I liked it
I still do
I liked it
I still do
You know you can get banned for being underage
Actually... me too.
How many anime have you watched?
I've seen enough to know what's good and what's trash.
I first saw it when I was 18, it's not kino but parts of it connected with me in a way I can't forget. It's not as awful as everyone likes to imply. Babbies first edgy anime? Sure, I won't deny it. But that's not why I liked it.
I'm glad someone else did too
The best way I can praise it is this: it made me feel.
I identified with some of what I saw in the show and it elicited strong emotions in me. You can criticise the animation, art style, plot, whatever. I couldn't argue with you, but despite all that I still enjoyed the time I put into it and to this day feel something whenever I'm reminded of it.
You're a good guy, user. Don't change.
That doesn't really answer the question. It's a given that if you like something it must have made you feel sometthing. He asked why though.
Nostalgia goggles are something strong.
The only part that made me feel any kind of sympathy was the foster dad guy who died in the last episode. He was cool. The entire main cast was either retarded or too horny for their cousin to get do anything.
I just told you, if that's not enough of an answer for you then I don't know what to tell you. I could mention specific scenes but it'd just be expanding on what I already stated, it made me feel something deep in my being.
>tfw made elfen lied AMVs for AMVhell
kill me
Fuck off teen
I always liked the opening song and the idea of using Klimt paintings, but the character design ruins it.
I think it has a pretty cool surreal atmosphere. Then again, I only ever read the manga and didn't watch the anime so I don't know if that's a lot worse.
nigga its from 2005, even 10 year olds watching that would be 23 now
Elfen Lied wasn't terrible, but it wasn't very good either. It was okay I guess.
But it was one of the anime that in the wave when anime went mainstream attracted "those" people.
The ones whose first anime was Naruto, Dragonball Z or Bleach and loved those, they discovered Elfen Lied and suddenly everyone watching Naruto, DBZ or Bleach were inferior kiddies while they were watching "mature" anime like Elfen Lied, Hellsing and Gantz.
okay then i'll correct myself
fuck off retard with an edgy teen mindset
I remember being interested in it when I was a kid in like 07 but after rewatching it I can confirm that those were definitely just the thoughts of a little kid who still thought that Naruto was cool.
That's kind of vague, I'm sure you're a big enough boy to elaborate. I mean, I'm sure everyone felt something watching it, I felt boredom and anger for example.
rewatched it few weeks ago
The anime is pretentious as fuck and tries to get rid of everything that gave the manga its silly and surreal tone. Just compare the main themes of the manga and the anime:
Elfenlied: A silly little ditty about an elf getting hurt while trying to peek on humans. You can connect it to themes of those who are different getting rejected, but at its core, it doesn't take itself too seriously.
Lilium: Over the top melodramatic opera about God's judgement. The lyrics are just random quotes from the bible that are strung together to sound dramatic and deep, but have no actual relevance to the series itself.
>elfen fucking lied
It's just like future diary all those years ago. I fucking wanted to like you. I liked the concept. The ost was good. How did okomoto fuck it up that badly?
>pleb art style
>weird animation
>pervert can't stop fucking his characters
>like literally mayu, why the fuck is her ass relevant to the story
>can you please stop making your characters naked or that I can see their nipples through wet clothing for the love of allah
>can you stop making nyu try to fuck her retard owners
>speking of them, they're cousins, fucking each other (yeah okay, teenagers I guess) but go on to have FUCKING RETARDED CHILDREN
>Israel tier children torture factory where they escape all the time instead of killing them
>entire chapters and episodes of cringe and bullshit
>okomoto dies in a car crash
>anime is half finished
>no one wants to continue funding this turd after because they know how ridiculous the manga ending is
>evil super organization of horn people that actually own the child horn person torture factory because it's ancient prophecy that they win earth
>the top horn person has to fuck lucy to do this, of course, because without fucking what would author san draw
>...this is because the top horn person consults with his pet brain of mensis, which is conveniently a horn person but also is a personal TI-84
>he ends up just getting merked by lucy
>ends with the police and secret organization of horn people soldiers to find lucy
>lucy's power level has been hidden this entire time for some reason and is gonna wipe out earth with humungo hands
>oh but her retard owner finds her and he gives her the feels
>does a wicked witch of the west
>ends with a shot of retard owner's retard babies
It is not my faut you have shit taste.
I forgive you , user.
I made one with a U2's song
Anime was 8/10, manga was 9/10. It's not the perfect show but you truly empathize for the characters. Plus Bando is one of the most hardcore human antagonists in any series ever. That guy alone improved the series score by a couple points.
People who shit on this show are underage moefags and shonentards.
>anime with literal /r9k/ autism
>Bando:"What do my balls have to do with the fate of the world?"
Literally the only good moment in this turd of a show; the first and last one.
>trash collector guy is one of the most hardcore human antagonists ever
>is also pic related tier level of "human" but without the comic relief and replaced with edge
It was bad in its own special way. Kind of "wish it was actually good" way. Can't recommend it to anyone though.
God I remember all the edgy weeb girls in school thinking this was the best and most deepest series ever.
Saw and then read it when I was a teenager. Decade later, my opinion is still the same,
the only good thing about it is Bandou. Bandou is GAR as fuck.
In the manga, Bandou
>shoots an RPG out of the air to blow up Mirako
>Kicks a pedo in the face, then shoves him weapon up his own ass
>Flashbangs Lucy
>Dodges all her vectors and shoots her in the gut
>Saves Mayu like a real human bean
>Survives getting cut in half
The manga ending broke my heart.
>I liked it
>I still do
I don't and still don't.
The first episode turn me off completely with the use of over the top gratuitous violence.
Anime was shit, manga was... decent, not spectacular, but serviceable. Manga Bando was the mvp
With all the DBSfags and the nurutards running around here, color me surprised
Not even watching either of those but stay mad
>I liked it
>I still do
Looks like you like this shit despise knowing that is garbage in that case dont let anyone stop you from enjoying it. ust dont go ever thre "saying is the best anime of the erath couse it has butchered lolis".
Was my first anime so I have some attachment to it. I rewatched it and realized how awful the main character and a lot of the animation was. Also found the dog scene to be so over the top the second time that it was almost comical, whereas the first time I saw it I was in a bad mood for the rest of the week.
Also this song always makes me nostalgic
>and a lot of the animation was
wrong picture, this is more relevant
This. manga is a solid 9/10.
Underages not welcome
Elfen Lied got me into anime back when I was an edgy pre-teen, I just can't bring myself to hate it.
Never reply me again, autismo. I'm older than your mom by the way.
I can resect that.
Elfen Lied was one of my first animes and it was also one of the animes that got me into manga. it's flawed sure... but so is everything else, ya cunts.
I can't respect that.
What about this girl OP?
Me too, user. I get you.