Can Love Live Sunshine be saved?
Can Love Live Sunshine be saved?
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Only if its about st.snow.
Yes if You commits suicide
yes just replace aqours with µ's
>threads can't even stay up anymore
>season 3 never
Nope. Start fresh with a new cast of girls and do something original with the writing for once.
Make an episode purely on scuba diving, that's all it takes. Need to really drive that Aqours name hard, plus give Kanan more screentime for her main charm.
Yes, just need to translate the superior manga
>Love Live Sunshine
Now that's a name I have not heard of in years. I'm feeling all nostalgic now.
Make the movie have a kissing scene.
Remove YoshiRiko.
I love ChikaRiko.
Yes, but first they need to get rid of drama queens (Chiko and Mari), tone down on Yoshitko's retardation, stop treating Maru like Yoshikoyohane's lackey, give You at least something and bring back µ's.
I liked the girls, but the anime was not fun at all. Back in µ's times, it could be seen they were having fun, be it cosplaying as Kiss, imitating each other among other things. Because of that it really hurt when they had to disband.
On the other hand Sunshine was anything but that. It moved from one drama to another. It was like the whole anime was done by the retard who did the last episodes of µ's S1. By the time it ended I honestly couldn't give a fuck.
>tfw last Marifag alive
feels good to be E L I T E
wait what happened? I watched season 1 and it was pretty good. Haven't started season 2 yet, is it really THAT bad?
It's like those last episodes of original S1.
Yes. But is would require something like the Phantom edit.
>cut out most of ep 1
>edit episode 7 into episode 1
>edit it so Kimi no Kokoro wa Kagayaiteru kai? is in episode 1
>ep 2 is mostly fine put My Mai tonight at the end of it
>eps 4 and 5 are fine
>ep 6 remove closing drama since it is now irrelevant
>eps 8-12 are mostly fine
>take this
This isn't even a good job but it is better then the staff who got paid money to make this.
Oh and cut out the rest of episode 13.
Saved from what?
i don't even want a movie, i just a S3 with more You screentime
only way to save it is to have pic related by the sole mc
Make the movie about You and no one else.
i want more baka You in the anime, and i want to see her actually lifting weight, then i could die a happy man
Somebody get this scanned reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I want to see those Maris in full HD
Jesus, that's a lewd Mari.
I love Riko!
*Jesus, that's a weird anatomy Mari.
Wub Wooby
YouRiko best ship.
No. They should just call it quits and make Mai HiME: Rebirth.
Why have these threads been so dead since seiyuufags were kicked?
Dead franchise
Because there is a general on /vg/ where we get all translations and updates. Seiyuufag threads are horrible by the way.
Are we getting another puppet show, I want another puppet show.
I stop watching when I realised Youshiko is a bait. I don't like the show that mock its audience.