What the fuck Kim Kardashian.
What the fuck Kim Kardashian
Other urls found in this thread:
sys.Sup Forums.org/a/imgboard.php?mode=report&no=169372186
Yeah just like what happen to video games and comic right? People have fucking trouble accepting sexualize adult women and you think they will accept naked loli? You're a dumbass.
Literally who?
Stop making these threads, Kim
who is kimkar dashian
is that an important person for the industry
I fucking warned you all didn't I?
That's it! Japan needs to pump more lolis out in their cartoon market
how many times are we going to go over this? this is like when kate perry posted a pepe image
but he hates 4chin because muh elitism.
is accelspammer back?
Normalfags killed the word "waifu", and now they're killing the word "otaku", too.
Otaku does not mean "anime fan", it means something akin to "nerd", or "nut". A weapons otaku would be a "gun nut".
Normalfag show for normalfags and ironic weebs.
Ban all FranXX threads.
Don't forget weaboo.
Honestly don't care.
I wonder how these types of people become popular. He is pretty ugly and annoying in a tryhard way from the one video I watched from him.
Forgot about it, since I almost don't see it on Sup Forums these days. That word is bloody dead now.
I wish
You mean the Sup Forumsedditors who bring any of this shit to reddit?
nah, just ban everyone posting the sandnigger ista account.
Western elites have their greedy, jewy eyes on the anime market
sage and
Look like the mods finally gave up on deleting these threads.
WE DID IT Sup Forums!
Normalfags are killing the anime culture much like the same way they destroyed video games and comic culture.
Sup Forums will deny this.
Is whats-her-name the first to admit to liking a currently-airing anime? Many others have played it safe by saying they like Ghibli movies and Akira, but not whoever the fuck that is. It's kinda respectable to have the balls to do that, I guess.
Its not Naruto or DBZ shit thats killing this board. Its FOTM crap like FranXX.
I'll take niggers and spics over braindead normalfags.
I don't think anyone would deny this.
>implying she watch the anime
>implying she know the who the character is
She didn't even say her fucking name you stupid gullible normalfag.
>Currently airing anime is killing this anime forum!
So we should all wait like 2 or 3 years after a show comes out to discuss it?
>Sup Forums will deny this.
Not really, Sup Forums is elitist because it already knows that.