Gabriel's Light Array is a deus ex machina. Discuss

Gabriel's Light Array is a deus ex machina. Discuss.

Other urls found in this thread:愛-奉文-x-聖子

School shooting related

a naked girl literally falls onto him in the first minute of the show. you knew what this was, you don't get to bitch about realism now.

This, it was Battle harem shit right from the start and their were as spills galore from episode 2, when Kazuma overcame his ability’s life drain effect by promising to exercise more. That said, I still thought Ghost Evangelora Blade was pushing it a bit far, Asami had no fucking right to do that to best girl Erika.

>Best girl

That's not how you spell Nozomi, son.

Why did Zezareth get the Dildo Cannon? It's way too overpowered considering it can fire dongs at the speed of light. One dong can take out an entire star. They will have to pull some serious asspulls to have the MC beat that.

aaand here come the Erikafags. as if we haven't -all- threatened someone to bring out their true power.
it's called levelling up. you might want to try it sometime.
besides, Asami's voice actor was clear: she wouldn't have ACTUALLY put the knife in.

>ass spills galore

pretty good term for this series in general

Conflict. Come on. If it was just Light Array killing the fuck out of Ragnarok mecha that wouldn't be fun. Having the Dildo Cannon is a decent way to display Gabriel realising that he can't just coast along on LA without talent.

>what is subtext
If you think that's the real cannon, I have a bridge to sell you. The Merchant has been doing literally everything he can to help the heroes so far, what makes you think he's stopping now?

PROTIP: It's Erika. I fucking bet you.

I thought Love Faction Mariachi was a really realistic and thoughtful harem and the protagonist was genuinely interesting.

look, call me old-fashioned, but I would prefer victory to be decided by more than who owns the biggest gun.
of course, this IS the series that tried to pass off Sulus' feelings as just "familial love", so I probably shouldn't be surprised.

>Trick and Erika: 12th Floor of the building
>Nozomi and Dynamo: 2nd Floor
Nozomi is totally a doublecrosser. Revealed next episode, I just know it.

Yeah, they were reeeal subtle on the "familial love" angle. But familial love isn't sharing a bath with his mom.
On your other point - it isn't about the biggest gun. It's what you do with it. How do you think Gabriel got Erika's attention?

as expected of a Lemonshill. you probably think the third season was good.

>this fucking user
I bet you enjoyed Pray!!!, sick fuck

Blame bad direction and budgets. The manga's great, just keeps getting better especially now that Elizabeth is expecting her first child

I'm surprised Elizabesu let Jun near her, all things considering

That was a big part of Jun's arc, though. I know some people aren't happy with the result but the way the redemption was handled was actually believable. Even if you weren't happy with it, you saw it coming.

What was great was seeing just how it was built up. I'm a little wary now that Jun's got his eyes set on his own grandmother that's been resurrected in the body of 16-year-old olympic athlete wonder if he'll still keep going after her once he finds out

An Harem anime where best girl wins
A CGDCT anime that gose somewhere
A mecha where the federation loses
A Battle shounen where the bad guy wins at the end, kill the MC and destroy everything

forced animation

Then where is her Insignia, o wise one?
>b-but muh makeup
I doubt the Black Hordes of Zezareth would have been fooled by fucking makeup.

His redemption arc hit close to home - one of my closest friends was a drug addict who had lost almost all his friends and family through his habit.
So seeing Jun break down in front of Elizabeth and Anko like that was painful, more so when he started screaming "I'm sorry!" repeatedly.

I just hope the writer has something interesting to explain why his grandma was resurrected.

Where the fuck do you think it is, dumb nigger?
Did you see Ep 7 where she deliberately skipped out on the spring bath with everyone else?

Fuck's sake, if you can't take a hint from that then you're thicker than Asami

I'm so hyped for the ep 7 of vento aureo. It's looking great so far

Oh, please. If he were really sorry he'd have told them where the Map is. It's been like five episodes and he's contributed nothing to the team other than self-indulgent angsting.
It's Yuri's arc all over again.

>Then where is her Insignia, o wise one?
I dunno, user, there's been so much QUALITY lately I wont be surprised if they just forgot it. BUY THE BDS

Don't bring up that fucking whiny kid. He had the nerve to shit on Harry Mendez winning the World's Best Mexican award. If he hadn't done that then maybe we'd be plus one gaijin helping them get the Map.

But no, the writer decides to ruin a perfectly good character plot and a fucking awesome team by making Yuri act like a bitch. At least Jun tried to find Harry to convince him.

That means nothing except that the animators are true patricians who didn't want to draw her lumps of fat jiggling everywhere. They know how to not ruin a fanservice scene, unlike you.

Then how do you propose to make decent fanservice, He Who Knows Everything?

Class Rep >>>> AU Tomboy > Tomboy > Country Girl > Stuco Pres > Tsundere >>>>>>>>>> First Crush a Shit

>the writer decides to ruin a perfectly good character plot and a fucking awesome team by making Yuri act like a bitch.
I swear to god half of that shit is just because the writer's pissed people were shipping Yuri with Nozomi. His introductory scene was perfectly fine, then it went completely off the rails.

Tomboy > AU tomboy > first crush > class rep > country girl > tsundere > stuco pres

It felt like a shitty way to introduce "muh dynamics" to the story. Really cheap and nearly made me drop the whole fucking manga.
Whoever decided to introduce Jun and his redemption arc was a fucking genius for saving LoveFaChi single-handedly. All we need is Harry Mendez - World's Best Mexican - to make a return.

Are we seriously talking about the Keit-ai fanfic?

Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子

fucking speedwatchers. do you think the mind ray in Zezareth's lair is just there to look cool? he's clearly been brainwiping all the minions whose loyalty is even slightly suspicious.
not that I blame him. Jun's little speech in episode 14 was idiotic. he might as well have TOLD Zezareth "I'm a traitor now".

Are we all just going to ignore that the PV for next episode showed Harry Mendez trying to rape Erika? I don’t remember THAT in the manga.

>first crush texted a love confession to MC by accident

Was it autism?

heh, Ameriwatchers.
we got the PV like a day ago.

Jimbo > Nozomi = Asami > Jun >>> Elizabeth >>>>>>>>>> Erika

Jimbo-chan best hug_able girl.

Update when?

>I don’t remember THAT in the manga.
It's because they cut Valdez from the anime and had to give half his role to Harry. I already fucking called it: that would come back to bite them in the ass later.

>Harry Mendez
>The World's Best Mexican
>Doing anything impure like raping Erika
I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding, Harry wouldn't let Zezareth mind control him *that* easily.
Speaking of...
Yeeeeaah, now you mention it that is one hell of a death flag. Makes you wonder whether they wrote in his redemption arc as foreshadowing.


There's a reason why people call her Jimbo Rimbo-chan, user.

>Jun in the middle
Don't kid yourself user, we all know traps are the best girls.

>traps are the best girl
Even when they're ex-crackheads?

>muh minor background character
If you want to like an irrelevant character, at least make her cute like Sophie. Her and Elizabeth are best twins!

What form is Yuuya's Mariachi going to take? I know his family has that history of dragon Mariachis, but Yuuya seems like more of a gun sort of guy. Maybe that's symbolic of his daddy issues, idk.

It's a good decision. Valdez literally has no reason to exist as a character, especially since everything he does can easily be shifted over to Harry with little to no effort.

If you don't think Space Patrol Luluco Vs Panty and Stocking is the greatest crossover show ever animated, I don't want to talk to you.

this. Valdez existed in *two* issues. Two issues where all he did was try and shut down Harry and Nozomi's Mariachi Combined, and afterwards literally nothing is mentioned about him afterwards

Jimbo best fluffy loli, you tasteless plebians.
You probably think Clover Team is competent enough to beat Zezareth, too.

>he likes the fluffy loli
gb2 Pray!!!

I expect it's going to be dragon related. It's in line with what's been doing with his character but we know there's going to be a weird spin.

My money's on that shota trap dragon that came to him in a dream. They wouldn't make his design so memorable if they weren't planning on introducing him again

Keit-Ai fucking sucks! You fags told me that it was AOTD!

Clover Team BTFO the FUCKINF SORATRIX on their first time together. They are EASILY good enough

Sophie isn't even a Mariachi, though.
And no, that saccharine 'honorary hero' bullshit doesn't count. If you're not out there shooting cow orcs on the frontlines, you're not a Mariachi. just a leech.

Spotted the redditor. Jimbo is justice, fuck Erika and the rest of that shitty Mariachi Clovershit faction.

t. Harry
Still tantruming about your beta-ness, I see.

Double trips belie your faggy nature. I can't see Valdez debuffing Mariachi's with his Chancla.

Harry Mendez and his Burrito debuffs are popular for a reason.

that was just pandering. gotta rake in the tweenbucks from somewhere.
especially now that Lala moved to her own spinoff show.

But it is.


Yeah I can tell you haven't read the manga. When Elizabeth beats the Dynerynyn, he grants her one wish before expiring and she wishes for Sophie to get a mariachi crystal so they can be together

Can we not go one fucking thread without Jimbofags and Erikafags tearing at each others throats?

How do you honestly believe this? Their teamwork is impeccable and Ryuka literally selected them specifically because the tests proved Clover Team was the most compatible group since the RedKnights.

Given the whole 'blood brothers' thing with Gabriel, Yuuya might have gotten his Ultra power.
Except I don't think the animators want to burden themselves with a second hybrid Mariachi. At least they can reuse Gabriel's gun-dragon transformation scene whenever they want, for Yuuya they'd have to animate a new one.

>supporting the faction with the druggie trap that fucked over gaining Mal Hombre Harry

Why is Jimbo so easy to bully?

ponytails are for yanking, man. I don't know what else to tell you.

>watching this shit
I dropped it after MCs SECOND resurrection. I can only handle so many asspulls.

because of her fuzzy arms

>an entire episode pandering to foot fetishists
Fucking dropped.

Because "she" is literally a trap in the manga. The reveal pissed off so many people (the annoying underage Jimbofags) in the fanbase that Tomo Productions changed "her" into an actual girl in the show

The World's Best Mexican isn't that fickle. He's a very lovely Mexican who is just waiting until the time is right. H-he'll forgive Clover Team!

It'll be years before that's even adapted but I'm really hoping it'll take off and get the budget it deserves.

You all gotta stop hating on my girl Jimbo.
>when she summons the gold guitar of guadalujara and plays la cucaracha to charm the americans to stop deporting immigrants
name a better moment in anime? YOU CAN'T

How about when Elizabeth summoned the Holy Black Heaven-Sword and banished the Mormons back to hell?

>name a better moment
Harry Mendez winning the award for World's Best Mexican by one-shotting Ryuka with his magical burrito

Heh. I can't wait for the Swan Song arc to see how her interactions play out with Sulus.

THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Platinum Games is making a video game adaptation of this series. HOW DOES THIS MAKE YOU FEEL?

Anybody ever seen Ghost Slide?
Shit was a masterpiece of battle-shounen mystery

Elizabeth's massive tit physics better be on point.

It's been 4 FUCKING EPISODES, when is she coming back?

Time for me to reread LoveFaChi from the start again.

>tfw I have to watch Anko die again
Hold me, anons.

They did an ok job with CoL, so I have confidence they'll do fine

Shes lying in wait for Erika to backstab her while she's away. Sophie is in on her plan, they're going to BTFO erikafags for good

Found the fag who's never read the mangaka's other works.

Truth be told, I think the sparkles were kinda excessive. Yeah, chosen one, yeah, special chosen one powers, but Yuuya's friend is literally bleeding out like a metre away. I can't think of a worse time for interspecies macking (is it interspecies if she's transformed into a gun?).

It is natural, user, his archetype demands it, monster tit Erika against flat chested Jimbo.

gun mariachis are shit

go burrito or go home

It was literally implied last chapter that Harry was looking to forming a diplomatic alliance between Mexico and Zezareth after Zez showered his home village of El Cabron with hundreds of pounds of superior Nippon Rice, raising them all our of hunger, not to mention Jimbo stopping the deportations and her pure gesture of affection towards Harry, the writing's on the wall. Harry's gonna show those Clovershits the SOMBRERO

Sorry, guys, I was distracted by that Mendez bikini scene.

t. erikafag
Swordlets have to go

>monster tits
Have you seen the twins?

Jimbo is such a miracle of the universe.

Yeah sure Harry, it's not gonna be like literally every other time he tries to take on Clover Team and end in failure. Don't you realize that Erika still has the Dondecadon Cannon up her sleeve? Harry has no chance

Good thing Erika will kill her in the season finale

They're op but then the mangaka has to nerf them so we can pretend Jun could defeat one with his shitty fish mariachi

Sure, he has had the wool pulled over his one good eye by Zeza-san.
But if you've read the manga you'll see that Harry Mendez is a man of HONOUR. He stands up for his friends and doesn't back down. The upcoming volumes should resolve the Dildo Cannon, since now he is World's Best Mexican, he has the Luchadors at his service.

Erika is a literal, actual slut. I don't know how you can stand by and let jimbo die