
It's unironically BETTER without them.

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Will Apex at least edit FMFsubs or we're truly dommed ?





Last week of Apex guess I will be using spanish subs from now on, I hate the language but what can you do

Apex officially abandoned us. We are doomed.

>Maybe my last LE episode, I don’t think I’ll have time to work on this from now on… We’ll see.
what a shame


・ Awakening ~ Preliminary Round ~ Servant Summoning
From the top...
"A girl falls on the water's surface, lying face up. It's the Female Protagonist before she disappears, after losing to Hakuno in the sixth round."
This scene would be interesting to include. The audience would be misled to believe she was someone who died in the preliminaries, but the truth would be revealed in after the sixth round.
This is just meant to be a surprise scene, without any bearing on the story. It doesn't have to be included.

From Extella/Zero.

My cute book is here.

Don't touch


What about Chyuu subs?

I really liked this episode. Shaft is still at their best with surreal stuff after all.


You have to touch a book's soft inner pages in order to read it user.


Where is Hakuno standing?

P-perv! Filthy! LEWD!

Why is the book so lewd?

She wants you to spread her wide open and thoroughly read her to your heart's content.


I wonder if Francis Xavier will make an appearance. He appears against Alice in the games.

That's not a book, that's a ghost.


You first cuckfox

isn't this book a little too lewd ?

Now that Alice has appeared I'm going to have to start watching.

Watched it now, pretty cool episode umu and alice were cute and madoka style worked pretty well and I really liked the ost towards the end.

Post more comfy servants.

This smile must be protected.

Hope she doesn't get brutally killed

>Alice says she wants to cure herself and come back to life
>Hakuno clenches his fist and grits his teeth, as he realizes that only one of them can survive
Good girl Alice not only made Hakuno smile, but also feel sad and sympathize.

>I'll have to wait a whole fucking week for Chyuu from now on or suck it up and deal with memesubs

Are chyuu actually a week later or just a few days

I think the fastest they managed were 2 or 3 days but episode 5 took them almost a whole week.

Chyuu's subs for episode 5 came out yesterday.

Linked to the wrong post

isn't it something about her usually not being able to experience any stimulus (since she's a book) so she goes kinda crazy whenever she has a body that is capable of experiencing them?



this episode was really cute, I want to hold hands with umu

Alice was really fucking cute this episode. We'll see what happens next.


They're gonna break our hearts by giving her an absolutely unfair death and we all know it.

Final boss

being spared from this shitshow be glad

It's even possible to give her a fair death ?

The only reason I'm glad she died to be completely honest. This anime is just horrible.

I bet you hated Utena, you bitch

What exactly was that symbolism?

She will appear to get killed off again don't worry

She's already dead though?

That's a surgical drape with a cut in it, and presumably those things represent her internal organs.

Is Rin a floor master too or what?

Fuck no. It's one of my favorites. It's basically shoujo eva.

surgery, obviously

They said that they have flashbacks in that place so it's most likely a flashback. Also Rin can't be the floormaster of that place if she left now that Alice is the floormaster

>Also Rin can't be the floormaster of that place
Sounded rather like she might be the one of the 6th floor, why else specify on which one she'd be willing to fight?
But I guess if it's flashbacks then that's not it. I thought they were just misinterpreting them as flashbacks since their memory was hazy.

Shit taste.

She probably was the floormaster and lost to someone else, who can that be ?

So why did Nursery Rhyme leave Alice alone and turn into a freaky monster?

When Hakuno was playing with Nursery rhime his Command Seals were different, probably a flashback they should made this entire episode a flashwould, would be interesting


>only has 1 Command Spell left when he opens the door the first time
>Has 2 in the next scenes
He should have 2 considering he only used one against the first fight with Robin.
I really doubt this is an animation error considering how they focused on it.

I think he had already used one when he arrived at the second floor but I forgot on what

I noticed that. It's certainly strange. I've never seen a Command Seal with the multiple square boxes like that. Of course, this being SHAFT I'm a bit hesitant to read too far into something that might have just been an animation error.

Yeah, Robin was going to kill Nero but Hakuno used a CS to power her up and blow the arrows away
The was the only time he used one, so he should have two left

what the fuck is that image

Oh fuck, wait a minute
Those CS are on different hands
When he was with Alice the CS were on his right hand, but they should be on his left

Interesting. So the Command Seals are on the wrong hand, and it's not even the same Command Seal.


Double checked and it's consistent for all of his scenes with Alice.
Same for the scenes with Amari, he has the other CS on his right hand there too

Nice catch. There's going to be some kind of big reveal next episode then.


I love Nero.

>Killing Rani
>The shameless slut Rin "I sleep with old men for money" Tohsaka is back

I wanna fuck a book...

Can you do me a favor and delete this post?
The Alices are not to be lewded

I hope she dies painfully the next chapter

why did he smile
why did Nero recognize the stoneman?
i don't get it

Rani is a slut too

We don't know yet, if she really recognize or was just her look at her master

she's the greatest

What did this book mean by this

I'm sorry for your loss

Next ep, Alice gets the N O

I hope you painfully stub you toe the next morning.

She is doomed you book fucker so suck my balls

>Shinji gets a nicer death compared to the game
>Alice gets the suffering death

Was that all a flashback too then? If MC met Alice now, would he be full of hatred and kill her? pls no

I like when Shaft gets to be weird

Seems like it
The current Hakuno hasn't met Alice yet. He might not care about her and give her the "no"
That'd be double tragic for Alice, since we have to assume she's still waiting for Hakuno to come back

Books aren't for fucking. They're for falling asleep with under a nice tree on a warm spring day after you finished reading a heartwarming story. I'm sorry you could never have such a pleasant experience.

>have NP2 Libro
>Caramuerta is probably going to kill her
T-tanoshii wa?

It's times like this I feel bad I don't have the "Kyon handing back application form to Yuki" gif saved off for something like this.

Why is Nursery Rhyme so popular? I assume it's some FGO garbage.

because she's cute

Only fgo related thing I could find about her was her interlude, which made several references to Alice and how Nursery Rhyme is uncertain if she should take Alice's form or stay a book. Other than that, there's not much else, so her being loved probably has to do with her and Alice being sympathetic figures in the original extra game.
Or it could just be like this user said .