Why aren't you a white nationalist yet?
Why don't you support free markets yet?
If you're against these things you want to be poor, enslaved and have zero culture.
Why aren't you a white nationalist yet?
Why don't you support free markets yet?
If you're against these things you want to be poor, enslaved and have zero culture.
Other urls found in this thread:
How can you be a nationalist but support free markets?
Because I want atleast a tiny chance of losing my virginity.
You make no fucking sense.
I support free trade.
Leftists have higher virginity rates than right wingers based on recent studies.
Try being more right wing.
I don't believe in american propagana
It's not american propaganda, it's reality.
Why do white nationalists suck so much slav cock?
Remember that.
I just asked a question, retard.
If you support free trade then you must support no entry barriers and if you support no entry barriers then all things concerning the state should be erased because taxes are an entry barrier.
not a big fan of slavs desu
The left wing is filled with beta neckbeards and so is the right wing. Centrism is where it's at so radical nationalism is a no go.
>White Nationalism
>Free markets
Pure ideology.
Anyone that wants to invest in the white ethnostate should be able to.
I don't care if they have to spend a few years here with their company.
A white ethnostate would probably have 1-2% nonwhites anyway living there temporarily.
I'm fine with that senpai.
>Why aren't you a white nationalist yet?
Because they always fuck up their own countries. Smart, talented and hard-working people never become nationalists, why would they?
>Why don't you support free markets yet?
Because they are a myth.
imagine actually being a zizek brainwashed cuck that believes in his """""arguments""""
enjoy your denial of human biological instincts
you people have the ideology, we have the organic natural thought
get off this board desu
I don't believe in american "reality"
>Because they always fuck up their own countries
White nationalist countries created the modern world, computers and the internet.
Are you a tard?
>Because they are a myth.
But they created the modern world.
Look up the gilded age and ignore the commie propaganda about it.
Look what actually happened.
A white ethnostate is against free market by definition but I won't complain since you're clearly a teenager that learned everything from images posted on Sup Forums.
Just don't.post your retarded trash in here.
Free markets obey the tyranny of the monopoly. There's nothing free about them.
Wrong board, Sup Forumsack.
Good thread.
>I don't believe in reality
your problem m8
>A white ethnostate is against free market by definition
No it's not.
Why do you leftists project so hard?
Free markets exist to destroy monopolies desu.
Learn history.
Gas the kikes race war now
I hope you die. Shamelessly posting irrelevant shit on Sup Forums is disgusting behavior.
slavs are subhuman though
The funny thing is that I'm not wrong though.
Nothing wrong with promoting freedom on internet forums.
Faggot OP, don't use Mugi for your brainless propaganda.
>white nationalist
Implying there is any sort of unity within the "white race"
>The funny thing is that I'm not wrong though.
It doesn't matter. Not anime, fuck off.
Do you even know what a free market is?
Try reading a book, any kind of discrimination against people that wants to be part of the market erases the perfect competition and destroys the free market illusion.
Do you actually believe in what his cultist tells you?
Like, seriously?
She supports my line of thinking though.
>Try reading a book, any kind of discrimination against people that wants to be part of the market erases the perfect competition and destroys the free market illusion.
Voluntary segregation are free market principles.
You can not do business or interact with other people if you so please.
>white nationalists
>posts Mugi, the no1 coalburner
Me on the right.
go back to /bant/
not mugi
A free market is literally survival of the fittest. The biggest fish in the pond is the most capable of choosing their borders, choosing their local laws and crushing all competition. There's nothing free about a free market.
How, when she doesn't exist?
How do you create a white ethno state if you believe in voluntary segregation?
You're already full of black people.
Also, not trading with everyone that wants to trade with you is a monopolic activity. Learn economy, tard.
>A free market is literally survival of the fittest.
it's mutual benefit
the stupid masses are helped the most because they are the largest consumer base
>The biggest fish in the pond is the most capable of choosing their borders
Nah, society decides that, local borders expand to national boarders.
but enough about hoppean anarchism
if we're talking about statism, then I support strong national boarders
I don't care if this is against "free markets"
>choosing their local laws
Are you talking about ancap or minarchism because these are very different things.
Society is governed by those with the highest capital. There is no difference between the will of the people and the will of someone with more capital than those people.
There is nothing moral or practical about a society where 1 person is capable of being more valuable than millions.
>How, when she doesn't exist?
>How do you create a white ethno state if you believe in voluntary segregation?
People already voluntarily segregate.
If the state ALLOWED people to segregate and make their own borders then people would expand this.
Look at racial maps of the USA.
Why do you think they are segregated?
>Also, not trading with everyone that wants to trade with you is a monopolic activity.
It's not "monopolistic" but yeah.
We still want to trade with others, just not allow them to live within our borders.
I'm talking about american reality, where imperial system is better than metric, where guns protect more people than they kill, where precedence is a law of nature that means that if something is ok'd one it is ok'd forever and where the media does nothing but twist and lie. It is not a universal reality, it is just the things that people believe to be reality in the united states. I do not fall for such propaganda.
>Society is governed by those with the highest capital.
Why do you believe in this cultist myth?
If someone with a lot of capital tries to form a cult, basically nobody would follow this cult.
Why would you listen to this person?
>There is nothing moral or practical about a society where 1 person is capable of being more valuable than millions.
Please tell me how billionaires can magically control people.
What happens when market forces compel large amounts of foreign workers into the country?
Who wins, the market forces, or the laws keeping them out?
These systems are naturally at odds with each other.
Why is this actually being discussed here? Has Sup Forums finally finished merging with this board?
I wish there was a American political party in favor of white nationalism and leftist economic policies. I want to live in an ethnically homogeneous welfare state. In America we have the Democrats who support white genocide and Republicans who only advance the interests of corporations and millionaires. It is very frustrating.
>where imperial system is better than metric
metric is better
>where guns protect more people than they kill
gun rights should be protected
almost all gun violence comes from nonwhites
White population in USA has the murder rate of Norway.
>media does nothing but twist and lie
Strongly agree with this.
Leftists don't though.
>guns protect more people than they kill
>implying they don't
A billionaire is able to control jobs and media. When you control the flow of capital to the lower classes, and when you control the flow of information to the lower classes, it's very easy for a billion dollars to purchase millions of nominally free people.
Let's face it. If Japan was not a right-wing ethnonationalist country, you'd bet your fucking ass anime would be absolute and utter dogshit like western comics and cartoons.
Thank the right-wing for anime.
>What happens when market forces compel large amounts of foreign workers into the country?
I'm against such things.
I support a strong state that refuses 99% of nonwhites.
>These systems are naturally at odds with each other.
Dude, you managed to find the tinest bit of contradiction between these two ideologies.
These ideologies work together perfectly in 99% of areas.
In the 1% of areas they conflict with each other, people are perfectly happy choosing one over the other.
>imperial system is better than metric
The absolute fucking state of mutts.
>and leftist economic policies
Why would you want to be poor?
I don't understand why you would want economic production to go down?
Based Swiss.
>A billionaire is able to control jobs and media.
If he owns them to a small extent yes.
People are smarter than that though.
>When you control the flow of capital to the lower classes
You've only showed how one person can MAYBE control media.
Explain how one person can magically control the entire labour market?
I don't understand, you're telling me that people voluntary segregates but the states does not allow them to segregate so thay can't voluntary segregate?
You are nationalistic but instead of a big nation you want people to segregate in many nations?
You believe in free market but you want the monopoly of your territory?
You have cognitive disonance boy.
>Why aren't you a white nationalist yet?
Because i'm a nativist. White nationalists often try to push down the native identity for the sake of a greater white identity.
>Thank the ((((((((american))))))) Right-wing for anime
Really made me think..........
Daily reminder the first country to eliminate their central bank and allow free market banking will have the highest living standards on earth within 5 years.
Massive high paying service sector jobs with dominate this country's economy to consume the goods the rest of the world has to produce for it.
The workweek would shrink to 2-3 days a week and people would retire much earlier. This will also lead to more jobs becoming available.
Everyone would have high saving rates. Houses would be inexpensive. Debt would be strongly discouraged economically.
Massive automation would take place as the cost of capital goods would be extremely cheap. This will lead to massive levels of technological innovation.
It would be extremely easy for the average person to start a business due to the cheap cost of capital goods.
Daily reminder actual free markets have prices falling all the time instead is going up.
Daily reminder America never had a system of free market banking for most of it's history. There were only patches of American history with free market banking. The panics that happened during the 1800s were due to government intervention in the banking sector. Sweden had the longest most successful period of free banking and that's what made them really rich.
Daily reminder the longest period of (relatively)free banking in America coincided with the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION where wages rose and prices fell.
Daily reminder central banks are the very reason the economy is a pile of shit and our generation is so fucked.
Basically what I'm saying is if we had a free market, the entire fucking country would be disneyland or universal studios and people would barely have to work.
Why would you NOT support this unless you were a shill?
Japan is right wing if race is the only dimension that you can view politics through.
Thanks for traps, ntr and incest.
What? It's a very conservative society too.
It's true though.
Why is this bad?
>but the states does not allow them to segregate
It does not allow them to do this fully.
Communities don't control the roads because they aren't privatized.
Anti discrimination laws means you have to allow anyone into your community and business even if you don't want them.
Communities basically don't control their communities.
ANYWAY, this is more of an ancap perspective on the thing.
I'm a statist nationalist. I want the state to control borders.
I'm free market on like 99% of things, but not this.
But anime is fucking degenerate.
>white nationalist
Japan is so fucking BASED.
They are close(but not perfectly) to the ideal OP is talking about.
>I support free market but I don't support free market
Teen post.
You said like incest is a bad thing.
>muh kekistanis
Those people are civic nationalists, not white nationalists.
A Mexican and a nigger are riding in car. Who's driving?
>the faggots going around spreading white narionalist """""""""""""awareness"""""""""""""" are teens
What the fuck dude delete this right now.
Your mom.
I support 95-99% of ethnic nationalism.
I support 95-99% of free markets.
Clearly a pragmatic approach to these things is best.
A cop
>Abe's Liberal Democratic Party
>10x more right wing than fucking UKIP and GOP combined
>racist memes
How do you even measure free market?
Do you realize that free market is all about perfect balance?
If you don't support 100% balance you don't support free market.
Because the Slavic countries have more Nazis than Germany these days. Now as for why that is, you'll have to ask a Sup Forumstard.
Can't be racist if you are both white, black, and mexican at the same time.
>be poor and zero culture
Is this why country with "zero cultures" like north korea managed to keep it's culture intact with outside world unlike most of rich countries with free markets who literally rejected their own? Ironic don't you think? nationalism and democracy doesn't go along despite what murricans tend to believe, free market and money don't go along well with the idea of keeping your nation very isolated as much as possible.
Also murrica is build by immgrant mongrels, whites has no right to claim themselves to be rulers of american soil.
It's feudalism. Try reading history.
Poor people are dependent on jobs. If a single entity creates a large amount of jobs in an area, they de facto control that area.
Just look at the many areas in the US that have heavy industry jobs. The companies are not held to any laws or regulations. The elected rulers of the government would rather compromise their own people sooner than prevent the income brought in by the abusers of the law.
The ones who own the means of production, the companies, control the people the government was nominally formed to protect.
On a large enough scale, free market principles break down because of their ability to override government institutions. You would need a government run by people who do not need money if you want the systems to actually function.
Even in your ideal nazi state, those ideals that the government would be founded on would break down, too. If they can find more profit in corruption - and they always can - they will wear away at the fabric of the law until you're left with the same government you started with.
My issue with these "governments based on ideals" is that they are not sustainable or pragmatic. A state should be designed in a way that puts pragmatism over everything else, and the most pragmatic state design is a heavily regulated socialist market that limits the ability of the rich to outweigh the importance of the poor.
I am ready to die for the homeland.
What do black men do after sex?
15 years to life.
>the most pragmatic state design is a heavily regulated socialist market that limits the ability of the rich to outweigh the importance of the poor.
That will still work best in a racially and culturally homogenous society
>he thinks that white productive people are white nationalists and they do what they do for race
A business has only ONE goal. Cut costs, increase revenue. It's easy to cut costs by hiring cheap labor in countries that have no labor laws. It's easy to max profit by selling in countries that have high income. These market exploits can ONLY be done by crossing borders and a free market has no laws to protect borders. Small businesses can not utilize these exploits because they're too small.
Competition can still exist between the biggest, but small business can not compete against a giant that follows whatever damn rules it wants. Do you want to pay your employees $1/hr and dump toxic waste into the local river? Well you can't. Fuck you. Walmart manufacturing in China/India/dumbfuckistan CAN pay $1/hr, and they can dump whatever the fuck they want. They aren't breaking any laws. The free market lets them import their $1/hr environmentally destructive goods at NO PENALTY, but you would get thrown in jail for doing the SAME THING on home soil. Small business can't compete against that.
Unregulated markets are fundamentally broken and free marketeers are retarded sheep. Get fucked.
>north korean culture
is eating dirt a cultural feature now?
>How do you even measure free market?
Economic freedom scale does it decently well even though there are problems with it.
>Do you realize that free market is all about perfect balance?
No, because it's not.
Free market is simply a set of laws.
>If you don't support 100% balance you don't support free market.
Sup Forums is getting raided with some instagramshit and op is taking advantage of the absence of mods. He deserves to get lined up and shot, really.
>unlike most of rich countries with free markets who literally rejected their own
Japan rejected their own culture?
Last time I checked they were a mostly free market with ethnic nationalism as their core.
Seem to have a grip on their culture.
You're a brainlet.
Laugh at his sex partner's beta wh*Toid husband who currently exhausts after fapping furiously.
>If you're against these things you want to be poor, enslaved and have zero culture.
I always thought it was the other way around, can I still switch sides?
>Japan was not a right-wing ethnonationalist country
It isn't, Japan is ruled by liberals and there's a lot of liberal shit in Japan, their "nationalism" is just one f many's american vassal state kiddie versions of nationalism, it's only exist on a certain extent to keep country in a problematic position with it's neighbors like China and Russia.
Japs licking murrican asses all the time, their nationalism is a huge joke.
Also anime/manga is very left wing, or do you think right wingers would allow pedogay shit in their cartoons? think again.
And well, Japan becoming more and more assimilated with west.
First of all your youguy Trump doesn't support free markets. He's so afraid of being cucked by China and constantly cries how things are unfair. Well that's how things are in an unregulated free market, dipshit.
Next, I like Japanese anime and Japanese video games
and so far white people only managed to do 2 things
1) miss the point and ruin it
2) plagiarize it, and claim they did it first. Hello Doki Doki Literature Club
Fuck, even this board's code was stolen from 2ch
and who currently owns this board? oh right, some Japanese dudes
>It's feudalism.
Come on man, you can think better than that.
Why the auto censorship
>free market