One Piece

Who's your favorite minor unnamed character this arc?

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the weird pumpkin guy with backwards elbows

Always liked the bowlerhats. Their female counterparts are fun too.

It would be Raisin but he was named so this guy

Law is best boy. Confirmed by Oda himself.

Katakuri and Katakurifags don't try to argue with the author.

Could Luffy beat Sabo?

This guy's deal still isn't resolved now that I think about it. Will it ever? Am I looking too much into it?

Probably. It was all theorywork anyway.

Yeah. Mera Mera users are jobbera

It still seemed too random to be meaningless.
>lel, are you the pedro? *smirk*
>*pedro backs the fuck off*

The ending of Luffy x Katakuri was super shitty.

Yeah. Luffy should've kissed Katakuri on the forehead before leaving at least.

Katakuri should have kissed ME!

Will we ever see him again, bros?


Is it even possible for Sanji to do anything half as cool, fun, and exciting as Luffy vs Katakuri before the end of WCI?

Hell, not just Sanji. Can the rest of the arc even compete or did Oda blow his load to early?

He's in a gay marriage with King Riku

Yeah Luffy should've gave him a a handshake congratulating Katakuri on his efforts.

If Sanji does anything cool people will call it out as bullshit and if Sanji doesn't do anything Sanji fans will get more and more impatient

Katacuks please stop being so delusional. Katakuri should have kissed ME.

Sorry, but Luffy kisses Law only.


Sanji should just die already, Oda hates him, we hate him, everyone hates him.


Unless it's literally the best Sanji moment in the entire manga, I don't know how it could possibly live up to the wait.

This. Oda is a hack.

t. Zoro

There is no we, moist fag

this is why you don't skip leg day

Fuck off, faggot.

Oda's trying to make everyone happy by giving Sanji W's that don't include fights, he's been doing it since Dressrosa. Having Viola like him, having him save the crew vs. Doffy to give him a good entrance/save but still have him get dumpstered, etc.
I'm honestly amazed he gave us that speedblitz vs. Oven and I'll take that as this arc's Sanji feat. Not every day a character kicks somebody's ass so fast they don't realize it.

>implying you don't also hate him

What does it say?

"Law will die in Wano."

It was a question about which characters ended up being more important than Oda originally planned.

Oda answered all of the Supernovas, but especially Law.

Law is the best character and the "key" to the One Piece.

muh stamina is good writing

It says Kidd was planned to be very important from the start but not Law. Basically saying "I don't really care about Law all that much". Somehow it means "Law is Oda's favorite" in this Lawfag's mind.

Lawlu is canon.

Who is the superior giantess waifu: Aphelandra or Smoothie?

"My wife's favourite is Trafalgar D. Water Law"

It's fights what they want, not just hit-and-run games. Personally I can't complain much about his deeds, it's more his attitude that let me down especially as of late. So dull.


It means Oda changed his mind and made Law best boy while all the other supernovas remain irrelevant.

Smoothie since she can become bigger.

It was a fairly even fight. Start counting after katakuri and luffy rested and ate donuts and mochi and the hit count only slightly favours katakuri

So everyone believes they kissed and then Pudding removed it from Sanji's memory?

>Personally I can't complain much about his deeds, it's more his attitude that let me down especially as of late. So dull.

This. I liked him because he was the asshole of the crew, who still cared about everyone deep down. Now suddenly being "kind" is this super important trait of his.

At least give him some awesomely cheesy one-liners ("Food the realm of God. Spices are the work of the Devil. Looks like it was too spicy for you.").

Everyone that isn't in denial agrees that they kissed but we're not sure if she removed any of his memories or if he just took it well

LawLu or LuKa?

>kiddfags exist
Don't be jealous because Law is and will always be more important than your favourite character, brother. I mean not everyone is born a D. and has a fruit that opens a secret treasures and gives immortality.

Lying 2.0 I'll be right again

How do you know he didn't?

Luffy and Law are not for gay

>Pudding removed it from Sanji's memory?
I think she kissed him (important distinction) but I still dont know why people think she erased his memories. It makes no sense.

No, it means Oda made them all relevant but Kidd is still the most relevant. Says nothing about Law.
In the Worst Generation there's Blackebard, Kidd and the rest. It's a fact. Law is literaly the bitch of Luffy now. Killer is from the three eyed tribe and Kidd is third most likely to become the PK after BB and Luffy.

Yeah even Greg thinks that's what happened.

Water is a secret name.

Oda, where's my friend Zoro?

post proof
Greg sees Sana too so I'm okay

Pretty much

>Kidd is still the most relevant
>has done literally nothing since Sabaody other than jobbing to Kaido


Kidd doesn't even have a 1/10th of the screen time Law's gotten, you delusional Kiddfag.

His thread on AP.

In Wano kissing the canvas


I want to cum inside Carrot

>Kaido's bitch is going to be Pirate King

So everyone agrees Nami is gonna ride Sanji like a horse once they escape, right?

Every single members of the generation will get their arc. Kidd has already A LOT of mention and screentime even tho he din't get his arc yet. Still the most relevant. So fucking what Law was the first to have his arc? Bege is as relevant as Law now. In the end Kidd will be the most relevant after Blackbeard and Luffy. It's a fact.

>Kidfags actually exist
>AND they spell his name wrong

>yfw this will happen again in Wano Kuni

Kidd's a nobody, nigger.

Look it up I can't be assed to spoonfeed

He's not going to be silly. Luffy will. But he will be the closest after Blackbeard. He's also literally the Kaido of the generation.

I wouldn’t believe it if Sanji didn’t immediately point out how sexy she was acting. Why would he say that if we, the watchers, weren’t supposed to take that line sexually? Yeah, Sanji and Nami are fucking.


>K-Kidd's going to be relevant, I swear!!!

Kid D. my boy. you will see. And Killer is from the three eyed tribe.

How much longer is this arc?

Is Greg the one who works on the website and is constantly wrong about his predictions?

Was he the one insisting sanji and the crew were going to do "combat cooking"?

Kidd already lost the pirate game. He has no chance of ever being significant.

>the only kidfag in existence is a mentally ill who denies the oda's words and is full of headxanons

You really believe he's not going to be relevant? The Worst Generation is the most relevant group of characters in the manga. And Kidd is clearly one of the leaders of the generation. You have to be such a retard to believe he's not going to be relevant later on.


>jobber is the "Kaido of this generation"
lol no.

not wanting him to remember the awful person she was to him

that's arthur. greg writes for the jump column

Don't get mad at bait, user

He was wrong about that, but he was right about the Cake theory in general since the start of the arc.

Reminder it’s Kid, not Kidd

He was smiling goodbye. He obviously doesnt care and there is nothing that suggests she cares.

You guys are pathetic. You unironically believe Kid will not do anything in the future? That's mental ilness.

And by the way. Dog of the governement, backstabbing bitch, had to be saved by another member of the generation, is now literally the henchman of another member of the same fucking generation. That's Law for you. Less impressive member of his generation.

It doesn't matter if he cares or not retard why would you NOT remove a negative memory from your head
You might be over it and it might not bother you anymore but that doesn't mean you wouldn't remove it if you could

Kidfags are probably the worst

youre kidding

Kaido was literally introduced as the biggest jobber of them all.

Luffy will be the Pirate King
But who will be the 4 new Yonkou