Just watched the entirety of monogatari for the first time
Fuck it was good
Snail best girl
Just watched the entirety of monogatari for the first time
Other urls found in this thread:
>Monogatari after Bake
Both versions
There's another season coming up this spring.
Snail was cute but my favorite girl doesn't show up until later.
yaaaaay peace peace
not sure if it will top owari s2 though
>Snail best girl
The Sodachi parts in Owari are better than a lot of Bake
Koimonogatari is the best part of the franchise
Overrated garbage.
Sales don't agree, Bake was good because it was before all the over sexualising fap bait shit happened and had the superior anime staff that actually knew what they were doing
>Sales don't agree
So? Is Gundam SEED your favorite too?
I mean, it's up there. Much better than shitty wing
I love the impotent brainlet rage this show provokes.
Fuck off. SS and Owari both had a lot of great episodes.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Monogatari. The fanservice is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of nihongo most of the wordplay will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Araragi's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Kamasutra literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these conversations, to realise that they’re not just well written- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Monogatari truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Araragi's existential catchphrase “Hearing her moan makes me feel really weird,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Nisio Isin’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Senjougahara tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
>Snail best girl
>snail best girl
Man of taste
>Sales don't agree
A series selling less over time is a common trend in general, not indicative of quality in particular.
> it was before all the over sexualising fap bait shit happened
The only parts of this series more sexualized than Bake is Nise and the Yotsugi Doll OVA. There are lots of people who watched Bake, then watched Nise and didn't like that and then dropped the series (which is fine) and I'm convinced it's only those people who say shit like this. Don't comment on the entirety of the series if that's the case, especially a series where each season is dramatically different in tone to the others even.
>normalfag getting triggered by naked loli
>Bake was good because it was before all the over sexualising fap bait shit happened
How do people like this show? It's 95% dialogue, 95% of which is pointless filler dialogue that doesn't move the plot forward, interspersed with super pseudo-artistic bright vibrant color shots.
Like why is this one of the best selling anime of all time I dont even
too smart for you kid
Admittedly I dunno why it's as massively successful as it is either, but plenty of shows are mostly just talking. That isn't a criticism in itself.
There isn't any filler. It's a character-driven story to begin with and every arc is extremely introspective into at least a couple characters.
No its filler. People constantly repeat what the others say for no reason or someone says something in a roundabout way just to tease them and this is 99% of the dialogue.
fuck off with this
bake is garbage compared to SS
even owari and tsuki are at least on par with it
If Bake was really garbage to you then you wouldn't have continued with the series.
Nice try shitposter.
reminder that if you were not born and raised in Japan, your understanding of Monogatari will always be fragmentary and maldeveloped
wow. I think I remember the first time I saw this copypasta. This one has been around for a long time.
1) Timing. At the time the show came out SHAFT had several things going for it. It had a loyal cult following, that was just big enough to generate conversation in Otaku communities. The anime community had been hit with 3-5 years straight of Rie Kugimiya loli-tsunderes (or Rie Kugimiya sound alikes playing loli-tsunderes) and beta whitebread MCs overflowing every single fucking season. Haruhi had "normalized" quirky/snarky slice of life anime for otaku audiences. However these were almost always, "lame" and "limp" or at best somewhat funny, though always worse then Haruhi. Into this environment an anime popped in that was slice of life with weirdness, that was darker, more somber, more ecchi; with a MC who was an unabashed pervert.
2) Harem anime with a winner. This was definitely new. as mentioned in the first point, we had been deluged with 5 years of harem anime and love triangles with misunderstandings, accidental pervert moments and tyrannical tsunderes. So when Bake had an official couple form in ep 5 everyone was stunned. Most of the later harem wasn't even introduced by ep 5, in fact the only members of the orbiting harem we had seen at that point were Snail and Cat.
3) Senjougahara. This might seem weird but when Bake was airing Senjougahara-tore was REAL. there was this maniacle love for her that sprang into being quickly, that turned into a mania by episode 5. She was something new to anime fans. A tsundere who wasn't a violent- sociopathic petenko loli. A tsundere who wasn't voiced by Rie Kugimiya? Furthermore, she didn't exhibit stereotypical tsundere behavior, and had a fucking CHARACTER beyond being tsundere. I could write thousands of words about why Senjougahara took the world by storm, but I'll leave it at this. (CONT)
confirmation that it's as soon as spring where?
>garbage compared to
>state based on condition
i know reading comprehension is hard for the mentally impaired but please keep up
I'm enjoying finally reading the novels. It's fun to read stuff that wasn't included in the anime like Shinobu's DS or Araragi's inner monologue when Nadeko was trying to seduce him.
I'm glad you liked it but I still think this is best girl!
>Snail best girl
4) It is smart. Granted NisiOisin does drop a lot of rather groan worthy puns into his work. Usually so bad they're funny. But he works a LOT of word play and puns into everything, so much so this anime will NEVER get an English release as there is simply no way to translate half the dialogue and remain somewhat true to the original. Frankly, this is an anime which is VERY enjoyable for people who like the Japanese language, and Japanese cultural references. For foreign audiences it's definitely a hard one to get into without some basic Japanese/otaku knowledge, and your enjoyment of the series is almost directly proportional to your understanding of Japanese culture and language.
5) SHAFT - bakemonogatari was released at "peak shaft". With the prebuilt cult of shaft fans this anime generated buzz quickly, and with Senjougahara blowing apart minds and seizing hearts this anime quickly spread outside of "shaft" fans into the general otaku populous. Introducing a much wider population to Shaft at a time when it was at its most stylish and polished (well, for a low budget production company). Low budget shaft was creative as all heck and it blew the minds of casual anime fans. Bakemonogatari became a sensation in Japan, blowing up every sales record on the books.
6) Self Aware - is a series written by an otaku for otakus. And because it was self aware, all of it was done with a wink and a nod. There is a reason many fans of the series defend the fan service and harem nonsense as parody. It IS parody. It is a story told be a master storyteller who knows what his audience wants because he's the audience too. Better yet NisiOisiN and Shinbo is almost a match made in heaven as BOTH are self aware, who know what the audience wants and gives it to them. This is the essence of Vaudeville combined with a new wave film ascetic and PT Barnum's showmanship. Its sleazy, trashy, funny, gory, exploitative and above all else entertaining.
>bake is garbage
Stop posting anytime
>super pseudo-artistic bright vibrant color shots
Because it's a show that's 95% dialogue, nigger. You need to be kept visually engaged while sitting through 10 minutes of exposition.
>Snail best girl
how so?
I too marathoned the whole series last year and I feel like me enjoyment was greatly enhanced by not having taken part of the shitposting. Can't wait for Zokuowari.
Because being born in the same country as an author allows them to beam their full intent directly into your brain and not catching absolutely every detail in a piece of media means that you don't deserve to consume it.
it gets really good with nise
What kinda faggot are you
Like every salesfag, the kind of faggot that makes up half-baked theories by misinterpreting incomplete statistics to troll people.
>not catching absolutely every detail in a piece of media means that you don't deserve to consume it
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. No one would ever be allowed to consumed any media then, or would be limited to the most basic shit, therefore being unable to grow and become qualified for other things. It would be a world of people not sharing any information or ideas.
All better than Bake