Normies like cuck's motherbase becoming influencial in anime market

>normies like cuck's motherbase becoming influencial in anime market
>Kardashians posting about anime
>People that like her will start watching anime beacuse it's "cool"

Is this the end? The normies will take over? Where we should go?

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Reminder normies will only stick with the most basic SFW westernized anine


You at least should go the fuck back.

You know that the market is changing and the things about anime are changing too, right?

>all these newfags who weren't around early 00's when anime was mainstream last time
>they think it will last forever
>they think it will have some kind of an effect on the makers of anime
nu-Sup Forums is cancer

I love how you fucking retards are using the word normies instead of normalfags.

Japan does not give a fuck about the west

Most of Sup Forums is making the same mistake that HQs fans did in the past

"The ones that forget the history are destined to repeat it"

are you sure about that?

Quit whining about it, you didn't whine when Kanye West, Samuel L Jackson, and Hulk Hogan said they liked anime, did you? This isn't going to go anywhere, they're just talking in broad terms, never watching anything recent and sticking to whatever's been established as popular. Who the fuck cares what a bunch of normalfags on Instagram watch, you shouldn't be on there anyways. They're not going to stay current.

>Japan doesn't gives a fuck to West
>Oscars2018 was one of most talked in Japanese Twitter yesterday

Population and BD sales are getting down, studios going pander the ocidental market are just a matter of time now

>mfw normies taking over Sup Forumsnime

One thing is when Male famous figures say that like anime, the another is when a Female figure says that like anime

>tfw normie
>tfw watching cute waifu on netflix with my gf is acceptable now

virgin pedo are mad as fuck lol


At least we're not being bombarded with constant shounen jump shit last time an anime boom happened in the west. It was torture in the early 00s trying to find manga that wasn't shounen which is all we had. We've got a nice variety of everything so I guess that's thankful.


You know that Boku no Hero is from Jump right?

Get off Sup Forums or go play in traffic.

I do I'm just comparing the amount we're getting now compared to today. It's nice that publishers are actually trying this time round and we're getting some decent stuff localized. I just hope another Tokyo Pop incident doesn't happen.

Sup Forums is dead

Nice filename faggot.

Fuck off back to whatever cancerhole you came from.

It's hard to believe she became famous just because of a sex tape.

Yeah for a side this is good, for another SJW manga is getting popular as fuck, 2 of 5 mangas was about SJW, including one about some gay Canadian

And? They're still going to do nothing if they're just talking about Akira and Dragon Ball all day. If they aren't interested in what's on TV now, then why should anyone actually care? Any people they do drag in are just going to the massive 'cool old anime' group

Does it inconvience you that much to tell people on the internet to fuck off & lurk more?

Didn't streamingmeme proved to be full of shit and BD are still main source of income for production committee? Normalfags don't buy BD so you have nothing to worry about, there will be few failed projects here and there and that's it.

can't believe people enjoy the same thing that I enjoy
it's just not right

can't believe different people enjoy different things.
It's just not right.

Lengthening the revenue pipleline is not a bad thing per se.

Movies have:
Cinema -> Blu ray -> Pay TV -> Free TV

Anime invading the TV sector more, might mean better investment in Dubs and therefore less shitty dubbing overall. Hopefully.

A few days ago I saw Sword Art Online listed in the program guide at night. Well it's something. We had a lot of Anime on TV here once.
But then Yugioh came, and they thought they only could show Merchandise show shit, because that sells plastic shit. Ratings cratered.

Stop spamming your shitty e-celeb threads retard.

Streaming licensing revenue directly counts as BD revenue (it goes in the same pot).

So what?
These people have an attention span of five seconds. They'll be gone before you make the next shitty thread

Don't forget that Micheal B. Jordan recently said he'd love to visit Japan and that he loves anime, causing legions of thirsty teenage girls to instantly become interested in it. Along with anyone else who likes Black Panther.

Nope, the table is turning around

Memeroll just publicated that is investing 100m in anime and memeflix just is starting in anime investiment

Meanwhile BD sales are growing down