ITT: Funimation EXPOSED
ITT: Funimation EXPOSED
Other urls found in this thread:
...exposing what exactly?
Looks like a normal as fuck promo tweet to me.
I don't know what you were expecting.
Look on the top left of the Chise image
>the twitter manager is retarded
I mean he can't get paid much, it's to be expected
Looks like as low effort as their subs.
Also check'em, shit thread
go back there
What did they mean by this?
Most companies use unpaid interns for this type of work. you get what you pay for.
Bloody wankers
>some guy in marketing is lazy and stupid
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
>when you can't even get hold of raws faster than anonymous weebs
Professional Western Anime Industry
And I give a shit why?
KEK. Whoever is in charge of FUNi's Twitter page is getting fired.
Sup Forums is great with all these Kim and twitter threads right guys?
>being this incompetent
You don't.
Ignore it you kaijuposter, along with the regular crunchyroll, netflix, and kim kardashian threads.
It's funny so I thought I'd share it. Run along if you don't care of have any humor.
FUNi's CM doesn't even have access to the official releases?
Based KissChads
people who stream anime are generally retarded
still better than
>Kissanime sues Funimation for unauthorized screenshot use
Has Funimation just been ripping their anime from Kissanime and selling it back to us this whole time???
dumb sakuraposters
>to us
Speak for yourself, I'm not retarded enough to give money to funi.
are they ripping anime from future kissanime which they sell to us and we are uploading it later on kissanime, which they're ripping from?
No, don’t ignore them. Report those threads or things will get even worse on Sup Forums.
That goes without saying
How deep does this rabbit hole go?
all the way back to gaiaonline
>A single thread showing Funimation's retardation is somehow worse than a catalog full of "I want to x y" threads
One of these two actually IS killing Sup Forums. Get your priorities together.
Get out
Animeheaven works like a charm, even has a nice design
Fuck off with this twitter shit.
Yes, the funimation one is killimg Sup Forums.
reminder to report and ignore useless threads
>"I want to x y"
That's board culture.
Although I do think that a single thread to make fun of FUNinimation is fine once in a while, but I guess people are to irritable after all the shitposting and spamming today.
>even Funimation employees use KissCancer
>Redditfag doesn't know about Sup Forums culture
>That's board culture.
That's faggots being faggots. Fuck off.
>capitalized greentext
Isn't Crunchyroll showing this? Couldn't they have just screencapped from there?
How silly.
>crossboarder doesn't know about Sup Forums culture
Posting social media screencaps should be a bannable offense.
This is something Reddit would lose their minds over
We should have mods.
You would need to pull a Hercules to clear out this stable.
>Sup Forums culture
If there were a single, consistent Sup Forums culture, then we'd still be saying EPIC WIN and posting hilarious references to Cracky Chan. Also Sup Forumsv/pol/r9k/ != the rest of Sup Forums
FUNi is showing it aswell. It doesn't makes any sense...
Who the fuck give a shit? Go back to your teen discord.
>Change scripts to suit the directors political beliefs.
>use screen caps from KissAnime.
I don't know how these guys are still in business.
Anyone that uses Crunchyroll deserves to burn
The same reason dubs are still in business.
>Straming isn't so bad
>I stream in 1080p
>Fansubs are dead
>My harddrive is too small
All BTFO! All of them! fucking retards don't care about quality or having control about the media they consume.
Soon you all will be sucking Netflix & Co.'s dicks. Enjoy it.
>Funimation twitter person is a streamfag
>posting hilarious references to Cracky Chan
But that's something we still do.
kek how does this shit even happen
This is almost as bad as QI stealing fan translations and putting it behind a paywall.
this f*cking epic ftw feel good to support CR instead kek
funimation Sup Forums cucks on suicide watch
checking tardtrips
Reminds me of Nintendo and how they used Roms from the Internet for their S/NES console kek
>all of funimation runs the twitter account, not some 'social rep'
>this makes logical sense to Sup Forums
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Stay mad funicuck
Unrelated to the Kissanime Funi BS, but: I know 1 episode usually isn't enough, but I saw one of Ancient Magus bride and really didn't like it. Depressed girl is forced to sell herself into slavery and rich demon goat guy buys her to make her do slave things and become his wife? That girl has depression and Stockholm syndrome to the extreme, I would've gone with the fairies even if I was gonna die, fuck [not literally] the rich goat slave owner.
Why is KissAnime so much more troublesome than KissManga? The latter is like a one and done annoyance while I’m active, but the former just screws with me.
>streaming manga
>Sup Forums care about streaming garbage now
Oh yeah this is nu-Sup Forums I forgot all the kids now stream because they are too fucking retarded to use a torrent.
Holy fuck the cartel and money laundering shit was real.
Funi is using running that site and getting tax free money, kiss anime gets tens of millions of views a month so they are making big money.
What were they thinking?
does fucking no one realize this?
the reason i download anime from streaming sites rather than torrenting superior quality versions is because i watch anime on my TV and soft subs don't show up
someone please help me with this problem
this is too funny
she's not his slave
he literally freed her from slavery by buying her
What are you using to watch them on your TV?
who's the gaylord who has been deleting posts in this thread while leaving the ungodly thing end