Manly Crossdressers

Forget moe traps, this is to discuss men in skirts.

i want to see lin in some TIGHT leggings

I just want to see him in more outfits in general. Or maybe a beach episode.


Is this from a manga or a doujinshi?

I wish I knew. The site I found it was in Chinese. This is from the manga, apparently.

Lin is disgusting, not because he's a crossdresser (which is bad enough), but mostly because Tonkotsu is the ugliest looking show on earth. The collor pallet (particularly yellows, every time cyber pirate guy and lin are together on screen is like a sense overload to the point where I can almost smell the piss erupting from that screechy yellow) makes me nauseous, and the rest make the characters look incredibly flat, almost like if they molded into the background. The long dumb faces are pretty awful too.

I'd fuck both their boipuccis desu.

The faces seem pretty average but the whole thing gives me sort of an early 00s/late 90s vibe. Banba's hair is a little odd though.

At the same time? Are you man enough to multitask both Banba and Lin as they hold hands?

Is this show any good?

>collor pallet

It's not bad. Got a Durarara feel to it and the plot moves really fast.

It's a bit fujobaity and the character designs are ugly, but if those don't matter to you then give it a go.

For a chance to have both of them blowing my dick at once? Absolutely.

This is the part where I shamelessly admit to phoneposting and getting autocorrected, but I stand by what I said. I actually don't mind the story and the cast is serviceable, but it's so damn ugly to look at.

This show needs some ding dang doujins

It's not very well made but if you're not an autistic sperg you'll enjoy it.

Lin is for sexual

Lin is for sexual harassment of Banba.

god i wish it was me

I liked Moyashimon

Okay, just for you.

>auto correcting anything to 'collor'

This is the part where you admit to being ESL.


That one faggot from anohana

Maybe they've been texting a lot about the former president of Brazil.

I'm glad we have you here, mspaint user.

>Dressing like a woman made others underestimate him and become careless, and also because people would not attack his groin.
Also the show is about a batter chad and catcher femboy.

Is that why he crossdress?

You're a man of culture, user-dono.

It's like cowboy bebob, but on earth.