This can't be a coincidence. This makes it the third time they have interacted. What are the Nips planning?
Darling In The FranXX
The scene basically spells it out for you.
Kokoro looks up to Mr Cunt because he's independent. She's the gal that always wants to get along with everyone no matter the cost and sometimes you can't do that. Her character arc will be that of learning (thanks to Mr Cunt) to assert herself and be independent. Even the ending sequence has Kokoro standing in the middle against a wall with 2 one-way signs. It can't be spelled more explicitely than that.
Fatboys don't deserve love.
Fatty doesn't deserve this.
Fatbro deserves better
Why don't Futoshi just go eat himself?
Lardass is getting cucked by Chadsuru.
Childbirth single mother and cuckoldry
Just watched the latest ep. What the fuck is this shit? I didn't expect the quality to take such a huge nosedive after ep 5.
Uncle 02 wants YOU to fight against NTR.
you know exactly what they're planning
Mitsuru is shoujo manga protag.
>Hayami: Also, I think the stories about their childhood will be coming up soon – they’ll be of great importance in the future so do keep that in mind.
>Goto: Yes, their respective childhoods will be significant.
>Hayami: What happened to Mitsuru back then plays a part in forming the personality he has today.
This is pretty much the only thing from the interview that didn't happen. Sounds like it is supposed to be something separate, from the show, spin-off manga maybe?
Only girls can like that cunt, you are right
How ironic. The only thing Futoshi doesn't get to eat is Kokoro's pussy.
>What are the Nips planning?
Holy shit.
I laughed for ten minutes.
When an airplane goes straight upwards it's called a chandelle.
>Kokoro asks Chadsuru to impregnate her.
>oni has made him sterile
>he needs to take pills to even get it up
Not girls only sluts name a girl care about him
02 trashed him
Ikuno turned lesbian cause of him
Miku and ichigo doesnt give a shit about him
It actually went upwards and isn't looking like it's stopping anytime soon
>Ikuno turned lesbian cause of him
It's been established that she was born that way user.
Their relationship is kind of why they are both assholes.
Nothing is gonna happen between him and Kokoro but fatboi will misunderstand and do something reckless in battle and get Kokoro killed
>Ikuno turned lesbian cause of him
>It's been established that she was born that way user.
Post a screenshot or a webm, both of you fags
She wants to breed
it's even worse. Poor Kokoro paired with an insecure fatass.
I hope he gets ruined like Andrew was ruined in LWA.
is this the kim k thread
I meant irl girls (sluts)
Does it really matter? She's lesbian, and she had problems connecting with him the first time we see them get ready to fight.
Why would you want him to lose?
Why they connect in the frist place they should have failed and left the city
He's literally /ourguy/
He's fat.
>does it matter if I lie?
"They have always been unstable" Apparently they're always a 50/50 duo because they barely connect. They're together because papa put them together. For the usual connection they probably relate by both of them being cold in general.
When does 02 get Kamina'd?
Only NTR fags want to see there shit fetish
02send him to hospital
Kokoro well send him to her bed slut
I think you replied to the wrong guy.
Are you implying I'm lying or other guy was? Because I wasn't lying, latest episode spells it out in case you didn't get it yet.
It's happening too much and I like it then they're gonna grow closer and read the baby making book together.
Stop it already Trigger, Mitsuru is a faggot who is still mad he couldn't handle 02.
Impregnation time is upon us, fatty suicide too
Episode 25
Fags like him never win in the first place, no one like fatasses
Miku and Zorome is the only pairing anyone should care
Yeah was meant for Nobody's getting Kamina'd, or it would have happened in episode 8. It's more likely she gets Nia'd at the end.
Shitsurufags shouldn't be allowed to exist.
That scene when they were cleaning something was hilarious, animation looked like taken from some old Disney cartoon
The night of a thousand snacks
I don't think they exist, it's all about the Chad/Virgin shitposting
>leaving out male:guro
Mitsuru is a tsundere he wants someone to ask how hes doing, hence why he pretends to hide to take his pills at the same spot he got caught twice by the same person.
shinzo abe aproves
>Kokoro gets pregnant
>she is taken away from team
>new girl is introduced
>5 episodes later characters learn that Kokoro was euthanized
Anyone have a webm of Hiro talking to other boys about the girls and gushing about Zero Two?
>Ichigo will be Nia'd at the end
So she will marry Hiro?
Her slutty womb is about to snack on his seed, while fatty will have to sit back and watch like Ichigo.
>assert herself and be independent
Women can't do that though user you fantasycuck. Even the so-called "independent" women of our generation are prostitutes that rely on men to provide them their income or they work under a man.
>You know Mitsuru, talking to you really makes me appreciate my one and only partner, Futoshi.
>I agree. Let us stick to our cur one and only partners, because that is the civilized and just thing to do.
Bravo Trigun
He needs to die so the show can become good again
Because then Sup Forums would have no excuse to find a 9/10 gf
Fat "people" aren't actually people. 02 is more human than he is.
yeah he's definitely going to die
Fat people have no place in anime.
Tsundere != Cunt
He needs to unlock his inner rapist, which is present in all fat guys.
The only way he'll reach that stage is through severe trauma.
Great thread
Poor user.
>Nia: I love you Rex.
>Rex: I love you... I love all of you (referring to the rest of his friends who are also about to die as well)
Ichigo and Hiro will never get beyond the ImoutoZone.
>projecting this hard
>he doesn't know about NG+ and the implied polyamorous harem end
Will Ikuno be lesbian or bi? I'm betting on bi to give buyfag neets the delusions that they'd still have a chance
I honestly can't understand how anyone could like him, he's been nothing but an asshole so far. He's got some deep-seated shit to deal with considering how he behaved towards Ikuno and towards Hiro especially.
Does anyone actually like fat guy more than Mitsuru?
Mitsuru has a strong motivation to become better and has done so much more for Kokoro and the team than fatty's weak presence and drive could even hope.
Yes NTR fags i like him
Fat can lose wight
Trash well always be trash
Ok cool, this is a cartoon
You underestimate the power of buyfags, she was in a swimsuit, that is all they need. Doesn't matter if she's gay.
Nope, the fat fuck has nothing going for him, absolutely nothing. He's not even a plot device.
>user thinks a fanservice title screen should be taken seriously
Sasuga shitposter
Except his figure isn't the worst part about him, I just couldn't be arsed to find out his name while writing until I looked for a picture.
how is it NTR again when fatty and white hair are not in a relationship ?
Animators are playing with the audience. Ikuno isn't lesbian, never was never will be.
It's like Hibike Euphonium all over again, there were fags wetting themselves over Reina having the hots for Kumiko and it never ever delivers because Reina only lusts after adult cock.
It's not that I actually like him, I just dislike Mitsuru because he's such a whiny faggot.
Just an annoying tryhard.
Fatso is flat as a board character wise, but at least he's not actively shitting up screentime.
at least Mitsuru act like an adult
They are partners in life and death
People see the NTR coming and to make it sting less they try their hardest to hate him.
I am an expert in how this board thinks.
>act like an adult
What are you talking about? Nobody expects Ikuno to get with Ichigo or any other girl but she is still a lesbian.
He was desperate because he was one of the worse pilots with Ikuno and he wanted to prove himself. You heard the relief and validation he was shouting while he was able to pilot with 02.
And he doesn't hate anyone, he even tried to warn Hiro in the infirmary that he shouldn't pilot with 02 after she tried to kill him.
Now all of this is much more relatable and praiseworthy than futoshi's fawning and perversion over Kokoro's body.
Fuck Fatso. I may hate Mitsubishi because he is an arrogant cunt with inferiority complex but Fatoshi has absolutely no presence on the plot whatsoever.
People can screech about Hiro being generic yet they keep ignoring this fatfuck while downplaying other. The whole fat acceptance thing is cancer manifest. The sort of people who let their bodies become like that are the scum of the Earth.
> Kokoro like him because he's adult
Naomi when