Fact: Yuru Yuri wouldn't be popular if not for Chinatsu

Fact: Yuru Yuri wouldn't be popular if not for Chinatsu

Fact: Chinatsu has a cute little pink cunny

Fact: Chinatsu best girl

Fact: Chinatsu needs to die so she can go back to hell from whence she came.

Alternative Fact: China Sue will NEVER win the Yuibowl.

Fuck you.

you think she's that devilish? What a pussy you are, grow up mate

wan fug china

Wrong, she has it in the bag.

Kyouko has it in the bag, you mean.


Fact: shitnatsu is a whore and nobody likes her

Right you are. Chinatsu best girl.
Chinatsu x Yui OTP

Fact: Chinatsu is the worst yuru.

Only because she allows more screentime for Kyouko and her shenanigans

Fact: Akari and the bullying she receives is by far the best part about Yuru Yuri and it would be pretty average and forgettable without her.

This is true.

She was the evil dwarf for a reason.

Fact: This is a snake

So the problem with this show is there are 5 yuris (ignoring brat and cow). Which one of the main cast+ayano is going to get left out?

Fact: She killed millions

Ok, but what is the snake holding?

The burden of guilt from having to eat a mother birds eggs to survive because God decided that some aren't worthy of salvation.

>there are 5 yuris (ignoring brat and cow)

DONT open this image

DONT open this image.

You're assuming they won't all get boyfriends.


Chizuru is kinda there


Akaza Akari was last seen leaving school to walk home at 3:15 PM Thursday, February 15th. Classmates stated she had seemed impatient and rash throughout the schoolday and had skipped out on extracurricular activities. Her body was found by a jogger at 4:18 AM on Saturday, March 3rd buried halfway in a small park located in a forest behind the schoolgrounds. Relative Akaza Akane has been reported missing since February 18th, any information regarding her whereabouts is requested.

But Kyouko is gonna marry Ayano.

how to explain that a character is evil

have them emulate Light Yagami

I know the flashback to their loli years spoke volumes.

Yeah, Yui is a bully

And was raped by billions;

Honestly I enjoy Yui she has her cute moments but she's the yuru I honestly care the least about, it's not even the fact she's the quiet type, she's just boring to me.

It's because she relies on other characters to do anything. She isn't interesting by herself.

Because she's a boy.

fact: china has tight 13yr old cunny

She killed millions.

Loved by billions.

It's okay she's flat.

She pleasured millions.

so little, yet so slutty

to earn trillions

brat has FAT butt

Brat is for LEWD

s4 when

I would give my both kidneys to be kyouko

After the ninja show

when there's enough manga material

There is and has been for a while.

That doesn't really matter.


I refuse.



fuck you
good man


>kyoko fans
>brat fans

Such a satisfying scene

I wanna sniff brat ass


I would pay so mcuh to lick the brats cunny

ah, there it is. Yup you're right.

Yeah, but only by the oppai monster.

It's weird not only that but despite popularity, it also doesn't have official western publishings yet.

I'm also very pro Ayano as well as Kyouko fan here.

You're a good person. I would be your yurufriend.




Thanks user.

but in all seriousness, we can't let sakurako get the nuclear codes

is she an agent of the oppai state?


SO is Akarin pro-china now.

I want to shoot my warm semen into Akari's 13-year-old vagina.

This is not okay

Akari is pro-execute China in public.

china must be hanged for war crimes

Yui is the straight man. The foil. They're not supposed to be funny, really, you laugh at their reactions. Not their jokes.

basically, there was collusion

>yui is a straight man

Stop calling Yui a man

She's the most relatable yuru for me because like her, I am a tsundere, I love Kyouko, and I make dumb jokes.

Well I want to explode my burning-hot cum into Akaza Akari's 13-year-old 女子中一 pussy

Alright was making sure.

Essentially, according to your anonymous sources right.

Akari is pretty fucked up once you think about it I hope she goes to prison next season for being a sicko

Yeah I get her too, especially the whole wanting to be cool in front of the girl you like, and also the whole becoming putty when said girl keeps surprising you and seeing through said coolness. Also regardless of blogshit like that, I love how she interacts with TOSHINO KYOUKO!

I mean half of the jokes in the show are about Chinatsu, so you're not exactly wrong.

In a world where choco Chitose is a 10 and Akarin without brain damage is a 1, Chinatsu is a 7.

Also being a huge submissive slut.

No she's not and neither am I, delete this.

>neither am I
Quit lying, slut



Why are the people who obsess over this show such massive (literal) faggots?


How can a literal retard be this cute?

She isn't.

You aren't fuck you.