Onepunch Man is not the strongest fictional character, Goku is

Onepunch Man is not the strongest fictional character, Goku is.
Sorry to break it to you like this, but Goku will just destroy the whole planet and cause Onepunch Man to die from asphyxiation.

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No Exodia is the strongest, it instantly win.

That's cute

further proof for OP's claims.

but could Goku even SCRATCH Luigi (Base Form)?

Powerman is the strongest character.

Toonforce character, so yeah. Even if you beat him up and ground him into dust he'd still come back like nothing has ever happened to him.


>*Destroys everybody in the thread


Superboy Prime could absolutely destroy everyone ITT
>Punched reality
>Was sent into the speed forces by multiple Flashes and punched his way out
>Got captured by the Green Lantern Corps after he flew through a red sun while fighting two Supermen, killing one of them,
>Was kept in a science cell under a miniature red sun,
>Sinestro busted him out, gave him a power armor until his powers will come back
>Fought against the entire entire hero population of earth bound heroes, the Entire Justice League, the Sinestro + Green Lantern Corps and three Kryptionians (Superman, Super Girl and Power Girl) at the same time only on his Power Armor's strength
>Kicked everyone's asses after he got into contact with the yellow sunrise
>Brutalized the shit out of Sodam Yat Ion (Sodam Yat is a Daxamite, an alien race as strong as Kryptionians and Sodam was possessed by Ion, the Green Lantern Corps' ultimate weapon, which basically turn you into a god)
>Killed the Anti-Monitor, a being that took the might of 52 paralleled universes' heroes to seal the first time
>One of the Guardian of the Universe blew up into his face, with the force of million of big bangs, and it did not killed him, but sent him into the multi verse

*blocks your path

Wasn't Saitama's highest level punch theorized to be able to implode the universe?

there you have it



*blocks your path*

but CAS is stronger than fagyonder

Why can't powerlevel niggers just stop posting? He's a gag character. You can't use him as a comparison to X character.

Kumogawa with his ALL FICTION would curbstomp Saitama - he'd make all of his training become "Nothing", and he'd punch him to death. Gag character or not, Saitama is fucking dead.

The gag is that he wouldn't be affected.

Not even close lmao.

It was stated in Z that Goku could not survive in space back right when Namek was about to blow up, yet he was fine in Super. Goku is asspull king

Thought armor superman>>>>>>>

Gokufags so insecure that they pick on Saitama. There are many characters whod annihilate Goku. Pic related wouldn't take a single hit

He's just breathing out of habit. I'm shure he can hold his breath indefinitely.

Saitama's super power is to be the strongest. It doesn't matter what his power level is currently, in the end he'll be the victor because that's his power.

>lost to a fucking normie because he had the brains to pull back his punches at the right moment

Tell me, how would Accelfag survive if someone nukes the planet and lets him float in space again?

one-punch man is a comedy and the "punch"line to every joke in OPM is that no matter how deathly serious the tone becomes, saitama exists outside of the tone and will instantly ruin anything he's involved in by ruining the stakes

other anime series have the heroes gain power over time in response to escalating threats, so these fans take saitama as a serious threat and are willing to break out calculators to prove that goku can beat him

but goku can't beat him

saitama will always win because it's funny and only becomes funnier with more buildup

ironically by breaking out the calculators to try to justify your fave anime hero beating saitama you're only making saitama's inevitable victory funnier

>Beerus is confirmed to be unaffected by "gag characters" like Arale who BTFO'd Vegeta and Goku
>Goku became stronger than Beerus


When Caped Baldy got punched into the moon, he would have died if he couldn't have jumped back to Earth - running out of oxygen would surely kill him. Galactus could literally fling him to another part of the universe (like he did with Silver Surfer) and that would be the end of Saitama. He can't fly or navigate space, so pretty much anyone who could take him far enough from the Earth fast enough that he wouldn't be able to return could kill him.

Galactus could do this without lifting a finger so he's the best example, but lots of heroes could kill him - Superman, the Flash, All Might (if he punched him hard enough in the right direction in space), Goku, etc.

But have you heard about the DEMONBAN???/??
It DELETSE you LMAO, it always win and when not win it win LMOA

>muh versus threads

someone just post a meta-power character and be done with it

now both of you go fuck yourselves

Doraemon would wreck Goku and Saitama, and you know it

Don't try to reason with these monkeys.

You don't know? Demonbane is dethroned.

you fags realize goku cant breathe in space indefinitely either right?

Full shurouga would delete power man and rape him in the ass lol

All he would need to do is punch dark matter to propel himself somewhere.

Well, blow me down!

The gag would be then that Galactus wouldn't be able to move him and he would just one punch him or that Galactus wouldn't take him seriously and hit him lightly and then Saitama would just one punch him. Take your pick, he's a gag after all so you really only need a gag scenario.

Saitama couldn't even kill a fucking mosquito.

Well, he did accidentally swallow it.

The thing with Saitama is that he is always growing stronger over time. He's basically trapped in an infinite loop of constantly leveling up. Think of it as the amount of EXP needed to level up, in an RPG, staying the same from level 1 - 100, except Saitama broke past level 100. He's earning millions of EXP points, yet he only needs 9 to level up again, leading to him getting stronger exponentially. Every time he does something, he levels up countless times. Even though defeating everyone in the series would be mundane to him, he isn't /all-powerful/.

So yes, while there may be characters that can beat Saitama, he will always be growing stronger, and will eventually be able to beat them due to exponential growth. Genos even pitted Saitama against Saitama from a day ago, and the more recent Saitama OHKO'd the previous Saitama.

Saitama is nearly immune to psychic powers. Tatsumaki tried to lift him and nearly whited out, and she's capable of flipping an entire city. You'd have to lift something around him and fling him with it.

So frieza beats him or Beerus.

Kill yourself tripfag.

Then the gag becomes that he suddenly can breath in space

>Genos even pitted Saitama against Saitama from a day ago, and the more recent Saitama OHKO'd the previous Saitama.
Haven't read the manga to there yet, how does that even work?

It's not from the manga. It's from some drama CD that should be taken with a lot of salt.


Then the gag becomes he can't fly through space so just suffers while Frieza hohoho's and flies away.

beat me to it, thank you for breaking up this playground fight

That wouldn't be a gag though since his gag is that he gets out of any situation effortlessly.

and frieza's gag is that he beats baldies effortlessly.

Frieza isn't a gag character no matter how much you're trying to force it.

People actually thought saiyans stood a chance against Superman?

This proves the opposite, you can't simple hold you breathe while in space, your ears, eye sockets and pours are wide open, you'd implode immediately, it doesn't matter if you breathe or not.

The fact that OP didn't immediately fold like paper means he's unaffected and could 100% survive in space for how ever long he needs to.

I see you like to make up your own rules when you lose an argument. Frieza beats Saitama effortlessly.

Saitama would struggle with fighting even Krillin, he hasn't faced a planet buster yet and he can't even blow up a planet himself. Meanwhile Frieza can tank hits that have planet busting potential. (negating any kind of attack Saitama would throw)

but what's the point of being the strongest?

wasnt it even a plotpoint that freeza can survive in space while goku can't?

The gag in dragon ball is that humans always lose to the superior alien races you moron. Even Krillin with his potential unleashed (same as Saitama) is nothing.

Saitama is equivalent to Yamcha as a gag character.

If believing that makes you sleep at night lad. Maybe should try to abandon using gag characters as comparisons however, it would be better for your mental health.

>Its ok guys my hair changed again;)

This is how you respond when you're wrong

That's not a gag no matter how much you want it to be. It's just logic that that should be the case.

Saitama vs Arale, who would win?

Jackie Chan holding a vase with a baby inside it


>super robot wars artstyle

Detective Conan

Saitama can't kill a mosquito while Arale can juggle galaxies. Saitama has NOT shown any feats of doing anything on the level of at least Roshi-tier, while Arale has already proven she's capable of doing this. Saitama is at best a mid-tier character in action anime. He can't even destroy the planet lol

Nah, you haven't provien me wrong. Saitama's gag is that he defeats anything and anybody effortlessly taking away any drama out of it. This is not arguable. So like I stated, you're better of just dropping him as a comparison for the sake of your mental health.



In his universe though moron.
If Goku was in his universe he'd be able to one-shot all those enemies too. You're butthurt cause you're wrong.

Everyone knows the only DB universe character who could beat Saitama is Arale. In the battle of gag manga vs serious manga, gag always wins. The only way to stand a chance is a battle of comedy.

>Muh ki feats
Why can't DBZshitters talk about physical feats?

pretty much this, it's already been established with vegeta vs arale


the AIR PRESSURE of his punch split the skies for thousands of miles
an actual direct hit at the earth could probably destroy it


Lol all the db fanboys atm

Saitama's Serious Punch against Boros looked more powerful than a Kamehameha Wave.

Yes you are. Behold the toriyama character stronger than goku. Why? Becuase shes also a gag character.

Exactly. It's already been established that gag manga rules work perfectly fine in DB. There's no reason to think that a different gag manga's rule of funny wouldn't also work.

DB characters have a garbage-tier physical durability and feats.
Saitama can BTFO everyone of them with a normal punch except maybe arale

Wrong again.

>the strongest fictional character, Goku is
I know CAS isn't either but I love slapping the pedros down with Superman since they hate anything that isn't Chaotic Good at the very least

Beerus confirmed stronger than arale. Goku is stronger than Beerus now

it was never confirmed stop reaching

lol yes you still are. just give in and stop eating that db dick


>missing the point of one powerlevel man this hard

or is this genre so fucked up there is literally no difference between blatant parody and straightfirwardness

>words ≠ actions
how many times has a db character claimed their bad assery only to have it snuffed.

lol 1/10 for making me respond, it's not a confirmation, take your words and shove em up your ass

>no no it doesn't count!

buu (via babidi)

almost every other db character has claimed being able to destroy anything. they all get bitched slapped at one point or another. beerus is no different. no fight between beerus and arale ever happened. ergo you cant claim he's more powerful. we can although calim arale is, she has proven time and time again that gag trumps serious. beerus is serious and no matter how hard goku has tried he's barley scratched arale. so there's more proof on her side that she is. sorry cuck.

I guess you're the kind of guy who thinks Madara is Star Level because he said his Susano-O can destroy anything in the Universe

Madara says it and he failed. Whis says it and Whis knows more shit than Beerus. also
>no no it doesn't count so let me compare another series.