
Absolute perfection.

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>wearing a bra when there is literally nothing to cover
Every time.

Well there is something to cover, unless they just used hair. I wouldn't be opposed to them just removing it with no replacement.

>drawings have age
back to plebbit

according to usa and Canadian yes they do

why is her face so fucking stupid

she is a cute!

No, they don't and you're a fucking retard if you think so.

>t. Mentally ill pedo


watch the tv more
why small letters anyway? whatever

you do know they have arrested people with loli and shota doujin right?

According to usa chocolate milk comes from brown cows.

you have to go back


Best Crimsom demon here lads

In absolute every case it was either the dude taking a plea deal for transporting obscenity over state lines or getting caught with real CP. Every case where the charge was actually fought has been dismissed.

YunYun? More like YumYum!

>there is still no proper scan of this

How the fuck is this even possible?


Can the manga fags tell me if the future shit focuses less on Darkness and more in ANYONE ELSE hopefully best girl?

right you need to go back to school

Sometimes I can't understand why things that should be highly desired never get scanned, unless the number made is so low that someone willing to do so never gets a chance.

don't forget this too

a picture of a plank is perfectly appropriate content for a korean woodworking board

>Handley plead guilty
Dumb fucking britcuck

Stupid smug face...
I love you Megumin

Aqua is best girl

Brits are retarded
Just off yourself so Jamal can breed Allah into the UK already, Muslims might actually be smarter than you.

it was that or years in person when 12 people convent you

Correct my brother

So? He pled, you're still wrong by default, thanks for this free win.

Oops, wrong pic

holy shit typical troll shit kid kys please but also your family


Where's the full image?

>only character in Dragon Ball actually beaten by Gohan

wish it was a boy

I think aqua is far more desirable when she's portrayed wearing pantsu.

What's the appeal of Megumin beyond the explosion meme?

Go be a fag somewhere else.



Tell me about Dodonko, what are the secrets of her dodonkos?

fair enough

New here?

thank god I moved from texas to CA

Dorkness has two arcs for herself, and they are basically identical. A bit of a shame really, since she does have some cool and funny moments.

but your still in usa

Nice bait, it was succesful for sure.

Damn Kazuma looks like THAT!?

blue states don't view cartoons as cp

Kazumin is love~

Kazumin is life!

thank god this fag left my state

my gf is 42 kg 5ft
not as easy as you think
they are flayling bags of water

>they are flayling bags of water
well now there's an interesting image

user, kidnapping random women off the street doesn't make them your girlfriend

probably someone heres fetish

Bro, do you even lift?

In all seriousness, if you gota SMOL girl, IMAGINE is worth training for!

does not know the law good luck with that

not gonna lie considering it
used to be swole but was fat
lost the fat but also the muscle by cutting calories and running

>my gf
You need to go back.

go back?

It depens on the way he lifts her, if he does it from her armpit as the "usual(photo related)" he has to do strength with his deltoids, the weakest muscle for any sedentary cunt like a Sup Forums user.

Yes omg I loved carrying this little asian girl to bed.

it's a Sup Forums meme: "go back to X" or variations of "go back", implying you're new and/or not originally from here (Sup Forums or Sup Forums) because you have a girlfriend (see "normalfag" meme for more info), and thus redirecting you back to your homeboard or the website you browsed before coming here (reddit/tumblr/facebook/etc).

tldr: don't blog about 3D on Sup Forums

Helps if your a 'Big Guy' to start with.
Fully suspending is fun, but just carrying her like a sack of potatoes and draping her over whatever surface and pounding the shit out of her while she squeals and squirms is what IMAGINE is all about.

doesn't surprise anyone that a 3rd world country has outdated law
white man tried to bring you civillization but you always refused

Flat and petite JC lolis are the best.

I want to do lewd and degenerate things to Megumin and make Yunyun watch.


Is the LN finally translated?

>megumin's band of thieves will never steal your virginity.

Thieves are after valuable things

How is Nerimaki?

>42 kg
>Can't man handle less than 100lbs.

Dude. Do some push-ups or something. Unless you're small as well, you should be able to handle that.

>liking 14 year old woman is pédo now
wow, nigger

I can curl 42 kg with one arm. That fag is just weak.

Wouldn't it be hebephile? Most men are hebephiles if I remember right.

>Fully suspending is fun, but just carrying her like a sack of potatoes and draping her over whatever surface and pounding the shit out of her while she squeals and squirms is what IMAGINE is all about.

eww no she has gross saggy tits

There is no real federal law in the US regarding to the illegalization of lolicon, but some states have banned it, yes.

If you're attracted to a childs body like OP's image, you're a pedophile. There is no getting around it. Let me hear you justify your disgusting shitbag sexual tastes. Please, I'd love to hear what a bunch of retarded pedophiles think.

The absolute state of Sup Forums

actually the nipples are still a bit bigger and much more sensitive than guys, so even when the breasts are quite small, it's uncomfortable without at least something to protect from chafing due to outer clothes. A thin silk camisole would do as well.

Now you see why it became a meme. Because it's actually the hottest shit.

Patrician taste lads


She’s pretty cute

Yeah, I mean once they actually hit puberty and start looking like women, it's hardcoded in our genes to want them.
Pedo's fucked up; you shouldn't be finding things that don't look even remotely breedable hot. But wanting teen girls, that's just biology.


This is discrimiatory against smol women. Stop your pro cowtit hatespeech

I want to marry them both.
Couldn't agree more.


I wish that butt was canon.

I fapped to aqua and stuck my dick in a cup of warm aqua as I came. Felt good man.