Isekai: selfcest

hentai isekai are the best isekai

here's Furohile, a gender-bent selfcest isekai

check "World of Moral Reversal" too

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That was a really sweet story with a hilarious twist ending.

>hentai isekai are the best isekai

>When the best girl is actually a slime.

Is this a new heroine archetype?

the sync between the MCs is great and hot

What was the twist?


How's your isekai going, lads?

Post your WIPs.

Feedback would be highly appreciated, writer's block is a bitch.

did you read until the end of the 2nd chapter?

I wish we had more not-isekai fantasy, but I guess it's never going to return.


Topest tier isekai coming through.

kill yourself already

What was that one isekai where anons were arguing if a heroine got raped or not due to her having super strength and not knowing it at first?


Its been blessed by the Meme Team.

Fuck those autists.

>MC’s gender remains unknown for the entire series

is there a Final Fantasy Tactics Advance manga?

Class Maid Isekai is pretty good
>only a sidestory released for two weeks
T-They'll pick up the pace soon, right?

>tfw you'll never upgrade the breast size of your previously partially digested club member because you can't into cup sizes
Hecate is also working on Gomen ne Onii-sama so that's probably why it's taking so long.

you, shieldbro and paladinshill?


Yeah i'd say that's accurate.

that one user that really REALLY likes faraway paladin and pretty much says everyone gotta read it.

>MC sings lesbian porn for the masses

I couldn't write my isekai all weekend since I lost power.

>Hecate is also working on Gomen ne Onii-sama so that's probably why it's taking so long.
I don't read that so I feel like I'm speaking to everyone when I say that they should just drop it and focus on Maid

I like that one. It's unexpectedly brutal sometimes.

I wish it did. It would help to further flesh out why those escapist assholes are taking the easy way and actually touch the subject of how some of the people who got turned into ivalice characters got shafted like becoming monsters to kill for loot.

I also liked how it pointed at how hypocrite is to believe isekai life is awesome just because you are OP shit or even the fucking prince of the world while everybody who isn't suffers. Only wheelchair-kun had any legit reason to want to stay in a world where he can walk, everybody else was just being babies about how hard real life is and how cool the ivalice life is.

Mate, the first side story was about the guys making Maiko their mental anchor to retain their sanity, the story is exactly as brutal as advertised.

Don't think so.
There's a Tactics Ogre one, though.
Just a warning, the edge is very strong in this one.

Reminder that Katekyo Hitman Reborn! is partly Isekai.

Which one of you anons is responsible for this?

Who is this semen demon elf.

Just got around to reading Faraway Paladin. Good God what a climax. Volume 1 was quite the ride.

I bet i have already masturbated over 999 times, what about you guys?

I never played them, but goddamn those games have the best concept art I've seen.

way more than that, way more

I masturbate at least 14 times per week and have been doing it for years, I'm probably closer to 9999 than 999.


Only took a few years of wanking to unlock the multiple orgasm. A conservative estimate would be around 15000.

So when will we get isekaid?

is hard to meet truck-kun when one is a hikki neet

A thot.

Build a ramp outside your apartment


based shitposting memester


right is superior

It's nice to see a manga female character with a non retarded looking armor-accessories

>your isekai
That old thing? Haven't touched it in months. Don't have as much time to write these days, especially for a big project.
I got halfway through writing this, though.

This guy always gets me
Is he the same as the guy posting the meme team?

It has to be a japanese truck user. Japanese trucks are possessed by the spirit of bishamon to send young japanese men to other worlds to carry out his will to punish evil.



I dont want to die, I could be reborn as a girl.

I think I prefer reverse isekai to regular isekai.

Sauce on this? Image search isn't showing anything.

>male to female gender bender
>shoujo ai

Picked the fuck up. Thanks.

>Died after confessing
>Reincarnated as a girl
>Cat girl still holding a torch for your previous self

I'm honestly curious how that is going to work out.

Is the translation any good? And the fucking title , man. Why can't these nips think of easy to remember titles? These long ass titles are too much of a bad meme.
Sounds horrible.

The bad thing with that story is that best girl shows up very briefly and then is gone for a while.

>same universe as the town gangbang one
I don't know about this.

The adventurer grill or the slime?

The witch elf.

>be freshly wed
>lovely dovey
>you and your wife get trucked
>reborn as hero with no memories
>get stronger to avenge your parents that died because of the demon king
>face the demon king
>its a women
>memories of your former life come back
>demon queens too
>make out with your demon queen wife
>hero party and demon commanders dont know whats going on
>hero and demon queen get killed by their team mates for betrayal

but then you'll get to form the yuri harem, unless you get reincarnated in an otome game world full of bishies

I dont like scissoring also hanging out with bros is more fun.

Even better is both forms at the same time.

there is also cunnilingus and fisting, you can also use a strap on dildo

or find magic to turn you into a futa

or maybe you are just gay