> lets take mix of shonen cliche, combine it together with Guilty Crown, ironic weebs will eat it up.
>just to make sure it sells, we'll get Trigger to animate a few frames here and there and then label it a Trigger show
> lets take mix of shonen cliche, combine it together with Guilty Crown, ironic weebs will eat it up.
>just to make sure it sells, we'll get Trigger to animate a few frames here and there and then label it a Trigger show
But guilty crown was already a mix of shonen cliche
A more kid friendly* guilty crown.
*Spits coffee
>ironic weebs
you already made this thread
Subtle enough for the dumb mods to not delete it. I like it, OP.
Straight of the Kim Kardashian Instagram.
>guilty crown is the story of an autistic boy who gets superpowers
>this is the story of giant robots which are powered by sex
>guilty crown wasn't kid friendly in comparison
My guilty crown folder no longer exists but if it did I would post images at you. Instead have a valvrave picture, since haruto was also an autist and basically interchangeable with similar protags.
>guilty crown aired 6 years ago
Where did my life go
>just to make sure it sells, we'll get Trigger to animate a few frames here and there and then label it a Trigger show
this, but unironically. It's funny to see fanboys just "WOW TRIGGER!" even though it barely has anything to do with trigger.
Based Milkman will redeem this shit
>powered by sex.
no, they aren't. They even had a "this side for boys" cliche after "the boys looked at us, what pervs" moment
Mysterious girl shows up to get the autist to fight in both. fishy governments. could go on.
>No original as good as guilty crown since then
Kabaneri can surpass it but needs the 2nd cour to round up the victory
why didnt you post you pasta again?
or are you frustrated that nobody agreed with you the first 3-x times
literally who?
I see way more "what the fuck trigger's lost its touch" than "wow trigger"
watchin cool anime robot show jus chillinxdd
lol im such a weeb guys lol :))
Nice meme.
just chiling with my gf on netflix lol watching some dubbed animes
The show is indecisive about whether it wants to be serious or not. Girls dress in skintight suits and shove their asses in their partner's faces every time they pilot without ever caring about it, but suddenly they don't want boys to look at them just for the sake of having some teen drama.
>ironic weebs will eat it up.
TFW it flops
>>No original as good as guilty crown since then
Cross Ange
I mean, Franxx hasn't gone full third reich yet.
>ironic weeb
Dumb fucking redditshitter
h a i r i n s p o
stop outing yourself
Habanero was genuinely good, GC, Valvrave and other abortions were good only for their wackiness.
If you actually think the show was made with a particular subset of Western anime fans in mind you're a fucking moron.
you're a fucking idiot
ironic weebs are equivalent to japan's 14 year olds
Valvrape was better
>will never forget watching best girl get taken like that
>will never forget how Shoko got ntr'd
The ending sucked and I will never forget how much I hate Shoko
Oh yeah shoko betrayed haruto, I forgot about that
>Ironic weebs
So is this the new buzzword for "fanbase I don't like"?
Yes, but a particular one. You know, people who watch dubbed anime on Netflix or Crunchyroll. Boku no Hero fans.
Alright, and how does this apply to FRANXX?
>implying it's not the same type of people
>If we add in a subplot to encourage reproduction we'll get government grant money! What could possibly go wrong?
Same could apply to 90% of the anime being aired every season, what the fuck is your point and what exactly makes FRANXX so special?
my hair inspo
idk go ask someone who likes it
No, I'm asking YOU. Why do you single out this specific show?
I want my hair to be this color. Any tips?
Cursed Image
Popularity. I've seen many people say it's "the only good show this season". If it was another of the 100 trash ones i would single that out.
Those were always called normalfags. Casual niggers who only watch shounen shit.
I heard drinking bleach work.
yea but it's not cool to say "normalfag" anymore because the phrase got too popular
Go ask Kim Kardashi- whoops I almost said it
The phrase got too popular? Are you one of those retard who think normies and normalfags mean the same thing? Because no one use the word normalfags outside of Sup Forums and only actual normalfags use the word normies.
Tried it. It didn't work.
Try harder.
>implying it isn't just because "fag" is offensive to them so they removed that part
>Are you one of those retard who think normies and normalfags mean the same thing?
but it does
>have to make the word socially acceptable to not offend normalfags
Thats why they are normalfags.