Teaser for the new Ikuhaea show for Mappa

Teaser for the new Ikuhaea show for Mappa



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So far

Google translate gives me something from the text like: "Even if everything's gone, even if this world becomes empty // Don't let go, desire is your life"


>literally nothing
Wow. At this rate it will in deed feel real far ahead. Just go do something with your life and make these sort of threads like 2 weeks before air-date. Trust me. It's better than that.

Hopefully it will be sad as fuck. That sounds preachy and unpersonal as fuck. Almost propaganda

Well, a lot of people though the new project was going to be for 2018 so it's good to know the actual year it releases. It's just a teaser man, chill.

Fuck off fake fan.

official twitter: twitter.com/sarazanmai

Another noteworthy thing: all human forms in the teaser are male (three in right disposition, another upside down and cut by the middle; in Mawaru Penguindrum there's a difference between male and female generic human forms) The narrator for the teaser is also a man.

Maybe this will be EXPOSURE on Ikuhara and Anno's beautiful relationship?

I wonder if he'll be inspired by the new twin peaks

He's going full homo for MAPPA, and I'm all for it.

My boy Ikuhara going gay again, also that's suwabe right?

>no true scotsman
Stop shitposting.

Real homo is so boring. I want him to do more cockblocking bi-shit like utena. That's some true suffering right there.

the new Twin Peaks was basically inspired by Key and One Punch Man.

>Key and One Punch Man.
What? He's a huge fan of David Lynch, I wouldn't be surprised if he had watched it.

That would be huge, but I doubt he could get to air that shit.

Yuri Kuma Arashit bored me to death. Hack writer.

He's shitposting because of the thing with Bob/Bad Coop getting beaten out of this dimension by a scotish gloved dude.

Yes please.

>Those visual
Nothing new but a recycling.
No hope beside being wrong.

Good day today

Here is to hoping he makes something good again instead of that dumpster fire that was Yuri Kuma. A better Penguindrum pls

Here's to hoping he gets 2-cours

At least he's not working with fucking Silver Link this time. Only backgrounds were good in that shit.

It's a shame we got no actual info on the main staff though.

Jeez, what's with the push back of Yuri Kuma Arashi?

Plebeians. It wasn't even that bad. Definitely not better than Utena or Penguindrum, but it was still good.

Still mad they didn't end together and even worse that Kanba/Himari was Ikuhara's OTP

So you haven't watched it and just claim I'm shitposting. Whatever dude. If you can't see the 1:1 inspiration for Season 3 then that's your level zero watching skills at hand.


Why are you so angry?

Well, the animation was very very mediocre by Ikuhara's standards, a critical lack of interesting episode direction and too much stuff (concepts/stories) that felt too rushed or were resolved too quickly, like the blonde bear stuff. It feels like a self parody most of the time and a simplification/regurgitation of past themes.

Some of the uses of catchphrases were great, and I genuinely liked how Yurikawa's storyline ended.

I haven't watched Key yet, but the OPM shit is just really reaching dude. Please do explain if you're serious about this, and how it relates to Ikuhara.

Less melodrama and more despair this time okay?

stop shitposting

>it's really reaching dude
What are you talking about? It's clear as day.

Anno wishes.

At least Yuri Kuma Arashi's message was clear Penguindrum's was REALLY dense

I am curious what he'll be tackling.

>Google translate gives me something from the text like: "Even if everything's gone, even if this world becomes empty // Don't let go, desire is your life"

Ohh, I hope he tackles late 2010s problems

>Another noteworthy thing: all human forms in the teaser are male (three in right disposition, another upside down and cut by the middle; in Mawaru Penguindrum there's a difference between male and female generic human forms) The narrator for the teaser is also a man.

Or transgender

The real check is what manga-ka he's employing for the character designs.

Then stablish the relation. It shouldn't be hard.

You're the only one shitposting here, though.

>late 2010s problem
>Even if everything's gone, even if this world becomes empty
will he be tackling Japan's declining birthrate this time?

That's not what it's saying

>Let me tell you the truth
>Even though you're surrounded by other people, you're alone.
>Do not waver; your life is lust.

Can't explain something that's clear as day any clearer dude. Sorry. If you don't remember what you saw then that's on your end.

Stop shitposting

Ah that makes a bit more sense. Thanks

You're a beta loser. It made no sense for anyone other than alpha-boy Kanba to be with Himari.

Cool, thanks.

>Can't explain something that's clear as day any clearer dude
TL: Can't support my own claims dude!

Faggots who haven't read Rene Girard.

I hope aliens are involved.

That's something you should work on.

it wasn't that good dude. No need to defend a grown-ass adult male.

What's this from?

>Junichi Suwabe
Good to know he casted him again after Yuri Kuma Arashi

But I didn't make the initial claim.

Stop responding to him, for fuck's sake.

Episode commentary from the Utena DVD box set

>it wasn't that good dude
It wasn't that good, but it was good nonetheless. Kinda too big for its breeches. The series needed at least double the number of episodes it had. 3 times that, like Utena had, and it might have just ended up being better than even Utena.

Penguindrum by comparison had too many episodes.

>Can't support my own claims dude!
That's your claim dude. I am literally unequivocally quoting you.

Stop meta-posting. If people want to respond to someone they have that right. Stop with your useless posts that don't add anything. This is not your safespace. You do not control discussion.

>but it wasn't bad
Sure. But most things are. That's not something to celebrate. It should've been better. End of discussion.

>God tier /gd/ is back
Nice, I missed this. Hopefully it's 2 cour and less dumb than the gay bears

It also needed a character designer that was not... that. It was really hard to see subtle emotions in those models for some reason (imo). Maybe it's the mediocre animation, though.

It wasn't just not bad: it was a good anime. In many ways, I enjoyed it more than Penguindrum, although the latter is the overall better anime.

post more ikuni

yes. As concluded the opposite of 'bad' is indeed 'good'. This is not something to celebrate. It's what should be the norm.

There was an english release?

Yurikuma was still much better than the average anime, user. S'what my point is.


>3 cours

Thanks for sharing!

Yes. like 49% of anything is above average. A thing accomplished by half of everything is not impressive.

Ikuhara anime aren't notable for their character acting.

>3 cours
I dunno, I think 2-cour is pretty much what we'll get, considering it's MAPPA. Now that I think about it, I wish Banana Fish was going to be directed by Ikuhara instead.

Do 3-cour series even exist anymore?

I would disagree in the case of the fighting choreography to express emotion in Utena, but you have a point there, the themes are displayed by the overall shot composition. However, the character designs in YKA still looked horrendous.

I said much better. Let's say, better than two thirds of all anime, although I have stopped rating the stuff I watch years ago (when I realised my average vote was bellow 4.5/10) and deleted my files, so I can't be too specific about that percentile.

TL;DR - fuck you.

>everyone's a winner mentality
I bet you watch the oscars too and clap when they announce the winners. You just love shoving things in boxes don't you?

You're either dyslexic or trolling.
Either way, piss off.

Saw you not responding to the contents of my posts there. Can you try? Discussions tend to work that way see. Weak mentalities like yours are what's wrong. You just can't be negative about a show because you feel personally insulted for enjoying something someone else has an actual opinion voiced on.


What's a Lapintrack?

The longer an Ikuhara show is, the better. His character focused style doesn’t suit shorter works.

Excited, but cautious since that Yuri show was an absolute mess of a series.

I never said it wasn't, I just think Mappa will only give him 2-cour at the most.

It seems to be a studio that did some subcontracted job for bits of Yuri on Ice and a Doraemon film, and did a show called "Endride", which I haven't heard of.

The relation to Ikuhara seems to be that they were in the production committee of YKA.

t. ANN

Thanks, so it's nothing to be afraid off.

Where are the cute girls?

No cute girls. All males for now.

>Penguindrum's was REALLY dense
It was love.

Too soon to call

>Ikuhara with MAPPA
AOTY incoming

Please no, only one fabulous max dude allowed

>an ikuhara show without cute girls
You don't really believe that, do you?

It would be a lovely and HUGE twist. The reasons why I think so stated above.

If the focus is guys this time I hope we get a sexy female Akio.

>100% trap show
Sup Forums will be all over it

>An Ikuhara show without incest
Is it possible? Will this be the brother-loving masterpiece the world has been waiting for?

>An Ikuhara show without incest

That was old news from last year though

If that shit in the teaser is an otter, will the show be about robots?

Hope it happens in the same universe as Penguindrum

I personally believe that all Ikuhara shows take place in the same universe, but that’s just me.

Please be better than than yuri kuma. That sucked assholes.

Was that really Suwabe? It kind of sounds like him but I'm not sure.
-zanmai means "to indulge in something", which makes lines up with "desire is your life". Not sure what sara is here though. Indulge in plates? Is it a cooking anime?

It’s about gay men but they turn into lesbians.


>tfw just started rewatching penguindrum yesterday
i wonder if i'll be smarter than little kid me and actually understand it this time

The reason you haven't heard of Endride is because it was completely execrable. That said, not sure where you're getting your information—the primary studio on Endride was Brain's Base. Lapintrack is a subcontract studio.

They should just adapt that Hoshino Lily manga that got interrupted and give it to him.