Why can't we get female protagonists for game adaptions?

Why can't we get female protagonists for game adaptions?

because japanese otaku need to self insert to something somehow.

Why would you want them

The Ange Vierge anime had a female protagonist.

Happened many times already. Koihime had like 3 seasons and some OVA's.

They sure needed to self insert in GuP or LL.

She got the only good episodes in the entire anime.

She was in the anime?

Two last episodes.

No wonder. There's no way I'm making it that far.

They are standalone. She's traveling with her crew of SSR's and is like 5x stronger than Gran.

only fags like girls

Oh. I'll check it out then, thanks.

I still need to watch the BD-only episode.

>add girl
>add lesbo antics
Why? Every single time. They don't add homoselxualz for the male protagonist. Even with a female protagonist they still want to pander to otakus

>Newfags can't tell the difference between fanart and screenshot.

Fuck you, gran is good and his romance lyria is way better than the gachawhale djeeta.


>not creating your own self insert
>not imagining previous connections to the established cast
>not imagining minor villains to fight
>not imagining sexual tension with your waifu
>not imagining how your self insert would react to any given situation
Japanese otaku are pathetic

Anime adaptations of videogames are all trash, anyway. The Street Fighter movie was the only good one.

I really hate that the anime industry has to cater to Japanese otaku.

Unfortunately the anime industry is located in Japan. Perhaps you should start your own cartoon business to pander to yourself.

The people who'd buy into female protagonists are already playing. They're targeting normies.

But you do get them occasionally. It's just that GrandBlue's male protagonist is better.

S2 when?

This year, I believe.

females are icky

a fetish for being raped