Tokyo Ghoul: Reshit



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Is this manga turning into World Embryo or something? Did kagune be from ayylmaos?

Pls just fucking end it.

Could she win against the three of them?

How can one man be so based?

Who are you talking about? Also,

Who else mistook him for Touka?

Are you seriously asking if a random malnutritioned OL who was not part of the CCG's combat forces and has become a ghoul just a day or two ago can fight on equal grounds with 2 fully trained half-ghoul investigators and whatever the fuck mr. nugget is?
Well the answer is obvious, she was with V all along and can easily fight them off.

His mole and Touka's face being just slightly rounder are pretty much the only ways to tell them apart.

Don't forget how Furuta's eye is damaged under his emo haircut since they've been conveniently been hiding it ever panel.

Will we ever be free?

>as an investigator i can't ignore this random weak ghoul eating dead bodies and not bothering anyone while the oek who destroyed the city is right next to me

Temporary truce still doesn't make it ok to just murder and eat people out in the open.

I think the important part was >not bothering anyone while the oek who destroyed the city is right next to me

Sure but they might still need him and, even though it sounds like a bad excuse, it wasn't really his fault. Urie knows that Kaneki is just a dumb beta who got played by Furuta.



Ishidas art for each character changes so fucking often.

>it wasn't really his fault.
Of course it's not his fault he was an awful leader that got his ghoul harem fucked over for not engaging the CCG and pushing the whole harem into a corner. Or getting himself fucked over for not bringing backup and being overconfident with his deteriorating condition. Or choosing to murder children.



So we have giant kagune structures, kagune monsters, and humans turning into ghouls.

Why hasn't Tokyo been evacuated and nuked yet?

Am I a brainlet for never ever understanding whats going on in every fight? It's like they skip 50% of the movements and I never understand how they got from one place to another

The anime will clear that up.

But I don't want to wait multiple years. Also the anime skipped a lot of shit last time and completely changed the ending

yeah she could fight all 3 of them, urie isn't that strong and kaneki is super weak right now and saiko can't control her powers

Oh god will this manga ever end? I just won't stop reading it every week until it fucking ends because it's too soon to give up. But if there is part 3 I think that I'm not gonna make it. Reading even 1 chapter of this garbage a week is really hard

>too soon
I meant too late

It's pretty good now

"I'm gonna try getting an interview with one of these monsters!" Whelp, nice knowin' ya lady...

The manga will end once the party does

How the fuck will they animate Furuta? Shit's gonna be lit.

It's one of those manga where the rest of the world just sort of kind of exists. Except in this case even the rest of japan feels like it might be in a different world. For all we know, tokyo has been quarantined and left for dead.

i'm an anime only watcher, what happened to kanki after he fought the white haired police man?

I dunno what the official name for the le epic ruseman character type is (Aizen, Furuta, that fag with a coat from durarara) but I fucking hate it.

t. faggot

Do yourself a favor and read the manga.

Read Part 1... that's it.

Looks like the le epic funneh meme man haha im a clown xd fuck you all lol strikes again.

yea, that's the one

Yooooooooo furuta! Ishidaaaa you are SUCH a troll! *heavy breathing*

>it's another le epic keikaku furuta XD chapter

He will have the ultimate dorito chin.

He had a bit of a headache.

He becomes a panda , than an Edgy Arima cosplayer , white hair again and then he becomes a Kaiju

>Suicidal meme clown turns out to be the most threatening character in the entire series.


Lost his memories, became the sad guy with dark past who works for the same organization he wanted to defeat but he is happy now, then meet again with people of his past like the one who tried to kill him, the emo girl with purple hair and the fag, some random missions and something about a tranny and then the big bad fight him and after some muh dark past and muh even darker past, he goes all black again because who knows, beat the crazy ghoul girl who ruled the evil guys of the first part because who knows and become edgy. Timeskip and he become don black version daddy issues edition, something something imouto is trapped and he wants to kill himself, the guys from the café with the too deep for you name come and do shit, he helps and fight pointy chin foureyes again, he lose, tulpa best friend appears,white hair because who knows, he wins, the other guys kill himself so he was good all the time and was working with the other crazy girl who was somehow not so bad, this girl is killed by the intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor villain. Kaneki beat the big guy so he is now the big guy and everybody and their mothers have to respect him, he goes back to the weird name café with his new waifu and creates a team to fight against meme villain and some evil organization, he saves his adoptive mommy and the big guy with daddy issues, they both leave him because they think he is going to fuck everything, a few chapters later after he lead everyone, the whole ghoul species is almost death, living underground and starving, waifu is going to have his children and must protect so they go to find food, memelord finds his shitty basement neet headqueartes and destroy everything, he goes back to save everyone and is totally raped, more deep shit and he becomes a lovecraft monster who is destroying the city, ghouls and humans join forces and the best friend was actually alive, they rescue him



The motherfucker did it on purpose


>I work for the CCG
>I probably have CCG pals I could turn to for help with this hunger problem
>I instead choose to fuck around outside, devouring a random human instead
Does this make sense?

Furuta rekt Kaneki in that fight

That fight was the peak of re.

Hinami rekt Furuta in that fight.

Pierrot will never top this

Will the anime be able to top this?

While the anime does suck I'd still much rather have it than not. There can be some really good moments that are really cool when animated like eto in cochlea in root a and when she came in at the anteiku raid. So all im asking for from this season is a few good moments.

Has there been an explanation as to why Kaneki is female now

I wish the CCG existed in real life. A pretty fun job which isn't too hard and my mom would proud of me if i died in battle.

All humans have nipples so technically we're all females.

Kaneki has always been really androgynous, remember how effortlessly he passes for a woman in the auction arc? It's just that Ishida has been slowly giving him bigger eyes and his hair grew out a bit.
He's really cute.

>kaneki doesn't have nipples anymore
kaneki is now the only male on planet earth

Name one thing Kekneki did that wasn't fucking retarded. He couldn't even kill himself correctly.

Furuta's eyes are also more almond shaped while Touka's are wider

>We are in the pinnacle of FAKE NEWS in TG

Is Furuta the Ishida's self-insert?

>Furuta and Touka look similar. Hard to distinguish one from the other. Both obsessed with Kaneki. Both bring problems to Kaneki's life.
I think I figured it out. Touka is a bad guy.

Touka doesn't cause problems for Kaneki Tumblr

I hope it turns out Hide is evil and he fucks off with the clowns because while I don't dislike him his fanbase is the absolute worst

Absolute super autism, prepare for it

I'm like 30 chapters or so behind, has it stopped being boring?

is kaneki dead now? haven't read in a while

I stopped reading just after Kaneki became a dragon abomination has he gone back into a human yet?

Did it go into part III?

Is this a Vancouver post?

Depends, do all of these recently-turned ghouls technically count as Rize kagune? If so, yes.
If not, then maybe if Ishida feels like it. She could have like 5 RC cells, which makes her super powerful.

They all understand the situation better than you do.

Yeah fucking right

To explain that you first need to know what happened before he fought Daddy Arima. In other words read the manga.

woah dude, woke


I stopped coming to this shithole of clownposters but I'll just say :re is actually well planned on a absurdity principle. It totally reminds me of Kafka in the Shore and how it treated the surrealism. I might do an essay or some chart for you brainlets.


need this nao

also femtoneki soon

>page nine

Which of the human CCG agents will make the strongest ghoul?

read the manga nigger start from chapter 1 anime is trash specially second season you wont understand a shyt of re


>even though it sounds like a bad excuse
It is a bad excuse.

>it wasn't really his fault.
Furuta set up a situation in which he would do it. Kaneki decided to do it they are both at fault.

>Urie knows that Kaneki is just a dumb beta who got played by Furuta.
That doesn't make him innocent.


It is time

Guys the most part of this fandom love Eto and that's right because she is a great character, but being honest... what was exactly the point of her existing in this manga?

Originally she was portrayed like the secret leader of Aogiri and the OEK, "a forced miracle" or a daugher of the love, and like a big deal for the story since she is "the monster that hate the humanity" and someone that need to be save by Kaneki. But as the story was developed in RE we can notice that she is completely unimportant for the main plot and she even divert attention from the important things which are: Arima, Rize and Furuta (I don't like this result but for the story during and after Rue Island these three are the important things).

You can remove her and her background from the plot and the story could work completely well, for example she isn't the OEK so the author is just losing time given us evidences that she is the king during Tokyo Ghoul, she isn't the only natural hybrid so her theme as Eva or a miracle is useless too, and she isn't unimportant for the main plot because what is really important to the plot is Rize, Furuta and Arima, the story about the diary is completely useless too since Kaneki could have received the same information from Hirako or Arima and V isn't important after all (they are just the bad guys).

Then what was the point of this character existing in this story? [Besides of being the proof that Arima being the OEK was completely improvised and it wasn't planned from the beginning]

What exactly was the point of anyone in this manga, if I am to be frank. The original CCG are all dead. Anteiku are all dead and the influence on Kaneki ultimately lead to him becoming a nugget. Banjou hasn't made any major accomplishments. Remove him from the story and there is no change. SHuu is a flamboyant pervert that goes around stalkering Kaneki. Hinami acts as the little sister but doesnt affect the story. Any number of Kaneki's friends have little to do with the central plot. Rize, a character introduced in chapter 1 and has been built up as an important figure to everything that has happened, yet she has been rotting away in a tube for 10 years. Arima, as it turned out, was an android that wished to become a real human, though unfortunately he could never accomplish his mechanical goals. In his dying exhale of carbon, Arima passed on his dying wish to our nugget of becoming a real human. Even the protagonist isn't a major factor in the story. What has he directly done to affect society in the long run? That's correct, nothing. Kaneki could be taken out of the Tokyo Ghoul story where it surprisingly would still be good. Now you might wonder who then is necessary for the plot of Tokyo Ghoul to function? That's right you guessed it

Ishida should have sticked with Haise and stay on the CCG side

It said the ghouls (Washuu family) came from middle east, a reference to mythology.

really, tokyo ghoul would have been a much better manga if edgy clown man was the main protagonist

please come back

who am we but simple clowns, my wife's son and i