So who was this Billy chap you guys were all crying over? You spammed several boards with this shit

So who was this Billy chap you guys were all crying over? You spammed several boards with this shit.


Some gay porn actor or something, yes that's right everyone here is mourning over a gay porn actor.

Maybe you lurk more to understand the feelings for him?
You'd be doing most anons a favor with that or an even better idea is to leave to where you came from.
Spoonfeeding is for plebs.


go back to gaia teen

If you are smart enough to ask, you are smart enough to lurk

Good bait, deserves a (You)

He had great impact on the anime culture.

please be bait

He was the best aniki.

someone with a japanese "action figure".


Forced gay porn meme.

Jokes on you ,I'm 25.

Is there an evangelion of this?

die oldteen

Fuck you.

I realize sacrifices must be made for the level of poseability figma's offer but goddamn, that looks like he's got a big juicy rack.

She's old news.

At least her anime isn't made with shoestring budget.

Oh, fuck YOU leather man! Maybe you and I should settle it right here on the ring if you think you're so tough.