Yaaas queen slay!

Yaaas queen slay!

>kim likes 02
>kanye is the goat

remind me again why Sup Forums hates the wests?

Because they’re normie scum.




As if we needed any further confirmation that DarliFra is normalfag trash.

because Sup Forums can't see quality in something that's popular

No actually cares. The only thing people dislike are the ones who do care.
>normie scum
Get off Sup Forums.

You first.

wait, what the fuck

kys normie

How many threads has op created by now?

What anime is this :^)

fuck off normie youre kind is not allowed here

based kim not even crediting the loser who drew it

neon genesis evangelion

anti normie death squads when?

The actually relevant version one you mean

Fuck off newshit

when neckbeards do something other than wank it to anime

What the fuck. When did this slut became a fucking weeb


Kanye liked anime before this fucked up trend started

Stop posting this shit already. Who cares about this slut's fb.

Kanye is a notorious weeb. It's not unlikely that he's been sharing his interests with his wife.

does she even know whats the name is?

what the fuck bros