Little Witch Academia

I can't believe I backlogged this shit for 5 years since the first movie. I love trigger now

Other urls found in this thread:

Who's best girl again?



Akko is both the best girl and the sexiest.

Best girl

post more akko faces

Oh good, a lwa thread. I had an urge for some witch action since I'm listening to the ED again.

So, I here Jasminka's backstory is canon now, how'd that play out?

What, it hasn't been five years since the first lwa. Has it?

I felt like I was watching Our War Game in the last episodes.

It first dazzled us back in 2013 it's now 2018 so yeah, 5 years since we were first introduced to Akko,Sucy,Lotte and Diana as well as Chariot

Well shit.

Yeah, it's as old as Kill la kill. Ryuuko and Akko and yet both girls are Trigger's secondary protagonists, Luluco is the first Trigger protagonist because her alter ego, Trigger-chan/Ms Trigger, appeared before either LWA or KLK actually became shows.

Even if they made a new season, there's no way Diako would ever go beyond baiting, but what would the odds be on these two becoming an officially recognized couple?

We're does the time go?

0, you might as well be asking for another season of KLK where Mako really is gay for Ryuuko and Satsuki is a siscon, fandom stuff will never over take who the characters actually are.

>Mako really is gay for Ryuuko
We don't need a second season for that.

Something something she keeps eating to feed some demon inside her.

>he doesn't know about the recent "Hannah/Amanda" meme

to the void known as the struggle. The struggle has no solid form or reason it simply exists and everyone suffers from it in some way.
You can be attracted to someone of the same gender yet not want to get between the sheets with them.
Oh wow, what made it come out?


It's nice, but I still prefer the original.



I say a good 50-50 chance

don't listen to these faggots

>*grunt of approval*

>Trigger-chan/Ms Trigger, appeared before either LWA or KLK actually became shows.
Just how long had they been planing Luluco's story?

Really enjoyed the OVA back when it came out, just got round to finishing the series. I loved it. I hope we get another season.

0, but you can get settled for some teases like

Literally everyone but Croix (unless they make her an unironical cartoon villiain next season)


Diakkofags & Yurifags is singlehandledly Murder LWA. Its your own fault, Season 2 Never, not even in the next 9 Years.

A couple threads back I didn't get the attention that my autism required so here we go again
Choose any Witch
she is a boy now___________________________________________________________
would you?

I did the same. It was okay. Not bad but not great. I'd say Space Patrol Luluco was much more enjoyable, imo.

so...nothing changes?


Finally get the harem anime we deserve

I wouldn't steal Akko's husband.



Imagine having taste so bad that you don't even realize Amanda is best girl.


Remember when people joked that Akko would yay their witchfu?

I wish I could celebrate Chariot's birthday again.

LWA is one of those fantastic once in a decade shows. A masterpiece. Right up there with Kaleido Star, Aria, and Maria-sama ga Miteru.




The TV version of the first Chariot show is objectively better than the OVA version, though.

Well, her thread is still up in /c/.

>This is where I'd put my Diana nendo
>If there was one!

That's pretty good.

>Expecting ova quality animation in a tv production.


>Dianafags dont know who's best

Gonna smack a bitch.

Tried to post the news on a Franxx thread because I thought Triggerfags would be there but no one gave a shit no wonder I dropped that trash.

Anyway, Tattun wanted to make an AMA on Reddit with Franxx's producer. They didn't get any questions and the guy had to leave for a meeting on something. In that thread Tattun said he might bring him here instead. I sure fucking hope he's still working on that Patreon.

Because Franxx is just ntr shit barely made by trigger. LWA is the good shit.

I heard about that but I didn’t know what to look for since i dont use reddit

>tfw not a cute witch girl
Why even live

Correction: they did get questions and answered them, I just didn't know how to navigate that shitty website.


Tattun linked that on his twitter, that's how I found out.

Can you post the thread because I find it hard to believe that nobody on reddit asked any questions

is the gaemu out yet, i remember hearing a feb 20th release

>97% of that shit is bootleg fantrash
Sasuga Chinks.

Nobody expected ova to have more character development than 24 ep tv either yet here we are.

They got a lot of questions, but they had to leave. I remember because I was there. They were going to continue later, but Tattun is currently in America doing American shit with Otsuka and Hori.

Really? Last time I checked their guest (Waka_Geek) answered a few questions, but it seems that the problem was that everyone posted fucking walls of text and Tattun had trouble translating them fast enough, in the end he just said they'd be posting the answers later in the week and then just didn't.
It was a real shitshow.

Is his twitter @Trigger_Tattun?

I made a mistake, they did ask questions but the thread Tattun linked in his twitter had none so I thought nothing actually happened.

Here are both

>Is Diana angry with me?
Out of character trash. Akko either wouldn't give a shit about Diana getting mad about that or lash at her for being so anal over touching a toy.

Try sometime in may

Finally a man with taste. Constanze is second best though.

I wonder what's the context of them listing "survive past the 2020 olympics" as an objective for the studio, are they doing that bad? Will they survive long enough to make a LWA S2?


Wow. And what did they ask?

>understand your viewer

It's a joke.

every company needs to consider the fact that every possible may go wrong, and have as many plans in place to deal with it
even huge, unstoppable companies like google and ms would have such plans

Stupid shit that could be answered in one word yet they wrote gigantic walls of text.

I'd get shitposted for this but Trigger needs to make KLK S2 before they even begin to consider LWA S2 because it's their most successful franchise.

>3D animated titles.
I'm scared.

Imaishi and Nakashima aren't interested in doing sequels. Yoshinari is, on the other hand.

PREQUELS THEN. If they make something like TTGL Parallel Works that would be fucking fantastic.

I won't shitpost you, but they stated years ago they had already everthing they had to tell about KLK and they are satisfied.

>people didn't like the lotte episodes

Strange, DarliFra never striked me as a deep show, so I don't know what they could hace asked to justify wall of texts, unless they were talking about production stuff and that jazz, I guess.

I guess newfags werent around when we discussed about this not long after Japan announced the Olympics. To basically sum it all up, the Olympics and general people of the world ask for a lot of changes and restrictions to the country the Olympics are hosted in. With Japan and their relatively openness to to sexual content, especially concerning the content of anime, manga, and images, that will likely diminish along with studios and publishers revenue. Japan may thrive of their soft power of being quirky but porn and things deemed porn by an international audience, will not stand.
Again, I am just summing this up.

Not everything needs a sequel. Little shits like you think sequels are always good thanks to the Marvel movies but they can turn out horribly bad. Look at Eureka 7 AO.

What happens after the Olympics are hosted? Why the massive change for one event? It's weird.

I'll read the blog post in a short while, just hoping you'd have an answer.

I'm impressed.

Not like he's got a whole lot of official options.

I'm actually against sequels in most cases especially when the story has ended and there's not much left to expand on it, like with KLK (which is why I'd be ok with random OVAs and parodies unrelated to the main story). It was just a business observation. KLK has a much larger fanbase than all Trigger shows combined, I base that by number of volumes and merch sold.

>tfw you will never save Croix from the life she chooses to live
Will she settle down after being released from a magical supermax prison?

She’ll hopefully have mellowed out, and try to make a new life for herself


Yes, in the meantime she would be searching for the cure of Wagandea's curse as a hobby.


Yes, but she will still be a bitch sometimes. She might not be my favorite, but I wouldn't want her to become a watered down version of herself like they did with Diana.

>yo Chariot hows it going
>been outta prison for a while, traveling the world and stuff, no biggie
>oh almost forgot to mention, i was able to craft up an antidote for the wagandea curse
>no big deal really, just spent hundreds of hours on countless experiments and some times forgetting to sleep or eat
>with only you in my thoughts and thinking how i have to do this to make up for all I’ve done even if you never forgive me and hate me forever
>was basically a hobby to pass the time
>anyway ill drop by to say hi
>see you soon
>Ya gurl, Croix

But Croix was never a bitch, unlike Diana. She was just salty. She was actually exceedingly good with Chariot before Chariot got picked by the Shiny Rod instead.

And the whole "watered down" garbage is the dumbest meme to come out of this thread.