel like participating in a medium full of normalfags and ironic weebs pretending to have 32423423 waifus while having a disgusting 3DPD whore gf or people who think they are hot shit because they watched a total of 4 dubbed anime on netflix.

cuckxx threads should be moved to /trash/. it's even worse than naruto at this point


Is this some mainstream rapper? Didn't snoop dogg said he liked anime also? What's so difference about this?

Thanks for the link, user.

>trigger trash is normalfags trash

is anime saved?

your retarded not him. Consumers affect the products through demand.



s2 confirmed?

I don't feel any better.