Will there ever be a season 2?

Will there ever be a season 2?

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Who is that ass?

I want to kiss dat ass


The movie was great, and there should be just about enough content to do another season with.

So, maybe.

AW S2 fucking never.

What kind of life do you have? Do you even game?

Wasn't there some issue where the artist/author or whatever was accused of copying someone elses shit and it caused a big issue and they won't make any more anime?

I'm not trolling but it was the rumor of the day back after it aired


Actually, games were forbidden in my household, so I never played any games in my youth.

He did steal other peopl'es work, but i don't know about any puninshment

fake loli's ass

That's highly illegal.

Nips. overreact to every little thing. Same with the author of log horizon. The dude forgot to pay his taxes a few times. Big deal. But nope, shamefurur dispray. No more anime.

No one busts you for tax evasion like that unless they couldn't get you for something else

Im sure they made the movie to test the waters. If it makes a lof of money, then that means that people still wanf NGNL and they will make it. If it bombs, then the franchise is dead.

Go back scum.

Damn someone must have been really butthurt or just incredibly autistic to go looking for those. Also some of those are just incredibly common character poses.

A NEET nerd gamer's imouto


>shimapan + big ass

>Damn someone must have been really butthurt or just incredibly autistic to go looking for those. Also some of those are just incredibly common character poses
Some people don't like having their work stolen and sold as someone else.
As for the poses, most of them are, but the problem isn't with the poses being the same, but the lines themselves being literally identical, which is either an astronomical coincidence, or just trace

Wow mods are really doing their job lately, Mods=Gods.

The princess was funny WRYYYYYYY!, but the plot was just so annoyingly stupid. Imouto was just rei clone #1341

Eh, some of the pics he traced are quite popular.
Even I noted pic related.
There's also one with a broken back that I also noticed

The others are just jealous of his talent in creating an actually good isekai world

fucking assholes give me my s2

I also noted this.

Little girls don't have asses like that

2D little girls do.

god hes so lucky


Should I watch NGNL? The lack of season 2 really puts me off.

wtf I hate Jibril after watching the movie

If only the mods on all the other boards were like Sup Forums's mods.

Watch it and then watch the movie and then suffer with the rest of us

Is all of NGNL hentai-quality or just this screenshot?

The fuck are you smoking.

thats not actually from the show, if i remember correctly

hwat a shame

23k Blu-ray copies + another 3k or so DVD for the first week of the movie

Is this good enough to get a S2?

There are more factors at play.

It's pretty good desu.
It's kind of like being on acid the whole time though.

Like what? They just made a movie, so making more should not be a problem.

The movie sold pretty decently I think

Man the movie was fucking great. I didn't expect a NGNL movie to make me almost cry.

Shiro >>>>>>>>> Shuvi

Shiro = Shuvi

There will be a season 2 if you let me rape Shiro.

But Satan, we require you to rape Shiro.


Begone satan!

Wasn't Shiro the dude?

Sora is the brother

>tfw I watched bestgirl kill best bot
>I will never hear shuvi again
>Riku will always be a virgin
Why is life suffering

they couldn't fuck anyways, they made this crystal clear and he still decided to marry her

I mean she still has a mouth

Reminder that Jibril is best girl

Actually LOOK at the two picture side by side instead of looking at the overlayed one. The overlayed one have been modified to make it seems like they are the same

>people are surprised by this in such an oversaturated and generic industry
There are some great artists with truly distinctive style out there, but at least 50% of the stuff in this industry can be classified as generic, doubly so for flavour of the year (or decade) stuff like isekai,

How do they even find out this kind of things?

They just find out picture of similar postures and then edit them to make them match.

>The overlayed one have been modified to make it seems like they are the same
What? You don't even need to overlay it to notice that the face structure is literally the same.

So what? you want every single drawing to not remotely look the same or have similar features?

Read the last three words of my sentence again, idiot.

Only in America.

In Japan Tax fuckery is seen (and prosecuted) as a greater sin than Pedophilia.

She only has a few years to live. It's not fair.

Some autists freaked over it, but literally nothing came of it. The closest thing to plagerism that anyone even acknowledged was when the anime was caught using someone else's magic circles in the TV version, and the studio apologized, before swapping them out in the BD version.

Faces look nothing alike. In fact, the only thing alike is the general shape of the legs.
Head is fastly different, arm placement is different, etc. At most he copied the pose, and that's about it.

These examples look just as stupid as they did when NGNL was airing originally. Worst possible situation is he used them as visual references, there's so many differences between each pair and so many re-drawn/re-positioned parts.

>love 2D instead of 3D
>use animes as a reference instead of photos
>autists sperg out

She's lived long enough user.

Somebody explain to me how Riku created Tet. Do gods in Disboard only gain form through belief and praise?

Still mad that Yen Press is behind the Portuguese translation.

A latent desire to fuck a cute boy

Pretty much, yeah.
Much like in our world, gods are just imaginary friends. Only difference is that in their world, those imaginary friends can become real if enough people believe in them.

how old was she again? how old do you have to be to have an ass like that?

Get in line.

What a perfect little sister. I would spoil her wth countless headpats.



there is no way in HELL that mouse is sticking to her feet with those socks on

No. Orifices.
The mouth is painted on the face with crayons.

I couldn't understand that either. And what was the point of lifting it anyway?

But its even faster than English

I just found out that the official English TL for the 3rd volume of the Izuna spinoff manga is available.

Horou is in it too.


She's so cute





Are you sure it's not Korbo?

This manga is full of Azriel out-Stephing Steph.

where are you getting this shit?

I bought all three volumes on Amazon for the kindle.

I just take pictures from the reader.

The 4th volume is not yet translated.

>Azriel having to wash dishes to pay for the whole she made after crashing through the roof of the restaurant.
This girl.



Well that's it for me for tonight.

I highly recommend buying the manga if you like NGNL. By getting the Kindle version you can read it right in your browser.

Is this from the movie?

Anime mostly looks the same anyway, and how many poses are even possible. I'm sure if you went through every image on pixiv youd find out all of it looks vaguely like something else.
Regardless, NGNL loli designs are some of the best, and taking something and making it good is fine too.

I love the way Izuna talks

>this post
>that get
Perfect, have a (you) deserve to.

NGNL follows 40k principles for gods.